Ok, so if anyone is wondering what happened in this grow,...we had a slight malfunction:crying:
The ppms meter I bought was not functioning properly. I thought the fact that the numbers were jumping around a lot was just the fact that I was moving my hand too much, and didn't realize it was an indicator that the meter wasn't working properly.

That translates to me burning the crap out of five of the original seven ladies. Only one green crack and the massive midget survived. The other five may have been viable to save, but they were completely stunted and looked liked they would not give me more than some minimal yield. I hit the reset on the grow to some extent. I Germaine's another GSC from Fastbuds and a Fruit Punch from Heavyweight seeds. They have already popped their heads up, but I am waiting to fill the last three pots with the Illuminautos I ordered, but they are not here yet.

Sorry for delay. Pictures coming soon! I have a day off today and can get some stuff done. See you all, never give up, even the best growers make mistakes and the newest growers can grow monsters of perfection. As in life with growing there are ups and downs.

Rock on:headbang::headbang::headbang: see you all soon!
I had the same experience years ago with a cheap meter. I have top of the line now and service it regularly and plan to replace every two years or sooner. I have a cheap back-up in case I suspect a problem. I try to tell new growers not to get cheap meters but they seem to need to learn some lessons on their own.
I had the same experience years ago with a cheap meter. I have top of the line now and service it regularly and plan to replace every two years or sooner. I have a cheap back-up in case I suspect a problem. I try to tell new growers not to get cheap meters but they seem to need to learn some lessons on their own.

It's inevitable when funds are low to begin with lol. Otherwise I'd have a blue lab res monitor or grow boss by now :)
I had the same experience years ago with a cheap meter. I have top of the line now and service it regularly and plan to replace every two years or sooner. I have a cheap back-up in case I suspect a problem. I try to tell new growers not to get cheap meters but they seem to need to learn some lessons on their own.

Yep, lesson learned for like the twelfth time yes!:wall: Anywho...all better now. I dropped the last two GSC seeds and the last fruit punch to fill the tent. Looks like Mephisto will have to wait until spring:crying:
Ok, yes, f6, I actually do use EC as well. Anyway I have some news on the grow.

I found out that not only was my new light meter bad, but the "top of the line" coco and perlite that doesn't need flushing, had like 9.0 ph and when first flushed had 1.2 EC coming out,...totally full of salts and who knows what else. After killing the first five, I almost killed another five before I finally figured out what was going on.

Poor little girls were getting fried on both fronts :nono:

Here are some photos of where we are now. After a triple flush with 4.6ph water and then charge of the coco with a light feeding, and they look better after even 24 hours.


Ok, so the two bigger girls on the left are the two that survived somehow the first round in the toxic coco-perlite mix. I have only flushed the girl in the front left, the Massive Midget from a heavyweight seeds. I am leaf tucking at the moment, so they look odd of course. Not great of course for week three, but considering, they are doing well now.

The back left is the Green Crack. She was fimmed a few days ago, and the under growth is catching up nicely.

On the right side are two fruit punches and two GIrl Scout Cookies, and up front is the Orange Biscuits.

Still not out of the woods yet for sure, I have never had any experience exposing seedlings to that extreme ph and EC so high in the medium. Have any of you guys had this and seen them recover. Considering, I think they look ok, but I have no idea what they will do now.


Fruit Punch, was totally twisted and turning yellow two days ago.


Girl Scout Cookie that got her tap root busted in the second flush and has signs of stress and Mag def, but who the hell knows what these little ladies are feeling??


Girl Scout Cookie, best looking from them all, but was also so tiny. These girls are nearly seven days out of the ground. Hopefully they will recover.:shrug:


Fruit Punch that was looking completely fried and yellow is lloking ok, but growth is stunted of course. Poor little thing :pighug:

Well do our best to get them back. I can't dump plants, just can't do it. I think they could be ok.


Here is the Orange Biscuit that just popped up yesterday. She was also looking sad, but after the triple flush is greening up nicely. If anyone sees anything, let me know. This has been a challengingly grow for me. Usually I am the one helping other growers, and this time I was scrambling myself:dammit:

Hopefully we can get all things right and back on track. The perfect grow will have to wait, as fate has stepped in and had me learn another difficult lesson.


This is the Massive Midget. You can see where she got burnt by the hotspot in the tent. She was flushed yesterday with low ph water as well and should do well now. She has just started to show a little pistil in her main flower, but will not officially be in preflower until next week I would guess.

Leaf tucking her now.


This is the Green Crack. I fimmed her three days ago or so:paleo: the caveman I am. I just needed to slow her down and keep her under control I was warned she can't get big. I am also leaf tucking and letting those lower sites catch up. She will be nice, but I haven't flushed her yet and I a man worried I might fry her a little if I don't really do it properly.

Ok, there we are guys. Sorry for the delay. We also had a death in the family, and all this together has had me a touch off my game lately.:footy:
Day- staggered now two big girls, the Green Crack and the Massive Midget are both on day 29(after recovering from the coco loco ph debacle), the rest of the little girls popped up only 9 days ago, and that little girl in the front right of the tent is the Mephisto Orange Biscuit that I just couldn't resist to plant, and she popped up three days ago.

