Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

Update Day 9 MedCzech's ManCave BT grow "The Flavor Chase " :shooty:
(after lights get lowered another 10 cm)

Now that we know the girls can handle more light, we are working on getting lights to proper level without shocking them either. Still small, but not bad...they look to have healthy color and growth so far. Just very slow.:coffee2:

Not a bad group shot. Environment steady...
Lights were lowered to now at 85 cm from canopy or 30" that is recommended height for veg for the lights I have. Plants seem to be fine after only a few hours of this height. I will report more later.
Temps around 27c
RH around 60%
Great air flow and they also got their first light spray of boom boom spray today to give them a little boost at 50% concentration.:thumbsup:


The little CDLC x SS is coming along nicely. Let's see how she responds to the lights being lowered again. Great color!:biggrin:


Orange Biscuit is in the zone. Looking sweet. I love smoking this herb man...something about it just fits my style. It's really potent, but lays into you gently and just sets you down like a great tranquilizer or something. Day off stuff for sure! :smokeit:


Sour Livers seems to like the light. Again a healthy looking plant. :yay:


Purple Nuggets is just trucking along. Little odd looking shape, but we will see how she shapes up soon. The light issue is what was the cause more than genetics I think.:yoinks:

Moving on...


Gorilla Glue just not growing as fast as her neighbors. Not sure why. Light is fine, I checked the lux and she is the same as the other two, just either too sensitive or the opposite, needs more light. Nothing I can do right know. I may have to move her to the side and deal with her on an individual basis using my single 60w cob. I will give her another couple days to respond to lights.

Good color though. So she is still just fine overall.


PineApple Express just seems to not care. Looks good from day one and still looks good. I am excited about this smoke.

Another group shot to finish of this report...:clapper:


Thanks again for stopping in. I will keep you all updated on the ladies journey and the light situation. See you soon!

Lights were dropped again now at 75cm to canopy level. That should give them good light now and allow them to grow into that for the next two weeks. I don't think I will need to lower it more than that, but we shall see. Girls still oooking great.
Nice job man:smoking:
Girls are looking good! Nice set up there!
What is that upside down bottle of water in that drip tray for?
That's just a scoop I use to put water in those trays. It's just to add humidity, but also it's a trick I learned to pick up hairs and other particulates that otherwise might float around.
Hopefully lights are sorted now. Goes to show the BioTabs work though, as before I could not get lights this close until week three or four.

Fingers crossed they will start really going good now.
Day 10 Update MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow :shooty:

Girls looking good. CDLC x SS still behind. Starting to think she may just be a worries though. She will be fine.

Here they are...:pop:


The runt herself, but hanging in there. Still good color, a little light green on new growth, but the boom boom spray helped green her up nice.


Orange Biscuit looks very solid. Not much to report except she looks nice.:pighug:


Sour Livers looks good too. Nice structure on her... :drool:


Purple Nuggets also has some sweet growth and will be one juicy little lady.:kiss:


PineApple Express was relocated next to the PN. The Gorilla Glue was too sensitive and got moved under the individual cob light.
PE looks great in the new light. She likes it hot!:fire:


The Gorilla Glue really likes her new light as well. She was too sensitive for the other really difficult part of growing multiple strains is dealing with different light tolerances.

She looks good now.:yay:i feel good...


Tent starting to take shape. Long ways to go. I will keep you updated.

Thanks for stopping in to the ManCave.:d5:
Looks great Med! Interested how the bio tabs and auto pots work out for you as I won a competition and got a load of bio tabs stuff, currently running DWC but very interested in Autopots so I will be keenly following this grow to see how you get on with this setup
Looks great Med! Interested how the bio tabs and auto pots work out for you as I won a competition and got a load of bio tabs stuff, currently running DWC but very interested in Autopots so I will be keenly following this grow to see how you get on with this setup
I can see the plants are a little smaller than in previous grows, but they are perfectly healthy, and some of the issue is my lights.
This is the easiest way to grow there is. I have done all types of growing. DWC is the best for overall quality in hydro, but I love the flavors I get from organic growing. Plus, I am adding in a little UVA and UVB during flower to enhance the terpene and oil production even more. I had a friend grow this way and the flavor was double the flavor of the same strains grown in coco and Autopots.
I think with a few tweaks here and there, this type of growing can get great yields as well. I will be learning and adjusting if necessary as the grow progresses.

