Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

nice set up my man :pass::bighug::pass:
Why thank you sir, or should I say Lord??:salute:

Grow is going well, only my user error on lights. I have struggled dialing in these lights, multiple brands and the new multiple strains makes it even harder.

Thanks anyway. I really like BioTabs though, that's for sure.
same struggle with light , trying to get the best set up ap my lvl

Each situation is unique. I used to grow with one single hps 600w light and I never had problems with light. Now I have four different LED lights with two being stronger than the others. I thought I had them dialed in last grow, but then I went organic, and these plants can handle more light. I am like close to 400 PAR, which is quite high for early veg stage.

I saw your tent. Is that plant you just posted on here in your current grow?

Feel free to follow along. I will try to show as much detail as is possible.
See ya!:pass:
Make sure you get the soil prep right. I think there is enough detail in this journal to help you out. So far, my plants look great. Today they look even better. I will post photos later. Amazing the changes each day. The roots are starting to reach the food sources in the soil now and the micro life in the soil is starting to do its thing as well.
The next week they will explode.
I have decided to try to not top any of the plants and just train them to keep them in check. We shall see how that goes.
Day 11 Update MedCzech's ManCave BT grow "The Flavor Chase" :shooty:


Temps stable around 26 to 28C
RH stable around 50 to 55%
Three circulation fans keep it moving around nice, and the exhaust fan kicks on as a fail safe when temps get above 29C.
Light height now looks better, but I am still dialing that in. I won't go into detail there.
All plants received 600 ml of filtered tap water in the morning today.

Here are the ladies. I think you can see a difference in one day.:rofl:


Not bad for an organic grow on day 11, and I screwed up the lights a little they could be even better for sure.


CDLC x SS coming along. Her leaves a littlest twisted, but new growth is ok, just a little small. Maybe she wants even more light? Hard to tell...:paleo:


Orange Biscuit looks great to me. :photog:


Sour Livers looking sweet as well...:yeah:she will be a stanky one...


Purple Nuggets...I can't wait to smoke her as well. I have heard she can pump out some sticky, sweet, fruity nugs. Yummy:tonic:purple Nuggets !


PineApple Express is perfect. I picked some tasty little ladies. :pie:


Gorilla Glue much better under her own cob, but she is still shy and doesn't really pray up like the other plants. Growth still seems ok. I will raise lights just two cm and see how she responds.


Getting bigger. I don't think we will top them though...time will tell what is needed.:bday:

A little teaser and BUD PORN!!


Just a lower bud off the Orange Biscuit from last run. I didn't trim them so well, as they are for personal use. Her flavor is so smooth. A slight Orange and skunky funk on the inhale, and then a warm, sweet cookie like vanilla, nutmeg exhale. Immediate euphoria from the first hit puts you into a transe in favorite smoke rightness this moment in the cabinet. :drool:
Don't know how I missed this, Med! I am subbed in for the ride now!

Those are some great strains you have there. I am watching the Sour Livers in particular, as I almost grew them this time. I am curious how they grow in size and structure. Are you planning to top or train?

Looking great and healthy during early veg, which is a relief from the start you had last grow. Should have quantity as well as the quality this time!
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Day 12 Update MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow "The Flavor Chase ":shooty:

Well, I think they look nice. I am a little biased though...just kidding. They are looking good and relatively on schedule as far as size. My other outdoor organic grows were only slightly better with the power of...the SUN!:yoinks:

Environment is the same, plants were moved to reconfigure lights for less reflection hotspots coming off walls.
Light boom boom spray again because I am messing with the lights. They love the stuff for sure.
They will probably get water in a day or two, nothing today.
Anyway, here they are...


Building up some momentum now:bow::bow: praying all will stay this nice. I love organic growing for sure. More Fun and prep, less worry and measuring...


CDLC x SS, still the runt and most likely always will be. She is trying to come back.:thumbsup:


Every time we look at the Orange Biscuit we just smile:pighug:


Sour Livers also right there with the OB. Sweet plants. Should be some sticky icky nugs as well!:woohoo1:


Purple Nuggets going to be a monster:tonic:


PineApple Express is also a little sensitive. Dropped her a bit lower then the Purple Nuggets. Looking very nice though.:hippy:


Gorilla Glue coming along nicely under her own cob. She needed less light as well than the others.

This stuff will get you going in the morning!! Great hybrid for sure. Had to grow her again.:watering:


Thanks for stopping into the ManCave...

One more little shot of some secondary growth on the Purple Monster.


She will be nice I think.:salute: Ok men, I need to sign off and get to bed...take care and good night!

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