Update time for the Medusas Fruit girls! Looks like 9 young ladies from 24-32 days old-1 still holding back sex,odds are she'll go female. The first batch of 7 i got 2 females and 4 males a nd a heshe. 2nd batch of 9 i had 7 females,1 male,and 1 holdout-go figure. Girls are feeding on 1/4 tsp. growbig to 1 liter of ph 6.5 water every 3 days now-all are in 2-3 liter cola bottles cut to 9" tall filled with ffof-3 days in between watering is about as dry as i dare let them go-4 days in between and they wilt. Looking at this 1 st batch of new plants i can see the pineapple mom in some and the cobra dad in a bunch. Soaking a new batch of 20 Medusas Fruit seeds tonite.Plan to put them all in 6" pots and grow them out on the top tier of the growcloset-this one will be about 35-40 days behind the first batch and will be my next cross to make F2 seeds from the very best canidates.So far so good,everything is runnin top notch-the ffof soil is playin nice,no bugs in the cab lol!