Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

girls look incredible Med! i was very tempted by those excellent BioTabs 420 deals but it's a way off for me yet...can't wait to hear the tempting reports on these organic girls when the time comes.
Yep, I bought enough for three grows. I really like the system. I will use my Biobizz lite soil with the extra P heavy bat guano and the system as usual. I think the grows will be solid grows. I can see that yield could be a little better, but the quality looks to be so good! The yield may have something to do with the light issues I had early on, so maybe I could improve a little on that.

I hope you can take advantage of another promotion. They will do another one soon. They are always working on creating more business and are great with their promos.
Hope to see you around more bro!
Aw Med the frost on those girls is amazing! You are slamming this! Seeing these girls, I’ll be following your lead into organic growing for sure!

Hell that frost! I would have guessed you had an Agromax in there — it’s that incredible. The smells must be intoxicating for sure! Still mystified that they won’t ship you a light — I thought for sure going on 20 years of globalization we could get a light from the US to anywhere else in the world. Somebody is leaving a lot of money on the table ...
I wish I could get that bulb. I am using reptile bulbs and the extra UV I get from this blurple running full spectrum together to get the extra UV rays. These ladies are all really frosty, but also really sticky. The Gorilla Glue will yield well, just because those buds will be heavy even when dry. So much resin in them for sure.

Thanks so much for stopping in. It's nice to have growers like you in my little world, the ManCave...:cheers:

All are welcome here...the smells right now are lovely, really. I just sit in there and relax with a nice pipe of something sticky and and enjoy the aromas coming from the tent. The frost levels are better than the last couple grows, so the extra UV, the organic combo, not sure, but it works. I really love the organic growing. It's so much easier than growing in coco or dwc, and clean weed makes a difference. If quality is what you are looking for, the new you have to go organic. You will love it!!:bighug:

Hope to see you around more often! :pass:Passing one over.
Med, i repeat :coffee:, nice and diverse healthy growplace you got there.
I read above you use biobizz light mix. Me too.
Have you ever re-used it after an organic harvest? Like a reboot with startrex, myco, bac etc on used medium?
Greetz and your thread looks and reads like a movie. I m enjoying it!:pop:
Thanks. That was kind of the idea with the thread. I wanted the thread to be a little more interesting, so I kind of made it in story form. You are the only one who noticed I think!

Anyways, thanks. I have never reused the biobizz with this system, but I am going to put this all in a compost pile in the garden and see how i it looks later in the summer. I think I will reuse it. It should have even more diverse organisms living in it if you can keep it somewhat moist between grows. That is the idea anyways.
Thats interesting....think i ll give it a try! Organic and ecologic. Hehehe .
I notice and feel your filmic poetry between the lines my friend, drained with some pics and senses .
Waiting for the next chapters! Thanks for allllll your advice.
Sneaky proud to be least up here:headbang:...and we have biotabs without much transport costs.:cheers:lol.
Sneaky proud to be least up here:headbang:...and we have biotabs without much transport costs.:cheers:lol.
You just HAD to say it! Lol.

I'm not gonna even guys do have it pretty good over far as our hobby goes anyway....never been, but I know they have some good folks over there across the pond! My brothers from other mothers!
Jup. I like your style of humour, Megatron!

That's Optimus Prime! Lol. Come on bro! Geez!
I'm gonna let that slide, because I'm not aware of the Transformer presence in EU, and your such a cool dude ;)...
Megatron is the evil one:yoinks:

Sorry Med! Lol. Getting off topic a bit!
That's Optimus Prime! Lol. Come on bro! Geez!
I'm gonna let that slide, because I'm not aware of the Transformer presence in EU, and your such a cool dude ;)...
Megatron is the evil one:yoinks: View attachment 1049755
Sorry Med! Lol. Getting off topic a bit!

No worries you two! Glad to see we can all use this space as a forum to communicate and share knowledge as well as's all good.

BTW, everyone knows Megatron is the bad guy!
Ok, wow!!

I just came home after work, checked the little popcorn buds which were drying and were perfect. Popped in the Purple Nuggets. The bud itself was a nice fluorescent purple color in some spots. The taste was a real surprise with a complex terpene profile of berry, gas, spice, and some other things as well, that I am sure will come out in the real deal later on. Very impressed. BTW, I was toasted after two hits. :baked::haha:

I took a little break and had some food. Then returned for some Gorilla Glue. Just a small nug, but enough to fill one glass spoon. I went to go sit down in my usual spot, and set my coffee down, not realizing I was about to take a journey...:doc1:

That first hit reminded me of this great skunk herb I got in like 1986, and it was the best I had ever had to that point in my life. It was so good, it stuck with me to this day, and this GG tasted just like it. I am in love with this smoke already. I am so stoked I have so much more of this, and it will be an even better version.

I didn't have enough brains left to try the Sour Livers or the Orange Biscuit. They will be for tomorrow.
