Converting F1 stepsiblings

Apr 14, 2024
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Hey all, so after making the effort to get some decent autos that suited my head successfully into Canada from the US (glg) this spring, I managed to severely stunt all 24 but a freebie and mightve smoked 3 $100 joints from her.. All good, started in cold(er) temps, biochar experimentation, only my second grow of autos outside, etc..
Thankfully, the photo harvest went well I did manage to pollinate all those little thumb size bastards with a single photo period male and want to head towards having a glut of auto seeds to play with..
My question is can I expect to pass auto traits to females at the same ratio via their male step siblings, instead of from a brother of the same mother?
I can't find my answer in that article.. does my question make sense?
No, I'm asking if my "semiauto" f1 generation dads need to be direct siblings, or can I use a stepsibling (also "semiauto" but different mom) as a father if I want to and have the same ratio result in f2s.. I'm trying to being able to reduce the types of males in the mix and have (ideally) one father across the board..
To make f2's plant a tray of f1 seeds put your lights on 12 on /12 off. Pick the best male you want and make you cross with him and save pollen. Wait until your seeds are ready, dry them and plant a tray. Put lights on 18 to 20 hours. Start watching for male and females in about 21 days , discard the plants that don't start flowering. Keep the best male you like and leave him in there. Collect some pollen from him and store it in the freezer, may need it for later use. Hope this helps.
No, I'm asking if my "semiauto" f1 generation dads need to be direct siblings, or can I use a stepsibling (also "semiauto" but different mom) as a father if I want to and have the same ratio result in f2s.. I'm trying to being able to reduce the types of males in the mix and have (ideally) one father across the board..

The autoflowering gene is recessive, so any F1 cross of auto × photo is going to produce F1 photo seeds with the recessive autoflowering gene, when you inbreed the F1 generation to produce f2 seeds there will be a percentage that will autoflower, so you want to select from these if you want to produce auto seeds, having a large number to select from is important if you want quality.

You inbreed the f2 seeds and the f3 seeds will be mostly autoflowering, but not all, so you want to inbreed again selecting for only autoflowering individuals.

Each time you inbreed the plants you narrow the gene pool essentially, which can have wanted and unwanted effects. If there are other recessive undesirable traits in the original parent generation used to make the F1 cross, those will be expressed in the offspring in some percentage, so it can be tricky to make a great strain, especially if the original building blocks are iffy.

Whatever the original parents are is relative, but once you get to f3-f4+ if you select for specific traits being present (or not) you should begin to see larger percentages of those in the resulting population, but you will almost never achieve homozygous offspring selecting individuals over even 20 generations, since you are starting with hybrids already. Meaning there will always be multiple phenotypical/morphological expressions when breeding this way.
Thanks again for trying to help folks but I'm still not being clear enough..

My ambition is to hunt male(s) in the f1 generation of a number of crosses..bunch of moms, not a lot of seed, same dad..

Question is if I find a male that I'd like to use across the board, for example. Will the rececessives combine and turn up in progeny at the same percentage, or at all (as the bro/sis combos)?
I guess the simplest way to ask is..
With the intention of making reg auto seed using a photo, can I use any 2 first generation "semi autos" to work towards an f2 or do they have to be direct siblings..
Edit: these "step siblings" would technically be the 1st generation of a new line, not an f2.. I have a feeling I'm gonna have to find out and see
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