Indoor Medusas' Fruit Auto Trial Run!

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Alrighty,update time! My 10 Medusa Fruit beans soaked for almost 24 hours and i had 9 out of 10 pop. Minor setback when i got up this mornin as my propane tank had emptied and the pilot lite in the oven had gone out overnite which left the soak water cold. Quick trip for a fresh tank,relit the pilot lite and they got a good 12 hours of 85f heat and bingo they were poppin like popcorn. All 9 had 1/16" to 1/8" little white tails pokin out so on to step 2. I use 2 oz. jiffy planter cups which i presoak to make them nice and damp. Next comes the jiffy seedstarter mix and then the mix gets dampened with water. I put'em in the jiffy humidity dome on top of a heated seed mat to warm up the cups and seedmix. Final step was to poke a 1/4" hole in the seedmix and drop the seeds in tail down and cover'em up and pop'em under the dome to do their thing. With any luck i'll have some baby Medusas' showin their pretty heads in 24-48 hours! Next update will be baby pics!


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Nice, simple method. I like it. I will be awaiting some baby medusas to start showing their heads. Make sure you have a mirror and don't look directly at them, man.
58 hours after crackin seed and goin under dirt my new Medusas' Fruit Auto is born!!:dance:Not my fastest sprout time but good things come to those who wait. 15 more awaiting liftoff,yes,i germed 10 more to go along with the original 10 and 7 cracked lol. Lots of suspicious lumps just under the seedmix so i'm thinking there's gonna be alot more additions to the new family. Hap-Hap-Happy i be to see my first successful pollination and hatch of a new cross!:wiz:
Mini update on the Medusas' Fruit autos tonite. 9 out of 17 have sprouted with still more suspicious lumps just under the dirt so i should have a good hatch overall. Taken a little longer then normal to get'em above dirt but as long as they come up all is good. Started preppin my soil which is boring but important. Just got 5 new bags of ffof the other day to stockpile-16.99 bag. I usually let the new sprouts stay in their 2oz planter cups till their 3 days old or so and then they move into 160z party cups till they sex. My mix for the party cups is jiffy seedstarter mix/ffof 50/50 mix. Mixed a batch tonite and gave it a ph test and it was right around 6.1-6.2 . Wanted it a touch higher so i added 1 tablespoon powdered dolomite lime to the 2 1/2 gallons of mix and mixed the hell out of it. Also tested 1 of the new bags of straight ffof to see what it came in at and holy hell it was 6.1-hot damn the last older bag i had was 5.5 or so and had to add a bunch of lime to get it up. Seein as this grow will be in 2 liter pop bottles i'm gonna measure out the dirt for 17 pots and add just enuf dolomite to get it up to 6.3-6.5 to be safe. Pretty boring stuff but maybe will help a new guy out who happens to read the Medusa thread. No baby pics tonite,waitin for all the gang to appear before i take a group shot!
Update time for my Medusa Fruit grow. Started off good but things took a turn for the worse.Out of my original 20 beans 17 cracked and went under dirt and i had 9 sprout-2 of which died. Apparently it was a little to damp in the propagator and the remainder never quite made it out of the dirt-found mold on them after a little diggin. I've got 7 sprouts 3-7 days old currently and they appear happy and healthy. Decided to go for broke and germed 40 more beans of which 34 cracked and showed tails and into the jiffy mix they went tonite. Made sure the seedstarter was moist and not soaked this time around-don't know what i was thinkin on the first run but the mix was waaaay to wet. I'm thinkin murphys law will kick in this time and i'll end up with 34 sprouts to go with my 1st 7 lol.
Wow 7+34? your going to have a straight jungle bro :smokeit:
There will be a bunch headed outdoors if they all come up and 1/2 are females!
A little update on the Medusa Fruit seedlings. My original 7 sprouts are from 6-11 days old now,2 of which have taken off and have 2 sets of leaves now while the other 5 are pretty small still. The fresh bunch of seeds i soaked and cracked the other night have begun sprouting and i have 11 above dirt so far.I jumped the gun last nite and took 3 out of the propagator as they were 1" tall and had begun to open and show their first little leaves and stuck them under cfls about 8" away. Within 1/2 hour they were wiltin over as apparently that was to close to the light for them. Stuck them on the counter for the night and by morning they were back up to normal again. I'm not quite sure what to make out of the new seeds from my cross. They appear to be alot more touchy then any seeds i have germed and planted of other strains. Usually i do well with germing and sprouting process but these appear to be giving me fits. I'm beginning to wonder if i should have let them chill for a month or 2 in the fridge before trying them out as they were only 2 weeks fresh from the plant when i germed them. don't know if that would affect them but swear i read somewhere to let them have a cold period before planting them. Anyhow i'll baby them until i get them strong enuf for the T5's and then see how they do. No pic updates tonite until i get these little guys up and runnin and then hopefully things will smooth out.
Ive never put mine in a cold spell but worth thinking about i suppose.
Just thought i read that somewhere before,could be wrong,my memory as of late sucks. Seem to have had more problem with this batch of seed then others i've done. I know they are hard as a rock,this last batch i germed i filed the edge of them a little to help them crack easier and it seems to have worked as 34 outa 40 cracked and showed tails and 11 have come above dirt so far. Thats ok i like a good challenge and looks like i got one lol.