Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

I can't wait! Not that I don't enjoy my ANQ bud, as it isn't awesome! In fact I am thinking about growing two more right after this, so I always have that heavy indica buzz!
Has the ANQ cures up nice yet? It starts to really get the Kush deep flavor as it cures. Very heavy flavor, but it can get to be a bit much if that's all you have. I mix it often with other stuff.

When I mix with Massive Midget, I call it my Midget Queen, if I mix with Green Crack I call it Green Queen...I will run more of the Orange Biscuit trim and the Green Crack to make a hash I will call Orange is the new Crack!

I already have it as mu favorite blend right now while I am in the grow room. Super tasty stuff mixing the mango zippy buzz with the mellow citrus Cookie flavors in the OB. I can't get enough of the stuff, but my buzz is a bit crazy and ususlaly crashes me out afterwards if I smoke more than one pipe.
Yep. Both phenos are great and have gotten better each week. The flavors are more pronounced, if not stronger in each. It is truly a pleasure to smoke. Which is part of the problem. Since it is all I have right now, I smoke it at different times in the day. I don't think it is made for that! Lol! Perfect vending and Night smoke, though. I will probably be missing with Glueberry for sure! Will call it Blue Glue Queen! Lol!

Love the mixtures and the names you gave. Can't wait until I have those options!
Update Day 35 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow :shooty:

I think this says it all...


But really man, the tent is rocking pretty sweet right now. No signs of deficiency or toxicity of any kind. BioTabs and a few extras along the way seems to have us in good shape so far. Today they got 1.5 liters each of tap water with 6ml/l of PK 5-8 booster, and then an hour later I filled up their individual reservoirs to the top with plain tap water. This will last until Friday and most likely even Saturday.

I let the water drain out of the reservoir in each and then wait 24 hours before feeding again. As of now, they are all basically drinking the same except the runt, Chem Stomper.

Onto the ladies right?!...


Full house for sure. They are getting tall around 65 to 75cm right now and still going a bit. Exactly as advertised though. One thing I like about Mephisto,...if you grow the plant properly, you will get the averages they advertise for each strain.


Front left Sour Livers, Purple Nuggets getting wider, then Chem Stomper up front. Back left Orange Biscuit, then the last still to flower, the Pineapple Express, and then Gorilla Glue.


Overhead shot. Will need another defoliation in a week or so when the stretch completely stops.


Chem Stomper still showing its genetic mutation in putting only single leaves out primarily, but I still think the nugs will be awesome in the end. The word out there is she will rival even the famous double Grape with her terpene profile. Grapey, fruity pebbles, fuely, are just a few words used to describe her flavor.:drool:


Purple Nuggets plugging along. She has always had leaves that turned up like they are being cooked, but I think it's just genetics as well. All others look good, and there is no hotspot there either.

She is starting to smell just a little, but the dank is beginning. Smells like wet socks in their right now :yoinks:


She will be a sweet plant as she has prime location under that X1 cob. Powerful little light for sure. Plant loves it. :yay:


Gorilla Glue has this cool open structure that will benefit her greatly later in flower, as all those inner buds should get light and lowers as well. Interesting to see how she shapes up. She stacked well also.


The non conformist...PineApple Express just wants to keep growing a bit more, bit I may have to top her to slow her down in the next couple days if she doesn't flower yet. Otherwise she will grow out of the top of the tent. :cuss:


Orange Biscuit just looks lovely as well. I can't find any flaw on her. She will definitely need another defoliation soon. Nice looking flower though. She's perty...:kiss:

In the next feeding the girls will get their last feed except the PK boost until the end. I will be doing a top dressing of Silicium Flash, mychorrizea from extreme gardening to replenish life, and some Bactrex for even more biodiversity and help produce the necessary nutrients needed to push them to the finish. Of course, I will be reading and watching them to see if any additional nutrients will Ben needed, but the plan is to stop after this next feeding.

Thanks again for stopping in. It's just about to get real up in the ManCave...:pass:
Purple Nuggets...... Maybe light avoidance......

Have you tried her in a corner? I found that my 3 Bears couldn’t handle too much light, she was in a corner, I then moved her in prime location due to vacancy and her leaves started with the sawtooth BS ..... moved here back away from lights and she stopped ..... Her leaves were skinny compared to others.
Purple Nuggets...... Maybe light avoidance......

