Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

Looking great, nice job on the defol, more light for the budsites :thumbsup:.
Thanks brother.

You were right for sure. There was no need to keep those fans at this point. Just wondering how much more stretch these girls have left in them?? The Pineapple Express is barely even showing sex, which earns she hasn't even stretched yet. I may need to get creative with her. Supercropping the main if necessary...

Next two or three days should be fun watching them fill back in after the defol.

Stay tuned bro...:pass:thanks for keeping and eye on me.:cheers:
No problem mate, no need to keep an eye on you really, I'm just oogling your beautiful girls :smoking:. How are you liking the BT so far? Are the girls now more like you want them or still not completely satisfied? I understand what you mean by that, people here are too nice and always complimenting the girls, I'm also not satisfied completely until I think that I'm getting almost maximum potential from a plant :shrug::cheers:.
No problem mate, no need to keep an eye on you really, I'm just oogling your beautiful girls :smoking:. How are you liking the BT so far? Are the girls now more like you want them or still not completely satisfied? I understand what you mean by that, people here are too nice and always complimenting the girls, I'm also not satisfied completely until I think that I'm getting almost maximum potential from a plant :shrug::cheers:.
I am really liking BioTabs as a base system from which I can then at least have an idea of where I am and then customize from there as needed. Issues have always been from either overwatering or underfeeding. I have tried to avoid both. So far, they look good, but the next two weeks will tell if I prepared the soil well enough as they take more P and K. I should be good, but I don't know how each strain will react at that moment.

Overall they have recovered well, so I am relatively satisfied, but as you said, I am upset I screwed up that first part. It means I probably lost 10% in yield and 1% in quality, but I don't want to lose anything!

Striving for perfection is not bad as long as that is tempered with patience and the wisdom to know I will rarely, if ever get there again. It has happened a couple runs. Perfect grow and perfect buds with no issues and perfect timing as well. Very rare thing...
I did the 20ml, then on my next feeding, which was today, I started feeding the PK 5-8 booster in 4ml/l and another little boost of orgatrex at 2ml/l. Feed those ladies. Wait to you see my next photos from his morning. Look below!!

They exploded...:yoinks:

Thanks for showing me the balls i am missing:bighug:.
The 20ml orga...i still dont dare though. Saw in a post from @Ryker604_BT that he advised the 5ml each week once iso 20ml once?
But did he add each week 1gr bactrex with the 5ml orga? Sure this sir will tap the answer.:d5:

Nice defoliation and a flat canopy!
I did a little lst...will tuck a few leaves but i dont dare to combine it with your boldy underside:backside::grin:.
Too afraid...and wanna compare the results of the cob with the outdoor from 2years ago without any training. Good excuse? Lol.
Thanks for your answer. I m learning while following. Purpose of my membership. Grtz.
Thanks for showing me the balls i am missing:bighug:.
The 20ml orga...i still dont dare though. Saw in a post from @Ryker604_BT that he advised the 5ml each week once iso 20ml once?
But did he add each week 1gr bactrex with the 5ml orga? Sure this sir will tap the answer.:d5:

Nice defoliation and a flat canopy!
I did a little lst...will tuck a few leaves but i dont dare to combine it with your boldy underside:backside::grin:.
Too afraid...and wanna compare the results of the cob with the outdoor from 2years ago without any training. Good excuse? Lol.
Thanks for your answer. I m learning while following. Purpose of my membership. Grtz.
We are all learning as we go along on this journey. Each time you can appl,y what you learned and get better. Don't be afraid to experiment. This is a weed, and it is very tolerant of our dumbass experiments and stuff we do to grow it.
Soil which is prepared and using the organic method is the best way to ensure you will get at least some decent buds as long as you don't over or under water her, that's about it. All this other stuff is just to try and get it perfect.
I am trying for perfect. In this grow I have already made mistakes with lights that cost me for sure, but they will still be beautiful ladies.

Have fun with it and find a way that fits you best.
Was having fun mixing some herbs and came across a great blend now top of my list.:pass:

So I mix Orange Biscuit with Green Crack. The blend is of a kick ass head super buzz, and a heavy body slam all at the same time. I call this new blend Orange is the new Crack! :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

:pass: The buzz from this stuff is crazy...:yoinks::yoinks:...:dizzy:...:baked:
Thanks for showing me the balls i am missing:bighug:.
The 20ml orga...i still dont dare though. Saw in a post from @Ryker604_BT that he advised the 5ml each week once iso 20ml once?
But did he add each week 1gr bactrex with the 5ml orga? Sure this sir will tap the answer.:d5:

Nice defoliation and a flat canopy!
I did a little lst...will tuck a few leaves but i dont dare to combine it with your boldy underside:backside::grin:.
Too afraid...and wanna compare the results of the cob with the outdoor from 2years ago without any training. Good excuse? Lol.
Thanks for your answer. I m learning while following. Purpose of my membership. Grtz.

The 20mL Orgatrex 3-4 weeks after potting is recommended by the BioTabs manual, so no worries there. I give them Orgartex+Bactrex twice, once when I pot them and the second time 3-4 weeks after (following the manual in this one).

However, I put less than 20mL but that's because I amend my soil with more products than just the BT line and I don't wanna over do it :2cents:.
We are all learning as we go along on this journey. Each time you can appl,y what you learned and get better. Don't be afraid to experiment. This is a weed, and it is very tolerant of our dumbass experiments and stuff we do to grow it.
Soil which is prepared and using the organic method is the best way to ensure you will get at least some decent buds as long as you don't over or under water her, that's about it. All this other stuff is just to try and get it perfect.
I am trying for perfect. In this grow I have already made mistakes with lights that cost me for sure, but they will still be beautiful ladies.

Have fun with it and find a way that fits you best.

Well said dude! I think we are just all worried that we are gonna damage something beyond repair..and we have so much time and love, and money invested...we just aren't prepared to take the risk.
I have under-watered to the point of no return. Took like 10 gallons to water 3 plants. Hydrophobic as a mofo. Didnt know all that at the time...but it wasn't good at all...and they had about 80% more yellow than green. But I still had decent smoke in the end, like you said. Could it have been better? Hellfuckyea lol
I have read about every, even semi-relevant topic on this stuff...and until you get into it, and make your own mistakes, and do the work to figure out what you did will never really know what you're doing. Everyone has a different setup, different water source, and is literally impossible to mimic someone's exact experience...too many variables. That is mostly the reason I dont experiment, honestly. Just terrified to screw up, and not experienced enough to be confident they will bounce back. I have cut off yellow leaves before...and then 2 days later had to cut off just as many again. Not related I'm sure, they were already just N hungry, and under-watered. But at the time, it was pretty scary lol. And when I run out of meds, its very expensive to acquire them at street prices, plus have already dropped coin on the grow...and it upsets the peace on the home front, if you know what I mean. Wifey no likey! I see the potential...and the results from other people...but for now I'm happy playing it safe and just sticking to LST tactics, and light defoliation, and leave the master to perfect his craft!
Nothing wrong with playing it safe. Someday when your med cabinet is as full as mine and things are a little more quiet on the home front, I am in the same boat there, you will be able to experiment and do more. Right now I have like twenty strains and over a pound of meds sitting around. Half the time I have to freeze it, crush it up and turn I think into hash just to clear out jars for the next run. You'll get there someday if that's what your looking for.

BioTabs is a great place to start though...:pass:passing one over to ya man.