Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

When i did it on an earlier round that way, i pulled sometimes a kind of fiber strip on the stem with it. Like you have with leek. You get me:headbang:?
Did never so much defoliation. No guts.
Whats the best timing in fact to do it.
After preflower ending its too late, no?
Was necessary with my low plants...but suppose its too late on day 54.
Thanks for the tips and tricks, Med!

Yep, once again, no worries. I have those little fibers strips all over the place. Hell, I even pulled a part of the main stem off, exposing the core, just put it back and taped it, and she was good to go. This is an agressive weed, that is hard to kill. I will show you close ups of how the stems split and break where the trainers are used sometimes, and they keep on going anyways, heal up and create like a knuckle, which then can actually transport more nutes to the flowers and those buds are usually bigger.

I am not saying be reckless bro, I a man just saying, if you want these bitches to do your bidding, you need to show them whose boss! Then you will get what you need. Much larger nugs at all levels. My plants will now be able to focus all their energy on the places left with growth, which is the bud sites themselves. I always leave a few leaves as long as they don't block any other sites too much.

For the most part, I strip every sun leaf from the main stem outward except the last or last two on each stem. I have stripped them bare one time, and she had huge nugs too!

Defoliate before flower in week four or so, or after the stretch in week six or so. You should be fine to defoliate now. I sometimes need to pull off leaves later in week 7 or 8 if there is new growth which blocks somehow another site, which actually is not as rare as you would think. Buds grow and start to grow extra sugar leaves and sun leaves.

Thanks for stopping in bro. I am not an expert by any means,but if anything here helps you, then I am happy from that.

Let me know if there is a specific thing or question you need help with...:pass:
Yep, once again, no worries. I have those little fibers strips all over the place. Hell, I even pulled a part of the main stem off, exposing the core, just put it back and taped it, and she was good to go. This is an agressive weed, that is hard to kill. I will show you close ups of how the stems split and break where the trainers are used sometimes, and they keep on going anyways, heal up and create like a knuckle, which then can actually transport more nutes to the flowers and those buds are usually bigger.

I am not saying be reckless bro, I a man just saying, if you want these bitches to do your bidding, you need to show them whose boss! Then you will get what you need. Much larger nugs at all levels. My plants will now be able to focus all their energy on the places left with growth, which is the bud sites themselves. I always leave a few leaves as long as they don't block any other sites too much.

For the most part, I strip every sun leaf from the main stem outward except the last or last two on each stem. I have stripped them bare one time, and she had huge nugs too!

Defoliate before flower in week four or so, or after the stretch in week six or so. You should be fine to defoliate now. I sometimes need to pull off leaves later in week 7 or 8 if there is new growth which blocks somehow another site, which actually is not as rare as you would think. Buds grow and start to grow extra sugar leaves and sun leaves.

Thanks for stopping in bro. I am not an expert by any means,but if anything here helps you, then I am happy from that.

Let me know if there is a specific thing or question you need help with...:pass:

I grab all my courage together and will start with the Jack. I shit in my pants but it s worth the test.
Grtz from da moon.
I am not saying be reckless bro, I a man just saying, if you want these bitches to do your bidding, you need to show them whose boss!

That's like, the greatest thing I have ever heard lol:crying:
I have always pulled them off too, exactly as you said...but they were dead or dying leaves from poor health...never a scheduled planned defol
I grab all my courage together and will start with the Jack. I shit in my pants but it s worth the test.
Grtz from da moon.

Yes, that's it. You will see. I wasn't so bold before either, but then I just did it once and I couldn't believe how much the plant filled back in. Like I said, I have stripped plants bare of every fan leaf and they still had new leaves and buds were huge on her in the end!
That's like, the greatest thing I have ever heard lol:crying:
I have always pulled them off too, exactly as you said...but they were dead or dying leaves from poor health...never a scheduled planned defol

Remember that you are not trying to grow green leaves and smoke those, you want big buds to smoke. As a friend @Iriee Vibez once said, we are bud farmers, not leaf farmers!

Damn good quote that!!:headbang::headbang:
I agree with, Med, obviously. There are a lot of folks in the camp that swear by a technique that includes removing ALL fan leaves not directly engaged with a bud at least once at the end of the stretch, and recommend an earlier one during the second half of vegging. I don't do a total defoliation, but I come damn close.

I remove anything that is growing inwards, or even partially blocking a lower bud site/shoot. I want every bud to have access to the light, as that is my focus. Not the leaves.

