Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

The 20mL Orgatrex 3-4 weeks after potting is recommended by the BioTabs manual, so no worries there. I give them Orgartex+Bactrex twice, once when I pot them and the second time 3-4 weeks after (following the manual in this one).

However, I put less than 20mL but that's because I amend my soil with more products than just the BT line and I don't wanna over do it :2cents:.
Question,...have you ever over done it in organics before? I mean, I have overdone it when feeding organic solutions before, but not when working with soil as a buffer. Not that I ever tried, but I just don't seems to see that very often and always see guys underfed. That was my obersavation and why I would say. I am trying to stay at least 25% beyond anything I saw documented. They all seemed to under feed not over feed.
Mini update Day 31 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow :shooty:

Another operation taking place. Switching out blurple for high powered double cob(risky move)
This time I am more confident with light placement and intensity, so she should help boost light penetration compared to the blurple, which will make its return in mid flower as a UV booster. I will run her in veg mode all the way until the end. That adds to terpene produ and flavor profiles.

Pictures coming later...:pass:
Question,...have you ever over done it in organics before? I mean, I have overdone it when feeding organic solutions before, but not when working with soil as a buffer. Not that I ever tried, but I just don't seems to see that very often and always see guys underfed. That was my obersavation and why I would say. I am trying to stay at least 25% beyond anything I saw documented. They all seemed to under feed not over feed.

Don't remember for sure but possibly never and I see where you're getting at - it's very hard to overdo with Orgatrex or Bio PK and sometimes people don't use liquid organic feed as they should or in other words, they under feed, so I agree with you on that.

I've done some grows with 15mL Bio PK every 5 days with only tip burn :thumbsup:.

However, I think I'm experiencing that plants have a certain treshold concerning all of this and sometimes there is no point in adding more nutes - let's say I didn't see any difference in giving babies 15mL bio PK every 5 days or 10mL every 7 and I stuck with the lesser version.
Don't remember for sure but possibly never and I see where you're getting at - it's very hard to overdo with Orgatrex or Bio PK and sometimes people don't use liquid organic feed as they should or in other words, they under feed, so I agree with you on that.

I've done some grows with 15mL Bio PK every 5 days with only tip burn :thumbsup:.

However, I think I'm experiencing that plants have a certain treshold concerning all of this and sometimes there is no point in adding more nutes - let's say I didn't see any difference in giving babies 15mL bio PK every 5 days or 10mL every 7 and I stuck with the lesser version.
I agree on the threshold. I am a little old school sometimes in my approach. I have a philosophy to grow the plant in front of me, and not what the cart says. So I use charts as guidelines to get me started, and then I adjust as I see the plants react. I purpose.y only used two tabs in these pots to reduce costs on using tabs, but also to create a slightly, IMO better version of the system that has some discipline and plan, but is not so rigid as to not adjust when needed. As I said, I think my plan probably gives me about 25% more feed at every level more than the schedule set by BioTabs, and I added the guano and mychorrizea which I know is a well balanced feed that will enhance this grow without disrupting any balance in the nutrient ratios.
Ok, no pictures needed, because I switched the light out again after I could just see that this light is not right for this tent. The plants just don't react well...out is goes!

Update coming soon to see how things look after the defoliation. How will they look 36 hours later?

Nothing wrong with playing it safe. Someday when your med cabinet is as full as mine and things are a little more quiet on the home front, I am in the same boat there, you will be able to experiment and do more. Right now I have like twenty strains and over a pound of meds sitting around. Half the time I have to freeze it, crush it up and turn I think into hash just to clear out jars for the next run. You'll get there someday if that's what your looking for.

BioTabs is a great place to start though...:pass:passing one over to ya man.
Uhhhh....yea lol. I most certainly would love to be there some day. And I anxiously await that day! Lmao!
That would never be a problem...I always run out before my grow is done. But I will get there. That's why I'm here...or all of give and get good info to help yourself and the next guy:pass:
Update Day 32 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow :shooty:

After Operation Clean Out the ladies have settled in, plus then I tried to kill them again with that dumbass light I have that is too powerful for my tent. All things considered, they look good.

Here they are...:welcome: if you have never been in the ManCave!:d5:


They filled the space right back up with greenage. Purple Nuggets starting to flower now, everyone else in tow.

Let's hope they can keep up!


Good angle to see the structure of the ladies. Sour Livers on the front left is really shaping into a nice plant, but TBH, most of them are looking great.



Here the Chem Stomper we call the runt, is actually growing vertical now and I see taller than everyone else and skinny too. Her colas are starting to form now, so I think in the end she will give at least 35 grams or so.


PineApple Express main cola, still no signs of the pistils yet, she is the last to the party.:crying::crying:


Gorilla Glue main cola looks nice. Now let's build something special here girl, get going now!!:naughtystep:


Sour Livers. Her main cola will be a monster I bet. I like a good 10 gram main, at least, if I can get it...:pop:

We shall see...


Orange Biscuit doing her thing. Side branching from first node are looking to get up and get same hormones as the main stalks. They are very thick in deed.:vibe:


The Purple Monster herself :tonic:

She is a few days ahead of some and nearly two weeks ahead of the Pineapple Express.:rolleyes1:


Another over head shot of the tent just to give you some different shots and looks. Hope you are enjoying the grow so far. About six weeks at least to go, and more for the PE...

Thanks for stopping in.:love:
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Everyone looks healthy and happy.
Thanks FB!

Pretty boring part now, which is ok, but just waiting for them to stack up and maybe a little leaf tucking will be required. I have a lot to do in the big garden outside and take care of spring time chores.