Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

Idk if you just wanted seasoned growers chiming in or not...but theres no shame in my game lol. I have grown some losers for sure! I've had a couple that looked like total dog shit, but smelled like a skunk sprayed a football locker room that 3 cats had already pissed in! And smoke as smooth as can be....barely any throat feel at all....could really hurt yourself if you werent careful! Lol And I have had some that looked shitty, and wasnt strong at all...and had a couple that looked great and smelled awesome, but that scent never returned after the dry and cure.....had a Blue Cush from mephisto that was gorgeous but never smelled like much, but after a dry and cure, tasted and smelled like black licorice and black tea! You definitely dont always get exactly what you pay for..or what you thought you were getting based on the description....everything is open to personal opinion, variances in tastes and preferences, landing different phenos, nutes that are used, etc.
You just kinda make your choice and grow it out, hope for what you wanted...or that you come close at least...and when it's all said and done, you should still have some pretty bomb ass weed to smoke on...that you grew yourself, know exactly what's in it and didnt have to pay street value for

Thanks man, yeah exactly this is what is needed more on this site. Where growers open up about the trials and tribulations of growing, share those and we can all learn and grow from our shared experiences. I mean, that is the idea of sires like this. We are now a collective all adding to the knowledge stream. Thanks for sharing your trials.

Of all the struggles you had personally, what facto or factors do you think are why you now are growing better quality dope than in the past?

For me it has always been some issue, due to the challenge of the style I was growing with, and now I know, the universe wanted me to grow organically all along, and as soon as I returned after trying everything else there is, I started growing in the zone. I call this phenomenon, GITZ. Growing in the zone occurs when a grower finds his or her perfect style and dials it into near perfection,...GITZ! BioTabs really work great and can give top shelf bud for sure. We know the system needs a little tweaking, but the formula is almost perfect now. I think if we BioTab growers can communicate better, we can adapt a perfect formula for each of us that will grow super dank buds. The buds from my last grow are some of the best buds I have ever grown in my entire life. I have grown them on synthetic nutes also, and the results were not as good. BioTabs work...
I like it! Totally agree! Shit ain't always sunshine and rainbows unfortunately....I havent really thought about it...but I think you're on to something..unless posting in the Infirmary, most growers only share the good stuff, and rarely have much negative to say about a harvest unless the yield is less than expected, seed doesnt pop, or theres a mutation or some shit. Nobody wants to do a smoke report and admit they grew some harsh ass, boo boo weed lol
I have never used chem nutes...dont want to either...don't see the point, when there are natural ways to get equal and often better it yield, Terps, frost, or the chase for flavor! Mother nature, I hear has done pretty good so far keeping plants alive for millions of years.

Edit: Kinda interested in MegaCrop...its not considered organic, I know...but it works for a lot of people...
supposed to have organics in it:shrug:
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Thanks man, yeah exactly this is what is needed more on this site. Where growers open up about the trials and tribulations of growing, share those and we can all learn and grow from our shared experiences. I mean, that is the idea of sires like this. We are now a collective all adding to the knowledge stream. Thanks for sharing your trials.

Of all the struggles you had personally, what facto or factors do you think are why you now are growing better quality dope than in the past?

For me it has always been some issue, due to the challenge of the style I was growing with, and now I know, the universe wanted me to grow organically all along, and as soon as I returned after trying everything else there is, I started growing in the zone. I call this phenomenon, GITZ. Growing in the zone occurs when a grower finds his or her perfect style and dials it into near perfection,...GITZ! BioTabs really work great and can give top shelf bud for sure. We know the system needs a little tweaking, but the formula is almost perfect now. I think if we BioTab growers can communicate better, we can adapt a perfect formula for each of us that will grow super dank buds. The buds from my last grow are some of the best buds I have ever grown in my entire life. I have grown them on synthetic nutes also, and the results were not as good. BioTabs work...
In the past, I just made 30 gallon tubs as pots, and way under feeding...not keeping track of RH/VPD, going too extreme on the dry cycle for an organic soil grow, to name the biggies... and honestly...not having an AFN account played a role as well. This site is quite the invaluable resource...I read every applicable read I could find...and it's still like going in blind. Even 2.5+ years...still trying to get it right. Some crazy how, my very first grow was absolutely stellar! And I always had a problem or 4 ever since lol. AFN helps a bunch though...lot of helpful info, and LIVE assistance...cant beat it!
Biotabs didnt hurt either :thumbsup: You just cant really shy on the recommended tabs per pot, and its debatable as to if cutting them in half is a good idea....I'm just stoked to be so close to finding my groove, and getting my GITZ on!!:cooldance:
Yep, agreed, flavor is everything. I have said many times, if they could get weed to hit hard and have great flavor without all that thc, I would be ok with that. I love the taste of good herbs. D not like the fact that really strong herb makes my tongue numb, so then I can't taste as well the herb. I have to drink something while consuming so as to reduce this effect.
Through study I discovered an article from way back about terpene enhancing. Basically to make a long story short, whatever the main terpene of the weed you are smoking is, get a drink that has a lot of that terpene in it as well, and the body, mind, flavor experience goes to another level. For example, I have this great arrange Biscuit, and I drink orange juice while smoking it. It's a different exper that way. Purple Nuggets and Chem Stomper I was drinking Grape Juice, and sour Livers is a little harsh, so I drink tea with milk and honey to mellow out the flavor. Makes the whole thing, the experience of catching a buzz, go up a level of enjoyment, you have to try it bro.

