Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave

Day 19 MedCzech’s ManCave

Phase 2 of the staggered grow and training also being completed now in the space. The real fun starts now!


Had to take out Liv 2, and the CDLC also failed. Putting down a Mephisto’s Wedding in her place. Should be a very colorful room come harvest :eyebrows:


I really want to control the canopy on this grow so I don’t deal with light issues again. Training them now with a little LST. Not going to top them this time round. Less stress, less chance for issues and usually a better yield when talking about Autoflowers.

Goldie 2 here getting her first tie down. :pighug:

Her sister Sunny, the Mango Smile also trained up.


Aurora 2, interesting to see how she does compared to her sister, who didn’t get tied down last run.

Violet 2 needs to use the trellis, just too tall to tie down to bay.


The youngsters doing their thing. Celest 2 a Lemon auto and Lila 3 a Double Grape x Sour Stomper mix.

All the girls got a feeding from the bottom only today with water at 6.4 ph. Lights look to finally be dialed in around 350-380 at the plant level for the center section, and around 250 at the top of pot level for the outer sections with the seedlings and ones that haven’t sprouted yet. Still a little wait in a couple and then we will be full go with 16 little ladies in a staggered grow. With almost three weeks between start ups.

Let’s go. Going to get colorful in here!!:woohoo1:

Thanks for stopping by…:thanks:
Day 20 MedCzech’s ManCave

The room recovers well, some leaf tucking, the little ones look good and more going in this morning.


They have all turned back to the light nicely now. I will do a little leaf tucking and pulling down another inch to continue LST.


Aurora 2, the Northern Lights looking happy. Not stressed by training.


Sunny, the Mango Smile Sativa strong hybrid in position now to boom! :greenthumb:

Goldie 2, the Mango Smile x 3BOG also looking good after her leaf tucking and pull down.


Violet 2, GDP x Gumberry is a late bloomer always. Her secondary will explode in the next week.

After her leaf tuck. This plant has the craziest growth patterns. Looks like a little weakling, then boom, she takes off. I still haven’t grown one until the finish though. Weird things going on here, but with one last seed, I just had to try…


Lila 3 and Celest 2 are up and looking lively. At around 250 ppfd. Light watering this morning around the base.
All of my plants are in my base soil:
Organic potting soil
Worm castings
Dr. Earth All purpose and Flower Girl dry amendments

That’s all that’s in there. I will top dress probably three or four more times before the finish. I have a plan. It was documented earlier in the grow if you look back.

Thanks for stopping by :thanks:
Last edited:
Day 21 MedCzech’s ManCave

A day of rest for the trained up girls, and some new additions.
Dropped two more Strawba the Hutt’s to make up for the CDLC’s that didn’t pop.


Room looking happy and full now.

They look happy.

More shots to come!
More up and close…


Added a lower support on Goldie 2.

Those lower bud:cooldance:


Sunny looking very healthy indeed. Her lowers are ahead of her sister, but Aurora 2 is the best in that department.


She is going to be awesome! Northern Lights is a powerful strain of over 20% thc and an overall classic strain. Hopefully she’ll be frosty :snow2:
Thanks for stopping by…:thanks:
Day 22 MedCzech’s ManCave

Maintaining canopy control. Training for the remaining plants…


Get you some closer shot to the center lady group.

Did a top watering today in the morning of plain water at 6.4 ph.
Now some closeups.

Double Grape x Sour Stomper getting set her training. This style will allow me to much better control consort in the future. If I need to further tie down the main cola, I can. If the plant is shorter, I can just let them grow out after this first training. The lower bud sites almost never have to be sacrificed, which means higher yields overall. Definitely something I would recommend if you have issues with canopy control yourself.

Auto Lemon in her smaller pot looking very good though.

Double Grape getting her bend on :eyebrows:


Strawberry Cheesecake has some very nice secondary growth already.

Violet 2 responding nicely to her training.

Mango Smile really looking great and secondary growth coming up exactly how you would like with this style.

MS x 3BOG really growing fast…:woohoo:


The little ones seem to be all healthy and ready to make the next step. They are all hanging around 280ppfd to top of bag and the bigger girls are closer to 400ppfd.

Thanks for stopping by:thanks:
Day 22 ManCave conditions

-Temps between 25 & 27 C
-RH between 61.5- 64.5%
-VPD in range I will maintain until week 3 of flower, then I will reduce to 50%.
-Lights over mid section set at 50% giving 400ppfd to top of bags. Over outer sections ppfd set at around 280ppfd at top of bags.
-Watering every other day alternating top and bottom for older ladies. Watering at 6.4 ph now until flowering, then I will switch to 6.6.
Next week, week 4 is the first feeding for the older girls. They will all get;

1/4 cup Diatomaceous Earth
1/4 cup worm castings
1/4 cup Dr. Earth 4-6-3
2 Tbsbs Dr. Earth Flower Boost
1/2 liter water at 6.4 ph

I am documenting this in here so I can have a record myself.

Take care y’all :d5:
Day 23 MedCzech’s ManCave

A few things to get done this morning.
  • Bottom water older girls with plain water at 6.4 ph
  • Continue training on older girls
  • Water seedlings with plain water at 6.4 ph
  • Prepare top dressing for Mango Smile which already showed a slight either Nitrogen or Cal-Mag deficiency. The top dressing will cover both.


Here are the ingredients of soil amendments I will use in this grow.
The Mango Smile looked like she might want a little something. The plan is usually around day 28, so feeding her on day 24 isn’t bad. I will put the top dressing on her today, but I don’t have top watering scheduled until tomorrow.

Here she is after adding top dressing to soil. I cover and stir into soil lightly. I will water in the morning tomorrow.


Continued training for them to open up bud sites and keep canopy under control. They will really start going fast over the next two weeks in that first stretch.


You can really see how the training is helping the lower to get up to main cola level. Once that happens, a chemical in the plant will start to go to those lower sites and treat them like mains. You can add like 20% or so with this style if you have the patience to do it.

Thanks for stopping by :thanks:

Hope you all have an awesome day. This room is getting interesting:joy:
Day 24 MedCzech’s ManCave

Dialing it all in. Raised the RH to 65-66% to help along the babies and I raised temps a touch to get VPD at around .95-1.05.
Training continued on the older ladies with a little tie down and leaf tucking. Lights set at 300-325 on outside, and 400-425 in the inside older ladies. Within a couple weeks, all lights will be set the same at around 50% power each until final weeks of flower, then we blast them with around 750-900 ppfd depending on the strain. That’s why I have multiple lights, so I can create zones for plants that want more or less light and bay need more sauce to grow vertically. I could still raise lights another foot or so if I had to.

Here they are…


Keeping the canopy as low as I can right now, anticipating the stretch ahead.


The training is flattening then out and exposing all those lower sites that often get chopped with other methods. :joy:

Great structure in her now after just a week of training, not even…


How she looks underneath. Almost all budsites have turned up. Once they reach same level as main stem, the plant will go nuts. That’s next week sometime :woohoo:

More to come!