New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Just a quick update to say my soil for the next grow started fuzzing up today!!!! As for the girls, they're doing great, pic below. Peace

Yup lookin' Super Nice...can't wait to see them in natural light because you're about to start trimming :)
LOL! Eye C U went wit the Eye, Eye C!! lol"AFN smoke out" sheeiiit,I wish MY first grow looked as nice as that.I had great luck but imo it didnt look as good as that,thats fer sure.:smoke:
LOL! Eye C U went wit the Eye, Eye C!! lol"AFN smoke out" sheeiiit,I wish MY first grow looked as nice as that.I had great luck but imo it didnt look as good as that,thats fer sure.:smoke:

:bump: Had to give you some dap for the quick return, bro! I can dig it, man. If my first grow finishes anywhere near as nice, color my thumb green, cuz I'll be a bad mamma jamma! :gthumb:
So ya got sum fuzz on top eh? cool! how long did that take till you noticed it?

Surprisingly it had only been a few days since I last gave it a stir and it's already start to get that white fuzz across the whole surface. I folded it all in though figuring I'd spread the spores into more of the soil and help it along.

Thanks for all the encouragement guys, I agree that they look pretty sexy, but then I'm impartial :-D
Ahhh cool,ok. I ask cuz usually right after you water it n mix everything,most times you'll get soild activity within a 24-48 hour period.then as ya do ya mix it in n a fair amount of the time it shows up again but takes a lil longer,I just did mine again.stirred the fuzzy funness into the soil.I can wait till ya get yer grow on after this one with organics.are you gonna turn right around n get a couple more going right after to maintain n build yer meds?or ya gonna take a few weeks off?"AFN smoke out"takin a break from cleaning my tent n redoing the gear n checking everything.atleast I should be able to splash a few in the next day er so.Thats awesome,Im stoked even more cuz ill have someone to grow with,within TLO n teas. that'll be cool."AFN smoke out"
I'm planning to cut the bulk of my NL down and leave the lower small stuff for a week to see if it does anything. My soil will be ready at the end of this month so I'll probably start germinating around the 25th. Probably going to end up doing both Blue Automazars this time, and then probably do the AKR alone in the following grow to see how close I can get in yield to a two plant grow. By then I'll have enough meds to last me the year so when the AKR finishes I'm planning to take any remaining meds and making some bubble or QWISO with it.