There are great combos as well. Coffee, Cola, and other flavored drinks can all change the experience slightly.
Hey Med, I will definitely give this a shot and see if it works for me bro!
I also think that growing from seed makes it extremely hard to grow top shelf as you just dont know which pheno you are going to get or what genetic flaw there could be but I kinda like that, also since I started growing I think the love for this hobby has almost taken over the love of smoking the final product so although I might not grow top shelf weed yet I'm certainly enjoying the journey of trying to lol :vibe:
Hey Med, I will definitely give this a shot and see if it works for me bro!
I also think that growing from seed makes it extremely hard to grow top shelf as you just dont know which pheno you are going to get or what genetic flaw there could be but I kinda like that, also since I started growing I think the love for this hobby has almost taken over the love of smoking the final product so although I might not grow top shelf weed yet I'm certainly enjoying the journey of trying to lol :vibe:

My sentiments exactly, Chro. After a harvest, I find I am more interested in getting the cabinet ready to drop a couple seeds than I am the harvested buds. That empty cabinet is a sore spot and I am not balanced until there is something growing in there again! This is such a therapeutic hobby. No matter what stressors are out there, I can always count on my 2x2 slice of heaven for some peace!

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Yep, I always struggle with not growing over the summer months, but I also use the summer to spend extra time with my family.

Growing is a therapy in itself.
Update MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs Smoke Report :baked:

This is just a quick update for all you guys who were following this thread. I didn't want to lose you completely, as the whole entire reason for this grow was "The Flavor Chase"...

I am happy to report, that as we get the buds to start curing and getting their internal RH down to where it needs to be, there is a lot of great smoking along the way. I have been testing each strain as it goes through the process in the name of science.:face: Ok, in the name of good reporting.:face: Okay!! Because I am impatient and didn't want to wait,...there ya go Med, be honest with your readers!

I will make some photos of the nugs over the weekend, but for now here is the preliminary report.

View attachment 1057566

Orange Biscuit--Grow level- easy to grow, medium to large plant, big eater this girl! 9/10
Frost level-
sticky frosty girl. With sweet citrus aromas with some spice in the background. 9/10
Flavor level-
sweet orange spice and tons of resin covered loveliness. Ticks all my boxes, and due to all those terpenes, she lifts the mood and spirits. Great all day smoke. 10/10
best strain for overall performance of flavor and strength as well as effects. Mephisto will need to run this strain again. It is the best of their citrus strains so far. 9.5/10

View attachment 1057562
Chem Stomper- Grow level-
she struggled sue to genetic flaw, and my ignorance to that fact as I then over watered her in the first three weeks. Hard to really judge this grow, but she fought hard. 8/10
Frost level-
there wasn't a ton of frost until the end, but I am sure her sisters will frost up nicely. This poor little girl struggled. 7.5/10
Flavor level-
this is whee she out shines all the rest. Grape candy or Fruity Pebbles is what I get each time, amazing stuff! 10/10
this girl will get run again, she needs ad deserves a better look. I think she might be one of Mephistos best ever strains. This example to be fair get s slightly lower grade, but perfection is possible. 9/10

View attachment 1057564
Purple Nuggets - Grow level-
super aggressive plant from the start and needs lots of food, but not a heavy drinker. She gets as wide as she is tall with real rock like buds, hence her name...Nuggets! Train her well and be rewarded. 8/10
Frost level-
she puts some nice frost on early, but not as much as other strains, as her purple genetics make her a beauty to behold. Lower on odor as well, but still very high in resin content. 8.5/10
Flavor level-
wine/berry and some subtle combination of a few other terpenes like pinene, so Pine flavor, and myrcene, so lie an all spice or nutmeg deal, but very subtle under the berry notes. This will improve with the cure IMO...8.5/10
i really like this strain for her balance and subtleties. Gorgeous plant, such a pleasure to look at, great , unique flavor, and some of the most solid buds I have ever grown. 8.5/10