Now, I do feel that Hydro supports this technique more than other mediums, since the plants aren't dependent on the leaves for nutrients. Everything is readily accessible like a smorgasbord. I do think it works for all mediums, but may not recommend a total strip. The Med method, or what I call Medod, of leaving one or two fans per stem is what I would do if I grew in soil.

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Quick update...Day 44 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow :shooty:

Pulled PineApple Express from the tent and put her in darkness. She can come out and play tomorrow night. Hopefully she, will really prove she is worthy to be a she!

Nuff she's for ya? Sheeesh...:haha:

Plants all got tap water from bottom feed and used some coco-perlite mix as a mulch around 3cm deep on each pot. Should help keep in moisture, and not let top dry out so much with these AutoPots.

Anyhow, thanks for checking in. I will make photos tomorrow and hopefully we will get that PineApple Express flipping over.:shrug:
Update Day 45 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow :shooty:

Ok, PineApple Express still didn't really flower yet, but I do see the pistils sites swelling up more, which means they could pop any day I guess. She I said too gorgeous to throw out for sure. Might have to put her outside, but thát would be fine here in a week or so.:thumbsup:

On to the's what we have today.


I hadn't to rearrange the ladies to accommodate moving the Pineapple Express in and out if necessary. The PE is up front on the right. Chem Stomper back right and Gorilla Glue back center now.

Not bad after the huge defoliation. All plants relatively healthy, even the deformed Chem Stomper is growing and green. No sign of any deficiency or toxicity in any plant. I think my upgraded system, and additions did the trick.

Today I fed them the 10ml/l of Bio PK for the first time. That's was this morning, and they looked very happy after that. I will do it again next week. Until then, just tap water. Crazy easy this system I feel you prepare well.


The Pine Apple Express is a super looking plant, and has the perfect structure I like, so she stays in the tent a little longer. It is possible her auto genes are a little slow. If she doesn't need flip soon, we will try the isolation for 24 hours in the dark to get her to turn. :eyebrows:


The Purple Nuggets is a nice flower, and has some nice frost building up on all sites. Smells like a musty, earthy, berry of some kind now. Getting better for sure. :coffee:


Sour Livers is such an awesome plant man! She will put out the dankest,stankiest, Diesel fuel nugs this side of the pond me some Livers genetics. That stuff excites the hell out of your nose if you get anywhere near her.:headbang:


Gorilla Glue is going to be the dark horse of the tent. I found out that the real deal Gorilla Glue genetics often put out these weird cage looking, open structure, genetically odd looking plants. I got one of thise, so I guess that is a good thing?!:shrug:
Anyways, she smells to me like classic GG, so I am happy. :woohoo1:


The twisted up Chem Stomper also packing on weight, even though she looks weird as hell. Looks like over watered, but she is not. She can not get over watered really in this system.

Smells like Fruity Pebbles or grape pop rocks. This should be some really cool weed. Frost level is not that good yet though. Let's see if she will perk up later on. Anyway, she almost has the most weight already.

:smokeout: Let's take a toke break... good? Me too!

Moving on...


It will be interesting to see how much weight she can pack on before the harvest. I already have a yoyo on her to keep her from going over. Just a precaution for now. :nono:


The Orange Biscuit stretched to well over a meter tall now. She just stopped and started to pack on weight. She will be a good yielding plant. There are many sites that can develop and are getting great light now. She will need a yoyo or two in the end I think.:bighug:


The main flower on the Orange Biscuit is gorgeous. Can't really tell from the smell if she is going to be different than the other girl I grew, but the leaves look different for sure. Organics and autos seems to work for this strain. Strong plant!! The lux is around 80,000 at the main right there. She hasn't flinched.:coffee2:

She's like, that's all you got.

Last Note:

I am running the Full Spectrum on the blurple to give me the extra UVA and UVB for enhanced terepene profiles. Also helps resin and oil production. The light Ian strong and the plants can feel it. It bumps the lux up to like sunlight at 100,000 lux at the top of the canopy. Obviously stresses them.

I will now run that each day for four hours this next week. The next week we will bump that up to five hours, six and so on for the next five weeks, and max out at 10 hours per day. That should give the added UV rays needed to create the effect we want.

Thanks for stopping in and taking the time to get the details that just may help you with your next grow.

From the ManCave, this is MedCzech saying thanks and see you soon!:thanks: