Ahhh cool,ok. I ask cuz usually right after you water it n mix everything,most times you'll get soild activity within a 24-48 hour period.then as ya do ya mix it in n a fair amount of the time it shows up again but takes a lil longer,I just did mine again.stirred the fuzzy funness into the soil.I can wait till ya get yer grow on after this one with organics.are you gonna turn right around n get a couple more going right after to maintain n build yer meds?or ya gonna take a few weeks off?"AFN smoke out"takin a break from cleaning my tent n redoing the gear n checking everything.atleast I should be able to splash a few in the next day er so.Thats awesome,Im stoked even more cuz ill have someone to grow with,within TLO n teas. that'll be cool."AFN smoke out"