New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Thanks for posting that Peteey!! I just used Google to convert the recipe I posted this would have sped it up, hopefully it comes in handy for others who stop in!
Sorry about that Peteey, I cleaned it up, there is not enough space for lazy people like me.
So there are 4 quarts as well as 3 liters to a gallon. There is around 120ml to a half cup(that should help you calculate down and up from there). As for availability, everything I got for my mix I got from Amazon, are the UK offerings on Amazon significantly different? I'm sorry my country uses such a shitty measuring system, once I learned there were UK members I immediately switched to using either both IMP/MET or just metric. I've been a big proponent of switching, our White House petition got shot down :\ I'd like to buy the world a 591ml Coke :-D

EDIT:> A basic version of the recipe.

30 liters potting soil
3-6 lbs worm castings
283 grams steamed bone meal
283 grams bat guano
283 grams blood meal
170 grams rock phosphate
22.5 ml epsom salt
15 ml dolomite lime
15 ml Azomite
15 ml humic acid

Lol. A gallon is 4.5 litres over here - so is it still 4 quarts :\ ? It's funny, when it comes to distance I'm all miles, yards, feet & inches.
There is stuff on Amazon, but not the brands you guys across the pond talk about. I don't want to waste money on something that's rubbish. I live in the arse end of nowhere which doesn't help for local availability.
A US Gallon should be 3.7ish liters I just rounded down, in the end the few ounces isn't going to cause a problem when you're dealing with dirt. The amendments are another issue entirely, those obviously should be as accurate as possible. I'm not 100% positive, but I would think Plagron products would be fine, and they have worm castings, guano, etc.
Cheers Peteey.

Plagron is available over here, will have a butchers at it later. I should be more patient really, everytime I look at it, I get confused, frustrated then give up! Sorry for cluttering up your thread, help is really appreciated though :)
It's not clutter man, people come here to help me, others come here to learn from what people leave, it's all good stuff, take and leave what you can :-D