Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

Everything looking on point dude, nice growing conditions :d5:. I have some seedlings at day 10, 2/3 of them are beasts, the last third I overwatered it seems and they're not liking it :shrug::smoking:. Probably should get a journal going.
Thanks, yeah, well I am learning as well. It seems these girls like more light than grows I was using chemical nutes. Girls looked even more leggy and a little thinned out. I lowered lights another 10 cm, and I will lower another 10 in a couple days. These girls can handle more light because they are healthier plants. I kind of screwed that up, but they will catch back up, probably only a day or two behind because of lights.

Basically all is good and environment is solid right now.

Get a journal going. I will sub in and check it t for sure...
Rockstar no, but I have a little experience under my belt with growing stuff. I can tell you already the BioTabs system is awesome. Simple and easy.

I just have the starter pack coming, the pk 5-8, and boom boom spray. I have an earth juice silica product already I will use too every couple of waterings. I will be mixing in EWC, do you think I should do some bat shit too? Or to each their own?
Also...if I can pick your brain, or whoever wants to chime in lol...with biotabs and tap water, is chloramine a concern? I know I definitely have it in my tap:sad: I have also read several places that humic acid neutralizes chloramine, and the remaining ammonia is consumed in the soil by nitrogen. And....I'm already going to be using that as well.
Not trying to derail your thread here...sorry!
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Also...if I can pick your brain, or whoever wants to chime in lol...with biotabs and tap water, is chloramine a concern? I know I definitely have it in my tap:sad: I have also read several places that humic acid neutralizes chloramine, and the remaining ammonia is consumed in the soil by nitrogen. And....I'm already going to be using that as well.
Not trying to derail your thread here...sorry!

Not really sure about chloramine, I was just told that as long as the water is below 8.0 and above 6.2 or so out of the tap you should be fine. I don't really have info on that. I know that in hydro or coco with nutes it's a concern. Not sure I. Soil thoug sorry. Someone else will have to chime in on that one.

I just have the starter pack coming, the pk 5-8, and boom boom spray. I have an earth juice silica product already I will use too every couple of waterings. I will be mixing in EWC, do you think I should do some bat shit too? Or to each their own?

What you have sounds good. The key is feeding in this system. You need to figure a way to stay ahead of the game there and make sure you feed them enough without getting to be too much. Most guys ran into under feeding and that was the issue. The silica isn't the only thing in the silicium flash product. There is NPK and other stuff as well. It is an all around product that can even eliminate the use of the orgatrex. I added bat guano for that additional slow released feed on the bottom of the pot.

Find your own way to do it or copy someone, as long as you find a way to balance the feeding of the soil and keeping it hot enough to stay active and maintain biodiversity needed to produce the nutrients the plants then can use.
Also...if I can pick your brain, or whoever wants to chime in lol...with biotabs and tap water, is chloramine a concern? I know I definitely have it in my tap:sad: I have also read several places that humic acid neutralizes chloramine, and the remaining ammonia is consumed in the soil by nitrogen. And....I'm already going to be using that as well.
Not trying to derail your thread here...sorry!

As far as I know, chloramine and organics is a big no-no :2cents:. Chloramine is added to tap water to kill bacteria and germs, while the biggest driving force in your organic mix are beneficial bacteria so you really don't want to kill them.
The silica isn't the only thing in the silicium flash product. There is NPK and other stuff as well. It is an all around product that can even eliminate the use of the orgatrex.
Yea...I know the SF is often used as a replacement for Orgatrex. I just was thinking using Orgatrex and a silica product was about as close as I'm gonna get without it.
Update Day 7/8 MedCzech's ManCave BT grow "The Flavor Chase " :shooty:

Not sure if you are all read up. I found out yesterday that my lights were too high for these healthy plants versus all the chemical nute plants I grew before with these led lights. After lowering the light 10 cm, the girls responded very well and are pointing up very nicely again.

Probably lost a day or two with that screw up, but that will go into my notes for the next BioTab grow. All good and the ladies are no worse for the wear...:doh:

Here they are now!


Here is a good angle to see how happy they look. Stable green color from all girls and all strains right now.


The CDLC x SS hybrid coming back nicely. She has always been behind.


The Orange Biscuit is looking nice. Let's see after the logs have been lowered a couple days how these girls respond. I think they will really start to pop...:jump:


Purple Nuggets starting her second node, so there's that I guess. All looking a little sparse on growth due to lights being too high. They will catch up!


Sour Livers will be a nice plant, I can just tell. She has good energy too this plant. Let's see where she takes us next?...:eyebrows:


Gorilla Glue also looking good except maybe I still have got her in a bit of s hot spot. I still need to adjust my one double cob light. It is stronger than the others and has two cob very close that overlap beams. Makes it harder for me to get light balance.


Look at the Pineapple Express...she looks lovely. Going to be a solid plant as well. Let's go now and get going!!

It's all my fault for not recognizing that enough. I did see it earlier, but I was afraid to make too large of an adjustment and screw it up. Should have just trusted my instincts.


In the end, it is a happy healthy tent of little ladies just getting ready to explode!:yoinks:

Thanks again for stopping in and let's hope the next report will show improvement in growth rates.

See ya...:pass:
Still looking good! I'm willing to bet that you do see a difference within the next couple of days. The PE and PN both look a little farther along.

Thanks man, when growing in reflective surfaces, during veg phase when lights are higher up, the corners get reflective light from two angles which adds a bit to the over all daily light they receive.

I think they will also pick it up now, and will more than double in size in next week for sure. I wanted to error on the side of caution with the lights. All good now as they are all praying upward. Had nothing to do with the BioTabs. The roots are probably just now reaching into the soil and grabbing some of the nutrients that have been produced their by the bacteria and microorganisms at work. Now we will see how the BioTabs work. Will they feed the plants properly or not.

We shall see...
Woke up this morning, and I can just tell by looking at the girls as they woke up that the light is still not spot on. Looks like I still have a hot spot in tent back center. The reflection off the back wall is causing the issue. I moved the plants a little more apart, using the lux meter to try and balance the light better. It's the double cob again causing problems. Next grow it goes out of the tent. Too many times now I have issue with this light.

Oh well, girls don't look bad, they just aren't thriving equally the same and I think there was a weak spot in front of tent as well. Trying to use multiple manufacturers on these lights and different types has its challenges for sure. Especially since the recommended heights and par factors aren't what they say they are,...leave s a bit of a guessing game.