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Sour Livers- Grow level-
she was a real treat to grow as most mephisto strains are these days. No fuss, big eater and drinker, light training only with this girl. 8.5/10
Frost level-
super frosty, sparkling diamonds come early and come fast. Looks so good in photos! 10/10
Flavor level-
i just didn't get lucky on this phenotype. She looks awesome, Andy she is great tasting, super strong herb, but she isn't really the perfect example of Livers. She is minty, berry blast, that's the best way I can describe her. Almost like an old sweet cough syrup or something with the menthol effect with lots of dank diesel aftertaste. Not bad, but not what I was hoping for. 7/10
Overall- forgive the analogy here but,
she has everything you want in the looks department, but then she smiles, and you have to look away at the hideousness that is her crooked teeth.
This plant is awesome in almost every way, if you can just ignore the crooked smile, you can have a wonderful life together. This being the Flavor Chase, I can not ignore it. 7.5/10

View attachment 1057565
Gorilla Glue- Grow level-
she was a little difficult at the start. She doesn't like too much water, keep water away from base of stem. Very open structure on this phenotype, but picky eater. I suggest conservative on watering and allow soil to dry slightly in between. 7/10
Frost level-
started off slow, but then came on really hard in the end with excellent frost and super sticky buds. 8/10
Flavor level-
unfortunately, the unique cage like structure was a genetic anomaly that usually ends up in the buds riceing out and losing so much after the drying process. She was no exception. Frost and resin dropped dramatically and she went on a huge diet. Buds became fluffy, but flavor did remind very nice. Lots of pinene means Pine flavor, and the sticky glue and gas flavor in the background. The first test nug was so good, but she never lived up to that after. 6/10
a big disappointment, but a better understanding of the strain and another experience to draw from. Hopefully next time we can find the right phenotype. Probably to be used for hash or some concentrates of some kind in the end. 6.5/10

Woah! :D Beautiful!

I missed this one!


Great job as always Medi!!
In the past, I just made 30 gallon tubs as pots, and way under feeding...not keeping track of RH/VPD, going too extreme on the dry cycle for an organic soil grow, to name the biggies... and honestly...not having an AFN account played a role as well. This site is quite the invaluable resource...I read every applicable read I could find...and it's still like going in blind. Even 2.5+ years...still trying to get it right. Some crazy how, my very first grow was absolutely stellar! And I always had a problem or 4 ever since lol. AFN helps a bunch though...lot of helpful info, and LIVE assistance...cant beat it!
Biotabs didnt hurt either :thumbsup: You just cant really shy on the recommended tabs per pot, and its debatable as to if cutting them in half is a good idea....I'm just stoked to be so close to finding my groove, and getting my GITZ on!!:cooldance:

Sorry I missed this post before.
This site is so cool, and there are so many helpful people around. If you are struggling, they always show up and get you back on track. I am not sure there are any other sites that work as well as this one in that regard. On other sites it more bragging or arguing...glad it's not that way here for the most part.

BioTabs are really such an elegant system that makes organics easy for anyone to access, and for the advanced growers, they can tweak the system like we are doing and get stellar results. I am not changing now. I will adjust my entire grow space in time and everything I do will be around this system. A little more refining of the system is still necessary.

Glad to see you are close as well bro.:thumbsup: Let's really grow some dank buds over the next couple years, shall we?!:d5:
Sorry I missed this post before.
This site is so cool, and there are so many helpful people around. If you are struggling, they always show up and get you back on track. I am not sure there are any other sites that work as well as this one in that regard. On other sites it more bragging or arguing...glad it's not that way here for the most part.

BioTabs are really such an elegant system that makes organics easy for anyone to access, and for the advanced growers, they can tweak the system like we are doing and get stellar results. I am not changing now. I will adjust my entire grow space in time and everything I do will be around this system. A little more refining of the system is still necessary.

Glad to see you are close as well bro.:thumbsup: Let's really grow some dank buds over the next couple years, shall we?!:d5:
Better late than never as they say:toke:
You're definitely right about the way the other sites are, fo sho! Everyone helping no one...but we are not just a "site" sir!...we are a network of folks who wanna see people succeed at this wonderful, cathartic, self rewarding, hobby we all want to be good at! Hell...I dont wanna look at ugly plant pics any more than the next guy...
So why not all get together and figure this shit out right? :headbang:

I am SO down with Biotabs now!
I have seen the potential...and :digit:
Next run will be even better too with the knowledge I now have...and the extra supply of tabs of course :smoking: Just good for peace of mind, simplicity, and let us not forget...great smells, and a flavor you can chase!
May we never grow another crappy plant again!