Have you tried her in a corner? I found that my 3 Bears couldn’t handle too much light, she was in a corner, I then moved her in prime location due to vacancy and her leaves started with the sawtooth BS ..... moved here back away from lights and she stopped ..... Her leaves were skinny compared to others.
Yep, moved her on the corner back early and she still did it. You can see tips are folded over a bit. Like I said, I think it's genetic. I already have her in a spot with no light over head, and around 5000 less lux than the girl next to her. Same for Chem Stomper and Gorilla Glue, they are both getting another 5000 less than even her. Either way, I can not lower intensity much now anyways. If anything I want to increase more light into tent in a week or so. Once the hormones of flowering really set in, and I use the Silicium Flash, which combats against light burn and a lot more, they should be able to handle a lot more light.

Thanks for the heads up, but that is exactly why I commented on her, because I knew someone would point out she looks light she is getting light stress, and she very well may be, but I can't go lower.
Update Day 35 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow :shooty:

I think this says it all...

View attachment 1035463

But really man, the tent is rocking pretty sweet right now. No signs of deficiency or toxicity of any kind. BioTabs and a few extras along the way seems to have us in good shape so far. Today they got 1.5 liters each of tap water with 6ml/l of PK 5-8 booster, and then an hour later I filled up their individual reservoirs to the top with plain tap water. This will last until Friday and most likely even Saturday.

I let the water drain out of the reservoir in each and then wait 24 hours before feeding again. As of now, they are all basically drinking the same except the runt, Chem Stomper.

Onto the ladies right?!...

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Full house for sure. They are getting tall around 65 to 75cm right now and still going a bit. Exactly as advertised though. One thing I like about Mephisto,...if you grow the plant properly, you will get the averages they advertise for each strain.

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Front left Sour Livers, Purple Nuggets getting wider, then Chem Stomper up front. Back left Orange Biscuit, then the last still to flower, the Pineapple Express, and then Gorilla Glue.

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Overhead shot. Will need another defoliation in a week or so when the stretch completely stops.

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Chem Stomper still showing its genetic mutation in putting only single leaves out primarily, but I still think the nugs will be awesome in the end. The word out there is she will rival even the famous double Grape with her terpene profile. Grapey, fruity pebbles, fuely, are just a few words used to describe her flavor.:drool:

View attachment 1035458
Purple Nuggets plugging along. She has always had leaves that turned up like they are being cooked, but I think it's just genetics as well. All others look good, and there is no hotspot there either.

She is starting to smell just a little, but the dank is beginning. Smells like wet socks in their right now :yoinks:

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She will be a sweet plant as she has prime location under that X1 cob. Powerful little light for sure. Plant loves it. :yay:

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Gorilla Glue has this cool open structure that will benefit her greatly later in flower, as all those inner buds should get light and lowers as well. Interesting to see how she shapes up. She stacked well also.

View attachment 1035461
The non conformist...PineApple Express just wants to keep growing a bit more, bit I may have to top her to slow her down in the next couple days if she doesn't flower yet. Otherwise she will grow out of the top of the tent. :cuss:

View attachment 1035462
Orange Biscuit just looks lovely as well. I can't find any flaw on her. She will definitely need another defoliation soon. Nice looking flower though. She's perty...:kiss:

In the next feeding the girls will get their last feed except the PK boost until the end. I will be doing a top dressing of Silicium Flash, mychorrizea from extreme gardening to replenish life, and some Bactrex for even more biodiversity and help produce the necessary nutrients needed to push them to the finish. Of course, I will be reading and watching them to see if any additional nutrients will Ben needed, but the plan is to stop after this next feeding.

Thanks again for stopping in. It's just about to get real up in the ManCave...:pass:
Use any grokashi
What is that?

Gro-Kashi is an organic blend of nutrients that I continuously use as a Top Dressing .... - Check it out .... it goes back when in Japanese Gardens I think .... Check it out .....

Do you raise your own worms / compost?
Gro-Kashi is an organic blend of nutrients that I continuously use as a Top Dressing .... - Check it out .... it goes back when in Japanese Gardens I think .... Check it out .....

Do you raise your own worms / compost?

Nope, no time for that. I have to travel for my job often in summertime, so I have spring and fall grows only. Just enough time to cut grass, maintain wife's flower gardens, and grow the fruit and veggies for the family fun stuff. Compost pile I have and sometimes use, but I don't really need, as I am in a beautiful place out in nature.
Grokasi sounds cool. I will check it out, but the Silicium Flash I have is especially for this, but I wasn't really in a hurry and my plan was to to dress this week all along anyway. Following plan and will Top dress Friday or Saturday.
Checked out Gro Kashi...looks pretty darn good, but I think it might be a little redundant with what I am running now, and I am looking for a low maintenance grow, not necessarily the best organic grow system on the planet.
I think the BioTabs with just a little tweak here and there will get great buds for little to no effort on my part. No mixing, checking anything, working on compost teas, and any of that is not interesting to me in any high level of effort. Once in a while I add a thing or two if it's a no brainer and takes little to no effort. That's my style...