Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

Yeah the lux meter app should help you out then, I think you want to aim for 60000 plus in flower, last grow I was giving 27000 barely enough for veg :haha:

I am glad to see that many more growers are understanding how control light intensity and have the means to measure it.

We need to keep sharing that with more people. It's one of the main reasons for subpar smoke.
I am glad to see that many more growers are understanding how control light intensity and have the means to measure it.

We need to keep sharing that with more people. It's one of the main reasons for subpar smoke.
Oh for sure man, we all gotta share the love and knowledge, if i didn't read your conversation with iriee about the app I would still have my light turned down and not realised :bighug:
Oh for sure man, we all gotta share the love and knowledge, if i didn't read your conversation with iriee about the app I would still have my light turned down and not realised :bighug:
My brother uses LED...I told him about it. He was way off the canopy is helping already. He is growing a bubbly Livers I donated to him lol she is the perfect picture of health...just not big at all. Short internodal distances...just a mini pot plant! Using MC in 5 gallon fabric. About 6 weeks stretch.
Hey thanks for the kind offer MedCzech! You know I’m headed mostly organic soil and I will be hitting you up! :thumbsup::bow: in the meantime I just doubled down on the DWC so I’d better figure it out eh? I’ve had too many plants to keep track of, need to scale back some and refocus with a fresh eye. I’ve thrown too many challenges my way, time to collect a couple easy wins and get back up. One of my biggest problems — fear — of overfeeding, and of the light. So I grabbed a couple lux readings and at exactly 18 inches, which is where I’ve been running them in flower, my number is 350ish. Seems low... Running my COBs with no reflectors ... hmmmmmmm ... C236508D-02E9-4885-BA2D-60C8403B9C9B.jpeg
Hey thanks for the kind offer MedCzech! You know I’m headed mostly organic soil and I will be hitting you up! :thumbsup::bow: in the meantime I just doubled down on the DWC so I’d better figure it out eh? I’ve had too many plants to keep track of, need to scale back some and refocus with a fresh eye. I’ve thrown too many challenges my way, time to collect a couple easy wins and get back up. One of my biggest problems — fear — of overfeeding, and of the light. So I grabbed a couple lux readings and at exactly 18 inches, which is where I’ve been running them in flower, my number is 350ish. Seems low... Running my COBs with no reflectors ... hmmmmmmm ... View attachment 1060713

350 means 3500 lux, that's barely enough for a seedling, so that can't be right then. Move the phone around a little as you take reading as the angle the camera is reading makes a big difference. Now if it was 35000, I would say that's is better, but even that is low. Flower can be 60,000 and much as 150,000 with cobs is still ok for some strains.
My brother uses LED...I told him about it. He was way off the canopy is helping already. He is growing a bubbly Livers I donated to him lol she is the perfect picture of health...just not big at all. Short internodal distances...just a mini pot plant! Using MC in 5 gallon fabric. About 6 weeks stretch.

Sweet. I like doing little plants. I used to grow little plants when I was single on the window sill through the summer. I had like twenty five or thirty around the house in solo cups. I would get about 10-20 grams with around a 12 gram average, so I could still grab like 300 grams. Smoke was never really awesome stuff though. Good, but never great.
I think if I did that again and used the BioTabs somehow, it could get you some cool little plants. I am toying with the idea of changing my tent down to a grow room with a little less room, but better use of the space in my storage building, the tent takes up too much space. I may just get a setup up about 2 x 4 with cobs and do some smaller plants, as I don't need so much dope anymore like when I was younger.

They say led is a little harder to read on these meters, but it seem to work fine for all the different lights I have. I have cobs, and a blurple. Bubbly Livers should really taste sweet as hell. Bubble gum berry blast sounds good to me!
350 means 3500 lux, that's barely enough for a seedling, so that can't be right then. Move the phone around a little as you take reading as the angle the camera is reading makes a big difference. Now if it was 35000, I would say that's is better, but even that is low. Flower can be 60,000 and much as 150,000 with cobs is still ok for some strains.
Ok. I might be using it wrong. I went to the App Store and there was a ton of them, so maybe I got the wrong one. I’ll get another one and run a few experiments, I can test the blurple too.
Sweet. I like doing little plants. I used to grow little plants when I was single on the window sill through the summer. I had like twenty five or thirty around the house in solo cups. I would get about 10-20 grams with around a 12 gram average, so I could still grab like 300 grams. Smoke was never really awesome stuff though. Good, but never great.
I think if I did that again and used the BioTabs somehow, it could get you some cool little plants. I am toying with the idea of changing my tent down to a grow room with a little less room, but better use of the space in my storage building, the tent takes up too much space. I may just get a setup up about 2 x 4 with cobs and do some smaller plants, as I don't need so much dope anymore like when I was younger.

They say led is a little harder to read on these meters, but it seem to work fine for all the different lights I have. I have cobs, and a blurple. Bubbly Livers should really taste sweet as hell. Bubble gum berry blast sounds good to me!
Yea..I dont think it feels very sweet to him lol. He is only growing the one plant..and in 5 gallons, expecting more. If his light was too high, and not intense enough to justify having it that high, would it cause her not to stretch? He had it a good bit too high the first 4.5 weeks of life
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That could cause the stunting for sure. Make sure he has it for proper lumens. Does he have the lux meter app so he can keep the lumens in check?
Light I see ok, not the best light, but it will grow a plant at least 40-50 grams for sure.
Ok. I might be using it wrong. I went to the App Store and there was a ton of them, so maybe I got the wrong one. I’ll get another one and run a few experiments, I can test the blurple too.
It is the one that says lux meter, and the icon is a yellow light bulb with the word LUX inside it.