New Grower Medi's Medical grow

.: Day 70 :.

So day 70 on a 70 day strain and not quite there to say the least, I'd say I'm at about 10-15% on the hairs and the trichomes are clear. They're putting on weight every day though so I can't complain. I started looking over all the individual branches to try to estimate where they might land on yield once dry, and I'm thinking Thing 1 may actually break an ounce based on what I'm seeing right now. Thing 2 broke it several days ago, so unless I'm shit at guessing weight by sight I'll be breaking my 50 gram goal which I'm pretty stoked about. I was able to get my lights up a bit more so they're now at about 58cm/23in from the highest top. I'm officially done pulling leaves until harvest, I finished up yesterday at the 14 day mark so they'd have plenty of time to recover and cruise along. There is still plenty, but the important center of the plants are opened up so those middle and lower buds can put on some weight before harvest, they're already all frosted up, I can practically hear them asking to be put in, so we'll see how they do. Anyway, I don't have anything else to add, going to throw up a couple of shots. Hope you all had a good weekend!

Group Shot


Trichome Shot

the girls are looking great man, good stuff!!!
Thanks Jynx! The home stretch now!
Give a Penny,Take a penny :Sharing One:

Right now, I'm still learning, so I been taking lots of pennies, giving back a lot less. BUT, once my knowledge is up, I'll be giving them back, by the sack full, as often as I can
It's all good TGB you'll have plenty to contribute soon enough.
It might be the angle, here they are turned about a quarter turn, I'll probably be turning them a bit each day so eventually you'll see they're not as heavy as they appear from the "front"

It's difficult to tell from the pics but are they still putting on weight/density? Mine probably could've gone longer but nothing seemed to be happening in the last week.
The lower growth is definitely growing and maturing. The upper buds are putting on a small amount of weight and also maturing. Thing 2 is a few days behind Thing 1 on maturity.