New Grower Medi's Medical grow

ohhh,ok sweet.I prolly just skimmed over it er something.hell to be honest Im so stoned and my MS,I may have forgotten by the time I got to the end of the post....:roflcry: seriously, I wouldnt be that but I knew you were planning on mixing it soon.thats killer you have it rolling already.ya do the full strength subcools recipe?smells awesome man.I here ya dude I did that a long time ago when I got out of the Military.But I was too sick to really see where I needed to took me full out shutting down almost to realize it.n now Ive flipped the script 180 degrees ,and hurt n feel like ass,but I truly feel far better about me,my illness and it helps me bide my time n think on other things.Builds you a different life and perspective within ones self to earn a more self aware and satisfactory style/type of life.That what I get out of it.Cant wait for that to shine through in your grow dude,that'll be pretty sweet."AFN smoke out"
It takes getting older before you really understand the meaning of the phrase "youth is wasted on the young" doesn't it? Thanks a lot for the encouragement and guidance man I really just needed a spark to get me headed toward organic, and I'm sure I'll be glad I started down this path for a long time to come.
.: Day 64

More growth today, they're really starting to fill in. I'm especially impressed by how Thing 1 is fattening up all of her buds, my ability to capture that in a photo is proving difficult, my pictures of Thing 2 are consistently better because of the angle I guess. The problem I've been seeing is neither progressing nor exactly resolving. They both look healthier on the whole, and I've generally cleaned up after it by cutting away the worst of it to help me to keep a closer eye on it. Other than that it's just another day. I gave them some CAMG and a small dose of biobizz bloom and Topmax to help compensate for the massive flushing they got over the weekend. From here I'll go back to the normal schedule of Primary Macro, Secondary Macro, Ph'd Water/Micro. So that would be Dr. Earth/Biobizz, CAMG/Molasses, Water/Azomite. My Inline/Carbon fan will be on Wednesday as will my harvest net. I should be set for the next several grows other than some soil/amendments that I might run out of at some point. Anyway that's what I've got for today. I might start cutting back on posts again and going every other or third day. It starts to feel like I have to when I do every day, and I don't want to obsess :-) Have a good one folks.


Thing 1


Thing 2

Niiice! Looks like you got yourself a mini emerald forest going on, Medi! Me likey!