Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

Update Day 30 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow :shooty:

All I have to say is BOOOM!

Environment steady at around 26-28C and RH around 60ish%
Humidifier is only needed during evening hours when the heater turns on. Soon I will turn it off permanently and start to use the extraction fan to reduce the RH.

Today I started using the PK 5-8 booster at 4ml/l and this one time, just to add a little N, orgatrex at 2ml/l. The girls are hungry and are very vigorous now in their growth.:thumbsup:


As you can see, the tent exploded in last two days. I will consider from defoliation here in the next week or so to help open up the canopy a bit, but usually the structure of the plants I grow, I don't like to do it unless absolutely necessary. In this case, I may have to do it.

What do you guys think? Defoliate or not, or wait? :shrug:


The little runt we now call Chem Stomper. Small plant, but looks nice and healthy now, we'll see if I can get her to grow some bulbous,chunky-ass nugs...:bighug:


The Purple Monster is chugging along. Drinks a lot more than the rest as well. :cheers:

Should give out some sweet buds.


Front left there, the Sour Livers looks so healthy under that 3590 Cree chip cob. Secondary growth really rising up to the occasion, yes,...pun intended. :crying:

Ok, not so funny...moving along.:bored:


The Gorilla Glue is spread out big time in her structure. Should be great for flowering when that open structure should allow better light penetration.



PineApple Express is a cool looking plant. Stems are reddish, nice dark green color in her leaves. Still not sure if I got the good pheno yet, I will have to wait until I can smell her...then it is clear. PineApple yumminess!

:crisps:Once you start, you can't smoke just one. This stuff is usually gone quick from my med cabinet every time I grow it.


Orange Biscuit in the corner looking sweet also under the other cob light. The stretch is still going and will continue some time still I believe...another 10 cm or so and then I will consider measure to slow that down as to not create issues later in flower because I like to bring in some more power from mid to finish in UV lights and more cob power as well. My total wattage should be around 380watts total. Right now I am running at 210watts.

:bored:Oops, sorry, too much detail I suppose for most of you. Next up then is...


Main flower on the Purple Nuggets. :watering:


Sour Livers head shot...:photog:


Here you can really see the open structure of the Gorilla Glue. :holymoly:


Looking up through the canopy at the main on the Purple Nuggets. This place is starting to fill up fast.

Thanks again for stopping in. Congratulations if you made it all the way through and actually read the stuff there too. :bravo:

I think my plan of prevention and staying ahead of the feeding is working great so far. Next week will be one last top dressing of Silicium Flash, some mycotrex, and mychorrizea from another manufacturer just to boost that biodiversity one last time, plus I will reuse this soil again in the next grow. It will be left outside in a compost pile left to do its thing, then I will collect and use in fall grow.

See you guys soon. Thanks for visiting the ManCave... :pass:
Update Day 30 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow :shooty:

All I have to say is BOOOM!

Environment steady at around 26-28C and RH around 60ish%
Humidifier is only needed during evening hours when the heater turns on. Soon I will turn it off permanently and start to use the extraction fan to reduce the RH.

Today I started using the PK 5-8 booster at 4ml/l and this one time, just to add a little N, orgatrex at 2ml/l. The girls are hungry and are very vigorous now in their growth.:thumbsup:

View attachment 1032968
As you can see, the tent exploded in last two days. I will consider from defoliation here in the next week or so to help open up the canopy a bit, but usually the structure of the plants I grow, I don't like to do it unless absolutely necessary. In this case, I may have to do it.

What do you guys think? Defoliate or not, or wait? :shrug:

View attachment 1032971
The little runt we now call Chem Stomper. Small plant, but looks nice and healthy now, we'll see if I can get her to grow some bulbous,chunky-ass nugs...:bighug:

View attachment 1032974
The Purple Monster is chugging along. Drinks a lot more than the rest as well. :cheers:

Should give out some sweet buds.

View attachment 1032978
Front left there, the Sour Livers looks so healthy under that 3590 Cree chip cob. Secondary growth really rising up to the occasion, yes,...pun intended. :crying:

Ok, not so funny...moving along.:bored:

View attachment 1032980
The Gorilla Glue is spread out big time in her structure. Should be great for flowering when that open structure should allow better light penetration.


View attachment 1032981
PineApple Express is a cool looking plant. Stems are reddish, nice dark green color in her leaves. Still not sure if I got the good pheno yet, I will have to wait until I can smell her...then it is clear. PineApple yumminess!

:crisps:Once you start, you can't smoke just one. This stuff is usually gone quick from my med cabinet every time I grow it.

View attachment 1032982
Orange Biscuit in the corner looking sweet also under the other cob light. The stretch is still going and will continue some time still I believe...another 10 cm or so and then I will consider measure to slow that down as to not create issues later in flower because I like to bring in some more power from mid to finish in UV lights and more cob power as well. My total wattage should be around 380watts total. Right now I am running at 210watts.

:bored:Oops, sorry, too much detail I suppose for most of you. Next up then is...

View attachment 1032984
Main flower on the Purple Nuggets. :watering:

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Sour Livers head shot...:photog:

View attachment 1032988
Here you can really see the open structure of the Gorilla Glue. :holymoly:

View attachment 1032989
Looking up through the canopy at the main on the Purple Nuggets. This place is starting to fill up fast.

Thanks again for stopping in. Congratulations if you made it all the way through and actually read the stuff there too. :bravo:

I think my plan of prevention and staying ahead of the feeding is working great so far. Next week will be one last top dressing of Silicium Flash, some mycotrex, and mychorrizea from another manufacturer just to boost that biodiversity one last time, plus I will reuse this soil again in the next grow. It will be left outside in a compost pile left to do its thing, then I will collect and use in fall grow.

See you guys soon. Thanks for visiting the ManCave... :pass:

:d5: Looking Great!!

As always a picture of health!!
I defoliate like a mad man, cut those babies up, they'll love it :naughtystep:.

Yep, I decided to strip them down completely on the large fans except on the bottom if they did not block a bud site. Girls look completely different and more opened up by a ton. I will make photos in an hour or so when they recover and look a little better. They still look great and you can really see the shape of each plant.

Little candelabras is exactly what I like.:smokeit:
Yep, I decided to strip them down completely on the large fans except on the bottom if they did not block a bud site. Girls look completely different and more opened up by a ton. I will make photos in an hour or so when they recover and look a little better. They still look great and you can really see the shape of each plant.

Little candelabras is exactly what I like.:smokeit:

Nice! On a serious note, I always defol my plants and never have I witnessed them having a bad reaction to it (if they are healthy beforehand). On the contrary, most times the babies seem to love it. More light gets through, it helps with humidity and ventilation (in my opinion) and to top it off it saves you some work during harvest :thumbsup:. Candelabras is the perfect word, especially if you train them, you get a candelabra of colas when you use these techniques properly.

Before I forget, if someone is afraid of causing too much stress to your plants by training them, use Boom Boom spray from BioTabs after you do your thing, it should help with any kinds of stress :2cents:.
Day 30 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow ...defoliation phase one "Operation Clean Out"

The girls have had only one hour to recover after removing all large fan leaves that blocked a site, which basically was the first three nodes, below the top cola on each.

They look pretty good. I will hit them with Boom Boom spray tomorrow, but considering they look nice I think.

Here they are before...


And now after the carnage....:windy::windy:


They never really blinked an eye to be honest. These plants are healthy as hell. Even the runt I said looking much better in terms of health. The yield and quality should be very good this run.


Another angle of the tent so you can better see under the canopy. The light can now reach all areas Andy sites on each plant. We should be all systems go from now on. They will probably need another defol in two weeks or so once the stretch is completely over and the buds start to form.


Sour Livers looks nice and seems to like the light low and powerful. At around 42000 lux right now at her main cola, and the rest of the tent is around 37 to 39000.

Should be interesting to see how much these bud sites grow in the next two's always a surprise when it happens how quickly they fill the space back up again.
Looking great, nice job on the defol, more light for the budsites :thumbsup:.