Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave

Day 8 MedCzech’s ManCave

Another watering at 6.4 ph about a 1/3 cup this time.

Everyone looking good. Looks like the Samsquach OG isn’t to be. Both seeds I had didn’t pop. Kind of sucks when we pay so much for these seeds to get duds like that. Every run I have one or two that either don’t pop or are mutated too much to grow them out…


Again, pretty uniform growth other than the Lemon Auto. Happy with how it looks.


A few gnats already:cuss:even with a perfect room. They were most likely in the soil. Once the plants get transplanted, I will water with water ph’d and soaked in mosquito bits. That, plus using the yellow strips is the best route to go. I have diatomaceous earth also, which can be spread on top of medium, but doesn’t work that well from my experience. The mosquito bits work well.
Thanks again for stopping in :thanks:
Day 9 MedCzech’s ManCave

Getting ready for transplant in two days. All looking pretty solid. Turned light down a little. Set at 280 ppfd at leaf level now.




Probably not going to need more water until Saturday as well.
Decided to buy new taller 5 gallon pots that will fit in the new rolling bases I have.
Going to be a cool easy way to move plants around while training and watering.



Can’t wait to see how this goes. These plants will have plenty of space to get big if I can keep the environment on point.

Thanks for stopping in.
I went back and saw that I wrote that the lights were set at 150 ppfd to the soil, but that was supposed to say 250. I am definitely being aggressive this run as I know the environment is so ideal. Normally I used to start at approximately 200 at the soil.

I am at 280 to leaf right now. All looks good:toke:
Ok, so here’s my soil mix. It’s very simple…:welcome:

The base is Miracle Grow Organic Potting soil.


Next I add in worm castings at 4 cups per bag of soil I mix, which does two pots.


Then I add a 1/3 cup of Mychorrizea to help aide in root development and nutrient uptake.


Next is adding in the fertilizers. Both from Dr. Earth. The Bud Bloom booster and the premium gold all purpose.
Both added at equal amounts of 1/4 cup each per bag of soil.


The all purpose at 4-4-4 and bloom booster at 3-9-4 cover all the needs an auto could ever want and the worm castings help both increase growth with its nitrogen rich content, but also the microbial life in the soil.:greencheck:

This will be all the plants get until they reach flower in around week 4, then I top dress with all 3 of the worm castings and fertilizers @ 2 Tbsp each of fertilizers and 1/4 cup of worm castings.

They will get another feeding in around week 5-6 of flower depending on how they look, and then they will only get water from there.

Just letting you know how it’s done here in the ManCave. :thumbsup:
Another thing I am trying, now that I am back to checking ph in my water…

I read about how if you transition your medium from slightly acidic, around 6.2-6.4 in early stages to more basic around 6.7-6.8 at the finish, you optimize the plants ability to uptake the nutrients it needs at each stage. So I am trying this.
I am watering at 6.4 right now. Once they are transplanted, I will switch to 6.5 until flower, then I will switch to 6.6, then at the last feeding I will switch to 6.7 water all the way in. Going to see how this does and if the science is backed up with results.
I am really trying to optimize as much as I can without spending huge amounts of money. My whole grow set up wasn’t as expensive as you’d think. My fiancé works at Home Depot and I get huge discounts on supplies. Built the grow room , wood and Mylar core for less than $200. The lights were the biggest expense around $900, with all the supporting tech; humidifier, both inkbird systems, intake and exhaust fans, electric wiring, door and frame, surge protectors, chords, heater, and temperature and RH monitors all in for around $600. Took me like 6 hours to build it all.
It’s really the ideal setup for what I am trying to do. I think with some good genetics, I can grow some monster plants in here. It’s a full 4 x 8 closer to 5 x 8’. Plenty of space and it’s brighter than hell with just one light on. I can’t imagine how it will be with all of them blasting :headbang:

Hope all is well for you all out there. This is the ManCave, and I am all in for around $1700. Well worth every penny IMO.
Day 11 MedCzech’s ManCave

The Transplantation is complete :greencheck:
It took some patience and help from my fiancé, but we managed to transplant with no stress to the little ladies. Lights reset at 280ppfd at leaf again.
Here we go :welcome:


Plenty of room in here to let them flourish :cooldance:


The smaller Lemon Auto, named Celeste is in the middle.
Aurora 2 is the Northern Lights, Sugar 2 is the Strawberry Cheesecake, Liv 2 is the Livers Bx1, Violet 2 is the GDP x Gumberry, Fuchsia 2 is the Double Grape, Lila 2 is the Double Grape x Sour Stomper, Goldie 2 is the Mango Smile x 3BOG, and Sunny is the Mango Smile.

All the plants get names each run, but once we like a strain, we keep the name and just add numbers, in case you were wondering:smoking:
Needed to move Celeste to the back. Just a touch too much light in the center spot.

All set perfectly right at 280ppfd at leaf.

Temps range from 27.5 at light level to 24.5 at soil level. Soil was a little on the cool side temp wise, but it will warm up through the evening.

Not too much drama during the transplant, but having help really makes it easier.

Thanks again for stopping in, hope you learn or are at least entertained:worship:

Ok, so much space in this new grow area. I dropped three more seeds. A CDLC, Sour Stomper x Double Grape, and Lemon Auto.

I will put them in 3 gallon pots I have. This will give me 12 plants in total, and still plenty of space to let them grow as big as they want. As you know, most if my stuff is Mephisto and they usually max out around 150 grams in 5 gallons unless you did everything right and got lucky with the genetics. I would be happy with 100 grams per plant on average, but understand that it could be even less. It’s more up to genetics, and my last run I got some funky results. Hope I get some better luck this time around. I think the space itself is not going to be any issue. I have tried to get everything prepared just right.

Wish me luck. Should be much better than the last grow.:smokeit:
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