New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Dr. Earth what ?Soil?most their mixes have yucca in them and that acts as a mild surfactant.there are a couple things that lend to that.glad yer weekend was backs buggin ,but Im flatout baked n toasted yeah,pretty solid"AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out"
It looks like late stage potassium def. to the third pic, the fade is at the tips not the base of the fingers of the leaves....

I mean, this is just me looking at the chart:

Not really any first-hand experience...

I like that chart. Looks like a useful reference guide that I may one day need. You mind shooting me the link for that?
with almost all the same additives from what i see,it still had some components that lend to a natural surfactant.I ordered some 99% alcohol n Im gonna make me some hash man.and I got some new smoking stuffs too.bowl pieces n papers n things.doing the uber simple n fool proof so this week I get ta get flatout SMASHED by hashish(homage to an old pal here) n stay stupid all week and get my work"AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out"
That sounds really nice!! So you're going to make QWISO? I'm very curious to see how that comes out, other than bubble it's the only kind I'd be willing to make. I gotta say man I feel a lot better using stuff like Dr. Earths than I do some mysterious liquid like Biobizz, I'm not trying to talk smack, but it feels better when you can actually see what's in it both on the package and by looking at the material itself.
yeah gonna do qwwizzo man.just simple n effective n pretty clean too.I hope it dont do the oil thing,but we'll see.Ive never done it.Im looking forward to it,fresh stuff out of a brand new bowl with hemp wick...sheeiit man,thats gonna be heaven.Nah man I totally get it,I aint talking smack eith dude,and I know exactly what your saying.once you mix your soil n let it start the cook,its gonna smell sooo sweet.its bad can literally smell the pure awesome in the soil.wait till ya grow in

with organics imo its always been easy to market to people who dont know or dont care and just wanna feel they have organics,but there are few ways to really get the rounded effect of true living organics ,combined with a simple Tea.and the ease of growing is beautiful.a few of these recipes are really solid water only methods.but with teas it takes it to another level imo.I have always been of the mindset that its sort of a fad most day to people,but its a style,belief,and quality type of growing that lends true oldschool vibes and grows to smoothest smoke around.Even soup style can be problematic with finished product depending on your feeding style,but organics needs to be seen,touched n mixed n brewed aint in a bottle.and once you grow true tlo, you'll laugh at the chems you'll be able to taste if you grow nutes again for kicks or try a buddies bud who grows didnt believe it till I tried it..blew me away.ill never go back unless I become wheelchair bound er something.but ill still keep it with teas..LOL!"AFN smoke out"this is how I feel and how I believe truly pure medical cannabis should be grow without question.just my own belief is
You got what you needed from the scrogg actually helped, now, that it was more compliant, to remove it I imagine....

You got the separation and even height of the secondaries, and that's not going to change now :)
Dude, you must have missed the post I already got it cooking!! It smells like an ancient forest mixed with a sweet decay smell. I love it, it's actually stronger smelling in my closet than the plants are. I know exactly what you mean. I spent a lot of time at the end of last year trying to think about what I would spend 2014 doing different. I came to the conclusion that one simple change, to live a more deliberate and examined life was at the heart of what I needed in my life. And growing organically is a part of that I think, a part of the journey of establishing an organic place in the world, and getting back to the idea of reducing life down to a more simple and honest place. Like I said man I've been delirious this weekend :D
You got what you needed from the scrogg actually helped, now, that it was more compliant, to remove it I imagine....

You got the separation and even height of the secondaries, and that's not going to change now :)

I agree completely, that's what ultimately lead me to decide to pull it down, it did it's job, the break in Thing 2 has healed completely, and the plants are holding the weight just fine. It'll make working with them so much easier. That is my one problem with scrogging is how hard it becomes to work around the grow space after. I have this idea of using wedges to sort of push out lower branches and create that separation. Not sure what I would make them out of yet, but it seems in my head like a good idea.