All plants have been flushed again two more times
, for a total of four times each and that fricking coco still makes my run off almost 7.0. I am even trying to buffer it back by using the formula and ph water to offset.

I need to let them rest two or three days at least before I attempt this again to get them ok for some kind of a grow. This medium is really screwing with my head, but I am just treating the plants best I can for now and taking each step carefully.

Here are where they are today.


As you can see, I have been doing a little training on the girls on the left. Still don't have any idea if the little one strain will actually grow properly or not. They were cooked so much internally, I just don't have any idea.. cannabis is a tough little girl.:ill:


Closeup on the Massive Midget up front and the Green Crack in the back. The MM had the lights raised right afternoon this photo and switched back to veg spectrum only. I put her on full spectrum, but had to raise light all the way to the ceiling. That was over 130 cm to top of plant with a true150w blurple(600w), and she was still tacoing on me. My chart says that would be like only 200umol, which seems very low, but she is growing fine.


This poor little fruit Punch is the worst of them all. You can see the brown spots, and yellowing, stunted growth, she has it all, but still alive.


Next tot he fruit Punch is this little GSC. She looks ok, but hard to tell what will happen.


The second girls Scout Cookie, a touch twisted in the leaves, but let's hope she'll recover as well. She was flushed with ph 4.3 water and the last flush I added a little root stimulator and Cal Mag plus.


This is the other fruit Punch. Not much growth in last three days, but at least it looks relatively green:ill:


Last, but not least, the Orange Biscuits from Mephisto. She only had two days in the really bad coco, before I flushed her good. She could make full recovery and be really nice.:bday1:

That's it for now. I will give you guys a report as it progresses in a couple days.


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@MedCzech you mention PH testing the run-off, are you testing the PH in the root zone?

I wish I could. But my old meter from when I grew in soil broke. That's why I am trying to determine what to flush them with and get the root zone back in balance and at least when the nutes are being grabbed they can be grabbed as the ph drifts up.

I think she will be fine now. It was just a way to get the coco back in balance somehow. I will not be feeding them anything for a few days probably now. They are a little shocked from all the flushing I am sure.

Do you see anything yourself? I have never had this Issue before, so I am a little thrown for a loop as to what to do. Just going through my checklists of how to balance high ph coco first. Then I would let them sit and see. If you think there is more I could do man, please let men know. I spent a bunch of hours the last few days working on this, trying to get them back. They are better, but not growing well at all. Very slow growth as well. New stuff light in color and thin.

I am hoping that if I let them be now, they will recover. It's a weed. It's got to grow now. My environment is perfect man.
I have noticed that I have had to back off my lights quite a bit as they seem very sensitive to the lights as well. Always a challenge. I am not stressed though bro. I have done so many of these. Failed so many times and had great grows as well. Cabinet has been full for years, and half the time I don't remember or care what year it is, so life is good!

I would really appreciate any help or advice though from any of you. Thanks!:d5:
The sun never backs down! Don't attribute nutritional problems to your lights. Get an Accurate 8 soil probe because guess work does not cut it and run-off PH is not an accurate indicator of root zone PH. Do not go days without feeding your plants in Hydro and coco is hydro. Maybe think about adding some Mykos. but really I would go with AN's calculator because what you are doing is not working. Mix the nutrients full strength and in the balance that AN gives you.By that I mean if Sensi A is 10ml and Sensi B is 10ml and B52 is 10ml and Voodoo Juice is 10ml in 5L of water then the ratio is 1:1:1:1 get it? Fertigate to 20% run-off. If you do not understand the balance I am talking about look into Liebig's Law of the Minimums. You may be getting yourself into a situation where you need to foliar feed with Earth Juice to get past this problem.
Ok, I just pulled a dumbass move is all and was not checking EC on my tap water. It's higher than it was for some reason.
They were just getting burnt. Straight ph water only and everyone looked liked they took a Valium or something. The leaves started to green in hours. They weren't pulling anything in.:glutton:

I will buy the soil probe this week for sure. Used to have one.
I used Advanced Hydroponics of Holland nute line. I wonder what Earth juice would be like in my line? I do have Cal Mag max from AN. I have used that before.
Or I could just buy Earth Juice as well.

Heading the the grow store anyway.:dang: Some dude told me I was being a dumbass for not using the proper measuring equipment, just like I tell all the growers I help.
Ok, I just pulled a dumbass move is all and was not checking EC on my tap water. It's higher than it was for some reason.
They were just getting burnt. Straight ph water only and everyone looked liked they took a Valium or something. The leaves started to green in hours. They weren't pulling anything in.:glutton:

I will buy the soil probe this week for sure. Used to have one.
I used Advanced Hydroponics of Holland nute line. I wonder what Earth juice would be like in my line? I do have Cal Mag max from AN. I have used that before.
Or I could just buy Earth Juice as well.

Heading the the grow store anyway.:dang: Some dude told me I was being a dumbass for not using the proper measuring equipment, just like I tell all the growers I help.
I have never used or even seen Advanced Hydroponics of Holland. I just looked them up on the web - literally no information about what is actually in them but it looks like "Micro" would be the one to use foliar to snap your plants out of their funk. Use in addition to full strength 1,2 and 3 according to this chart. You should also be using the other products on the chart. (remember this is how you keep the balance).

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