Update Day 51 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow 
The Pine Apple Express just won't flower. Not looking good, and too cold right now to put her out. Poor girl might just get dumped in the garbage...
She looks so nice too.
Here she I said this morning, outside looking in. It's really sad part of growing buds man, I mean she is gorgeous and all, but if Shen isn't making buds, she needs to go...oh well.
"The Flavor Chase" is on...
Let's go to the tent this morning in the ManCave . Opening the tent now I am hit right in the face with this thick warm wall of sweet stankiness that would make any stoner smile from ear to ear. Too many things going on in there to describe it really other than that.
Not a lot different from this view, but the feeding really perked them up and they are starting to add a little weight now.
Purple Monster

doing her thing. Looking real sweet, covered in frost. I am hoping for a nice little yield from her even though she is small. Just like the book says, somewhere between 60 and 90 grams is where she might be.
Sour Livers is really a stinky ass weed people. Any little leaf tugs end up in releasing a Sour Diesel mixed with some really sweet chemical or something like that. This stuff will crackle and pop in the bowl and totally light my ass up. Can't wait!
Our strange little friend, Chem Stomper still packing on weight as well. Never seen so man you single leaves and triples on one plant. She only had a few leaves that had five...
Gorilla Glue has some single leaves in her too, but she looks great, even though she also has a mutant growth pattern. Super stinky classic Glue smell, and very oily looking. I think she will put out some super quality smoke. As long as they are healthy, I generally like mutant plant buds. I have had some really amazing buds from mutant plants in the past. You can see that she is starting to frost up nicely herself.
The main on the Orange Biscuit is looking like she will be really nice. Pretty looking plant and very tall. She I said so close to the cob light now, but showing no signs of light burn. Lots of auxins and oils and resins keeping her good to go I guess?!
She is a beauty.
Here you can get a better sense of her size. Yield will again be similar to the others. Tent space kind of limits them in this regard, but 60 to 90 grams could happen with her as well.
I am getting my cob light, that was really strong fitted with a dimmer control so I can add her to the tent. This will help with yield for sure, but not sure how much at this point.
Some lowers on the Purple Nuggets. Frosty little things.
Sour Livers is no slouch and mightn't be the best tasting one of the bunch. The flavor chase was always the theme of this grow, and she might be the winner yet!
Thanks or stopping in to the ManCave. We are still 4 to 5 weeks away, I would guess, but things are moving alongside nicely.