Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

Update coming...

Operation Defol Phase 2 in the ManCave, "The Chop!"
Photos coming later. It was enough to lower RH nearly 7%, so the tent is definitely much lighter and the sites can make their move now. See you soon...
Update Day 42 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow :shooty:

Operation Defol Phase 2 in full effect...:amazon::amazon::amazon::amazon::amazon::amazon:


Before picture from yesterday 's photos...:coffee2:


After the operation went down, this was what was left on the scene...:photog:
you can tell I was baked again because I forgot to turn off the blurple again. Photos not the best, but you can see how much more open they are now. I removed nearly one hundred leaves or so, maybe more.


Closer look at the Sour Livers up front on left. All her bud sites are getting good light now, and they should start to bulk up nicely.:thumbsup: She will be one of the best in the tent IMO. Great structure, and really healthy looking plant.


Now you can't even tell where one plant starts and another begins practically. Purple Nuggets in the middle there has got some real funk to her. I actually don't really like the smell, and that is rare for me with dope. She look like she will be potent as well, but for now, she has a putrid, rotten, toe jam thing going on. Nasty little girl, where have you been??:kiss:


Chem Stomper, just trying to survive. Single leaf, double leaf, it's a strange litttle thing. I bet if she gets through, her buds will be super dank. All my weird genetic plants that's made it to the end always had really great weed. Sometimes not that much of it, but really good was always a common denominator.:yoinks:

She smells like pop rocks candy, grape flavor, and if you touch her, it's more like fruity pebbles. My God, I hope she can give me some nice sweeet little nugs.:drool:


Tried to open up the Gorilla Glue as well, but she didn't need as much chopping as the others. Open structure let's great light levels even to lower nugs on opposite side of tent.

Nice looking little plant as well. The organics seems to match well with my environment and these genetics. I have kept my Grow space a little warmer this time around, and the growth has been noticeably better. These ladies like it hot brothers! :fire:


PineApple Express is the slowest flowering plant I have ever seen. She started to just poke the tips of the pistils out, but like only 2mm and they refuse to move much more for three days. Not sure what is up with her, but I went ahead and cleared her out big time as well.

Moving on to the last girl...Orange Biscuit


She was cleared out completely as well. She is now taller than the Sour Livers at around 100 cm total. 25 cm taller than the OB I ran last fall. Could be interesting. Either way, this plant is a different pheno. I will show you the other plant or you can look back in the Golden Ratio grow. The OB had really dark green leaves, and almost velvet trichomed out buds. Awesome smoke. This plant looks completely different...we shall see:eyebrows:

Environment is solid, but RH is getting harder to keep under control. I will need to get the exhaust fan and vents in my building opened up now that spring is here. That will help keep better air circulation in surrounding space.

Thanks for visiting the ManCave brothers and sisters. :thanks:

Here's one to spark up :pass:see your guys soon.
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I gave you the 100 rep. No doubt 'bout that!
Must have taken a full day off to defoliate those ladies.:biggrin:
I m very impressed about the quality of info and in pullposition to follow this amazing adventure.
To be continued.
And thanks.
I gave you the 100 rep. No doubt 'bout that!
Must have taken a full day off to defoliate those ladies.:biggrin:
I m very impressed about the quality of info and in pullposition to follow this amazing adventure.
To be continued.
And thanks.

Actually, it took like ten minutes tops, and that was because I was screwing around. I know exactly what I am going to take on plants, so there is not much time required. It would be even faster I could take the plants out of the tent. I mean , I could, but I didn't.

Anyway, thanks a lot man. Everything on point in this grow so far besides my mistakes early with light. Now we will see how fat we can get these buds. That will be my focus now!
The most informative posts on here. Looking great, Med!

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Hey Med....when defoliating. I have read that you should cut the leaf away from the stem, not cut the stem off completely. Can't really tell from your do YOU do it?

Nope, I just pull down and snap them off from the stem. That is the way I learned thirty years ago from a real farmer. I have never used scisssors to trim or cut stems off. I am pretty violent and don't really worry about if I do it perfectly. Plants are very strong. They can handle it.
Nope, I just pull down and snap them off from the stem. That is the way I learned thirty years ago from a real farmer. I have never used scisssors to trim or cut stems off. I am pretty violent and don't really worry about if I do it perfectly. Plants are very strong. They can handle it.

When i did it on an earlier round that way, i pulled sometimes a kind of fiber strip on the stem with it. Like you have with leek. You get me:headbang:?
Did never so much defoliation. No guts.
Whats the best timing in fact to do it.
After preflower ending its too late, no?
Was necessary with my low plants...but suppose its too late on day 54.
Thanks for the tips and tricks, Med!