Update Day 27 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow 
Well, the BioTabs are kicking in, lights set correctly, environment steady...
As you can see, temps holding steady, and RH right in the zone. The lower sensor reads a little cooler and a little higher RH, so the tent dynamics is good as well to create that amazon forest effect. I actually allow for a 10% flux in RH as to better mimic nature anyway. Between 50 and 60 and then in two weeks I will drop that 5%, and then another 5% the last two weeks or so.
On to the ladies...
As you can see, there has been a little action in the tent the last two days. Looking nice, and not one bad leaf in the bunch. Healthy and happy!
Today is nearly the beginning of week 5 and they are all showing sex except the Pineapple Express, so I added the Orgatrex and Bactrex as I earlier explained. Stinky ass stuff man, but the plants should love the stuff. We shall see.
The runt of the bunch the CDLC x SS still trying to come back and give us a show!!
Did some training on her. When breaking and twisting stems, the repair work done by the plant will help actually produce knuckles at the
Bendz devices, and then as they grow and the stress of the device continues to be applied, the knuckles form faster and deliver more nutrients through those points increasing bud size on those stems. I have tested this, and it is true. That is why I like to use them on each stem if possible.
Purple Nuggets looking good for her age I think...
Over head shot of the Purple Monster

she will be a beaut...
You can see the great structure the Sour Livers has here. She I said going through to be gorgeous too.
Another shot of SL from Mephisto. Super stinky, oily stuff. Going to make me feel all funny inside...
The Gorilla Glue was actually a little overwatered come to find out, and now she made a roaring comeback. She is branching out so naturally. Love the structure of these plants!
Take a look at how she branches out perfectly. I can't believe she had no secondary growth just four days ago...crazy to think that if you see her today. For having light issues, internode spacing looks to be spot on perfect!
PineApple Express is the last to show her sex. She's a touch late to the party. Fashionably late is what she would like us to think. Not really late at all being only 25 days...let's see how she goes.
Next up, and last of the day...Orange Biscuit from Mephisto. Yummy stuff. Been smoking it all night long!
Super healthy looking plant! All is in order here folks.
BioTabs really kicking in nicely. After today's boost, let's see in the next three days what happens. The
STRETCH is coming soon!
Some more shots of the training Bendz devices. A great addition to any grow room for cheap!
Thanks for stopping into the ManCave.

Here's one for you to smoke and pass on...