Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

Update Day 28 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow :shooty:

Environment holding steady, only fresh water bottom fed to all.

What a difference a day makes...:toke:


The Chem Stomper, as we will now call her, or our little runt, has risen priority for me in the tent. They say she tatses like Grape Diesel...I love me some Grape flavored anything.

In fact today I ordered my Double Grape seeds from Mephisto. One of my all time favorite flavor reefers, I have ever tasted. I ordered seven seeds, which I rarely ever do, but this strain is amazing. Get yours now. The special started today.


The Purple Nuggets is really stout and strong looking. She will give some solid nugs...and tasty too!

:pass:Toke break for all you whose attention span is too short, go take a toke and come back right now...

All good?...we back on track? Ok let's get it. Next up...


Sour Livers looking sweet. Looking forward to seeing her stack up soon. :worship:

Here is another view.

Nice plant at this stage of the game. I like my candelabra style plants, and she looks on track.:cooldance:


Gorilla Glue has really caught up, but she is a little shorter than the others. Short and wide...I will have to see which phenotype that is. I think there are two.:toke::toke:


She looks good from this angle as well. She is starting the stretch of early flower now. All the rest are a day or two at least behind her in stage.


PineApple Express in the middle there. They all look good, don't they? I think so.


She is just starting to hit preflower, so she will grow vertical and so will her secondary growth. Nice structure though I think...:thumbsup:


Orange Biscuit is easy to look at. Nice color and shape, I can't see a flaw at this point. She will stretch still for sure. These girls will get bigger, but I think the overall shape and training done has been enough to keep them in check.

These plants grew themselves, after I tried to mess it up.:crying:


Bendz trainers working well. I will zoom in on another pick and show you how the plant swells up at that point, which will help boost nutes and energy to that bud site later in flower.


Canopy control, not too bad at this point. Considering we have six different strains in six pots, they look pretty even.


Environment is steady...:thumbsup:


This is what the plants see right now. Two cobs and a blurple in flower mode to aide in the Emerson Effect and get nodal spacing the way I like it. If they are too short, the plants don't get enough light to each site and I lose out on yield and bud quality from top to bottom. This allows me to have a deeper canopy and support more bud overall. A little trick I learned from a friend.

During the stretch over next week, when I really see them start to go, I will switch to the Veg light to slow them down and keep this spacing even. This is the first time I really documented this or told anyone. The ratios of blue to red, and the timing of when that spectrum is delivered seems to be the key to getting nodal spacing as the grower likes, or optimize space.:coffee2:


The tent does look good though.:d5:

Thanks for stopping in. Let's spark one up together sometime. Anyone coming to the Cannafest in Prague this fall will be able to sample some of these buds themselves. I will set up a little tour and provide meds for those in need if they can not travel with their own, and for fun of course!:smokeout:
glad you got your Double Grapes Med :cheers: i had a leftover i popped a couple of days ago and i'm hoping she's popped up out the soil by the time i get home this evening.

gorgeous ladies in the tent, lovely strains too. trying my hand at organic is a long term goal for me once i get basics down and a stash behind me, and Biotabs in my mind is a wonderful choice.

Don't miss out guys. Mephisto just dropped Double Grape again. I bought mine. Order yours now...


Yummy Grape flavors and lots of funk to go with it. This stuff will clear your mind with the first couple tokes, but if you get a little too carried away, she will cold cock you right on the top of your head and knock you the f... out!

Thanks Mephisto, plus since I ordered seven seeds I will be getting at least five freebies. I wonder what I get this time??
It's always good, and always a surprise. Maybe one of the new artisanal strains or the new high cbd strains as well. Either way I would be cool.

glad you got your Double Grapes Med :cheers: i had a leftover i popped a couple of days ago and i'm hoping she's popped up out the soil by the time i get home this evening.

gorgeous ladies in the tent, lovely strains too. trying my hand at organic is a long term goal for me once i get basics down and a stash behind me, and Biotabs in my mind is a wonderful choice.

With just a little tweak here and there, if you get all their line, BioTabs can be a perfect system for very low stress growing, and low maintenance as well.
I just sit there and look at them now. Gives me time to do other things in the grow room as well that I didn't have time to do before.
glad you got your Double Grapes Med :cheers: i had a leftover i popped a couple of days ago and i'm hoping she's popped up out the soil by the time i get home this evening.

gorgeous ladies in the tent, lovely strains too. trying my hand at organic is a long term goal for me once i get basics down and a stash behind me, and Biotabs in my mind is a wonderful choice.

So @Froot n Fuel , did she pop?
That s looking nice and green. And what a cosy growspace. I m in mate. Thanks for following my little 60x60 one cob setup.:bow:
I am blowed away of the healthy looking plants on Biotabs i see without too much measuring or messing around with 10 bottles for this or that.
How will you handle the week 5 feed they suggest of 20ml orgatrex/1gr Bactrex per liter?
I didn t had the balls to do it:dancer:...and decided to spread weekly one time 5ml orga/1gr bactrex. Other waterings are pure raindrops.:rofl:

Goodluck my friend.
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That s looking nice and green. And what a cosy growspace. I m in mate. Thanks for following my little 60x60 one cob setup.:bow:
I am blowed away of the healthy looking plants on Biotabs i see without too much measuring or messing around with 10 bottles for this or that.
How will you handle the week 5 feed they suggest of 20ml orgatrex/1gr Bactrex per liter?
I didn t had the balls to do it:dancer:...and decided to spread weekly one time 5ml orga/1gr bactrex. Other waterings are pure raindrops.:rofl:

Goodluck my friend.
I did the 20ml, then on my next feeding, which was today, I started feeding the PK 5-8 booster in 4ml/l and another little boost of orgatrex at 2ml/l. Feed those ladies. Wait to you see my next photos from his morning. Look below!!

They exploded...:yoinks: