Checked the girls tonight and found my last holdout showed the goods tonight and its a girl! That makes 8 females outta 9 sprouts on this last batch of 10 seeds! I've soaked and germed alot of seeds on this trial run and alot of the early seed batches had troubles due to temps,dampoff,and exposure to lighting to soon. I'd like to update this to the last 2 seed batches of 10 seeds each group A and B. My group A batch was a 10 seed soak of which 7 sprouted and ended with 2 females,4 males,and a hermie-pretty lousy. Group A experienced high temps in the cab with averages hitting the 90f's regularly-i'm not used to runnin the cab in the summer months and heat was a major issue until i fixed it by plumbing cold air from the ac unti into my passive intake on the cab. Fix was simple-i used a vacuum cleaner hose and the vacuum cleaner duck bill attachment to get the air in. Attached the duckbill to part of the ac blower grate so only some of the cool air went into my closet intake. Doing a little reading from jorge cervantes mj horticulture book i found a few ways he suggested to increase the female ratio. Low temps,high humidity,damp soil,and fewer hours of light increase the female ratio. Decided to give it a shot.My cab temps dropped to the low 70f's with help from the ac unit and my humidity shot up from 50% to 75%. I reset my light timer to 15 hours of light. I soaked 10 more seeds-Group B and 9 ended up sprouting from the jiffy pucks where they went to partycups with 50/50 mix of jiffy seedmix and ffof soil. As of today Group B produced 8 females and 1 male! Lucky or did these methods really work? I have 27 more seeds under dirt and will try this on the new batch of sprouts to see if it'll happen again. I do need a few males from this batch to start an f2 cross but we'll see what shakes out. Anyone else tried anything like that,results?