Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”

Perfection is all I ever strive for, but I have the wisdom to know I might possibly never get there, or I will only achieve it once or twice. So far in growing, I have only ever once had what some might say was the perfect grow.

This grow will turn out some lovely buds, but I want the best buds, that's all there is to it. I demand the best from myself and I have enough skill and tools to achieve it. I will either have to rethink my lights, or come up with a better solution for the first three weeks of veg.

I know plants will look awesome once the growth hormones hit, but I wanted to see more progress before that, or at least some better consistency on that front.

Soon the air pumps will go on, and the full light supplement will be added. Then we shall see how the organics fairs. Right now they are nice and green that's for sure, and I can't say that about my last grow...
Med, you are either too hard on yourself or a perfectionist! I see a lot of plants on here, and those look good for 20 days! In my brief experience. This is when they really start branching out and stretching. Unless something goes wrong, I am pretty sure you will have a nice harvest of tasty organic buds! I do think it will be longer grow also.
Thanks bro. I always get a harvest, just looking for the perfect solution with little to no effort. These lights are not it. I have to adjust too often to keep ladies happy. Still not sure, but just may scrap the tent and start over designing a space that fits the lights or buy one big light that can do it all.
Update coming tonight...:photog:

Some new growth, airdomes turning on, adding a third light into the mix, and more all to come. :superhero:
Check in later and find out...:salute:
Update Day 22 MedCzech's ManCave BioTabs grow :shooty:

There are a few updates, but let's start with the environment.

Temps holding steady between 26&28C
RH solid as well in between 50 & 60%
Three circulation fans, but no exhaust fan needed yet. Air moving so well, there is no build up of moisture anywhere.

Updates as of this evening;

Airdomes were turned on in the four AutoPots.
Blurple light was added in veg mode, but I turn it on bloom in the evenings late to mimic sunset, then I turn veg back on before I go to work each day. That is the plan anyway.
AutoPots will be fed by hand from their bottom feeding system for a week until I am sure they are drinking properly, and then that will be turned on as well with just plain filtered tap water.
I added a BioTab to each pot and another 20 grams of bat guano pellets to each pot. The tab I was able to push down without hurting any roots and I made a small hole and filled it with guano, so all good to go there as well. That should kick in a couple weeks or so when I try breaks down and the roots reach those areas.

That's enough of that for now. Let's get to the good stuff.


There is a little more growth than Mondays report. Even when I added new light, I only increased light intensity by a small amount, but now i have better coverage in tent for better reflected light which will help secondary sites.

Looking nice and green for sure. Organics is easy! :coffee2:


She's still not very big CDLC x SS doing her thing. Trying to get something. Her genes weren't that good on this seed. We will grow her out anyway.:cool1:


BOOM! Purple Nuggets is a monster:tonic:

Leaf tucking almost not necessary. Her undergrowth made a huge leap up overnight.:hippy:


Gorilla Glue found a nice spot under the Bestva blurple. You can see she is still in veg mode by the blue shadows. Right after these photos, I turned on the red bloom light and shut the veg off. The veg light is slightly stronger as well, again better mimicking sunrise and midday conditions. Just wish it was wireless...oh well.



PineApple Express had a small accident. I was leaf tucking and the stems snapped, so I just defoliated them both and left those sites exposed. She looks ok, and is no worse for the wear. Secondary growth starting to do something.

:cooldance::cooldance:Let's keep it going. Hopefully the airdomes will give them a littlest fresh air to their roots and usually in two days or so, you can see a boost in growth. :2cents:


Orange Biscuit also looks a little better after another day under proper light intensity. Secondary growth also a little improved. Another week like this and we can get back on track. The lights being at the right height and intensity and avoiding hotspots is my only issue moving forward right now. I think I have well prepared for any nute deficiency other growers were having. :laptop:


Sour Livers on the far left way behind in her secondary growth, but she is looking super healthy up top.

She will stink up the joint for sure. I can't wait. :yay:


If you look close, you will see she is showing you her lady parts. Three of the girls are starting to show. Which means I still have a week before the real fireworks will start. This is the Purple Monster.


Here you can see it on the Gorilla Glue as well. :dancer:


A better report today than Monday's...let's hope we can get two in a row.

Thanks for stopping in and sharing in the journey. BioTabs are working well so far. The plants look very healthy, minus grower error on lights.

See ya...:thanks:
Looking great in the tent, Med! Those plants are not wanting for anything! Nice descriptions too.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
Thanks man. They are starting to do their thing now. Between my error on the lights and the organics usually having slower starts, I think I a man ok. Plants look really healthy compared to last two grows, so actually that part is really nice. My hard well water, and the fact that it changes, made it too difficult to grow in Hydroponics. I need the soil to buffer the water. The organics is an even more elegant solution due the fact there will be no error in nutrient delivery. The plant will only take what it needs. I just have to make sure that what it needs is in the soil and keep the soil fed throughout.
Most organics guys were all under doing the feeding of their soil. Slightly over doing it won't hurt at all, because they just won't take the nutes. Slightly being the key word there, but the system will work well as I travel more often these days with my work and I need to leave for a week at a time.

Anyways, thanks again for stopping in man. Your grow is going so fantastically great, it's really surreal in a way how your system is dialed in man. Very nice work getting that all done.
Hey Med....was that just a bloom guano you added in? Did you amend with veg guano in OG mix too?
Yes, I guess you would call I think a bloom guano. It's 1-6-1, but also formulated to help plants better manage water and uptake nutrients. I used it before with great results in the past. I use the Silicium Flash which has plenty of N to cover the veg phase, the lite soil, and other amendments get you through those phases well, it's the mid to late flower where most struggled, if at all.

Plus, a couple boom boom days sprinkled in there and they will have more than enough for this first phase.
Don't forget, there is a huge boost given with the orgatrex and Bactrex in week 5, and then I start using the PK boost in every watering after that until harvest. I may do another top dressing with SF in week six or seven as well, just to be sure they have enough fuel. The soil is starting to get the humus building internally. You can see it settle in...I think this next three weeks will be crazy in this tent and they will explode three times what they are now.