Thanks for stopping in. I wasn't able to find a well documented journal on BioTabs that satisfied my curiosity. Most of them didn't even have a proper ending, and that worried me. Hopefully this one will.
I can see the plants are a little smaller than in previous grows, but they are perfectly healthy, and some of the issue is my lights.
This is the easiest way to grow there is. I have done all types of growing. DWC is the best for overall quality in hydro, but I love the flavors I get from organic growing. Plus, I am adding in a little UVA and UVB during flower to enhance the terpene and oil production even more. I had a friend grow this way and the flavor was double the flavor of the same strains grown in coco and Autopots.
I think with a few tweaks here and there, this type of growing can get great yields as well. I will be learning and adjusting if necessary as the grow progresses.

Thanks for stopping in. I wasn't able to find a well documented journal on BioTabs that satisfied my curiosity. Most of them didn't even have a proper ending, and that worried me. Hopefully this one will.
Yeah from the diaries I have seen with bio tabs, it seems like people just chuck 2 tabs in there pot, water and hope for the best but you have seemed to have done your research here with amending your soil etc, seems like you've got all bases covered :d5:
Following your grow buddy!!! I will be doing my first grow ever and i all-ready have received the full line from bio tabs. Waiting for the autopots and air pots to arrive. I will be using air pots in autopots with air domes. 4 of them will have the air domes below the airpots as in theory the root mass should explode and fill in the gap and 5 will have them inside the pots with pellets as recommended, We shall see! I will order some bat shit as well as a read your theory and makes sense to me. Im going with pelets 10% coco 40%, perlite 30% biobiz soil light mix 10% and some bat shit as you did. Iam adding the soil to help the roots feed and get to the bottom faster so i can start the system and air domes. Did you stick the bio tabs in yet and if so how many? I emailed them a few days ago requesting a feeding schedule but no one answered yet @Biotabs F69 , genetics are from @mephisto in a 5x5 Homelab tent, ( its build like a tank highly recommended ) the only thing am yet to purchase is the lights, its going to be either from Rapid Led or HLG, i will decide in this forthcoming week. Good luck buddy, i hope it all works out! watching you daily!!!!
Following your grow buddy!!! I will be doing my first grow ever and i all-ready have received the full line from bio tabs. Waiting for the autopots and air pots to arrive. I will be using air pots in autopots with air domes. 4 of them will have the air domes below the airpots as in theory the root mass should explode and fill in the gap and 5 will have them inside the pots with pellets as recommended, We shall see! I will order some bat shit as well as a read your theory and makes sense to me. Im going with pelets 10% coco 40%, perlite 30% biobiz soil light mix 10% and some bat shit as you did. Iam adding the soil to help the roots feed and get to the bottom faster so i can start the system and air domes. Did you stick the bio tabs in yet and if so how many? I emailed them a few days ago requesting a feeding schedule but no one answered yet @Biotabs F69 , genetics are from @mephisto in a 5x5 Homelab tent, ( its build like a tank highly recommended ) the only thing am yet to purchase is the lights, its going to be either from Rapid Led or HLG, i will decide in this forthcoming week. Good luck buddy, i hope it all works out! watching you daily!!!!
Your set up sounds good. I only add one tab in the beginning, about 5 cm under top of soil. I already have the Silicium Flash in there, I will add Orgatrex and Bactrex at week five, plus I will add a top dress in week six of A half a tab and tbsp of SF, and in week seven another top dressing with two tbsp SF. I am using Bio PK as well for flower boost.

I use boom boom spray every week, but at half concentration, just one time a week. Other than that follow this guide below.
