Mephisto Genetics MCPD_Refugee’s Experiment with DWC and Double Grape

Thanks for the vote of confidence, @Seabass. I hope to be able to giver her what she needs and then get the hell outta the way.
I think DG will get rather large in DWC. I remember a feller almost getting a lb from a grape crinkle in dwc. DG known to get bigger then GC.
I think DG will get rather large in DWC. I remember a feller almost getting a lb from a grape crinkle in dwc. DG known to get bigger then GC.

I think you’ll do very well with her.

There’s a part of me that hopes beyond all hope that I can get an absolutely mahoosive plant covered in big frosty buds out of this grow. There’s another part of me that knows beyond any shadow of a doubt that, if I do, my wife will probably not let me grow another plant of any kind for a good long while. I can deal with her, though. It’ll just take a little sweet-talking, a lot of reasoning, a bit of @$$-kissing, a little debating and voila...I’ll be back in business before ya know it.

:kissass: Muahaha!!!
@mcpd_refugee Looking fantastic bro those roots are really coming through now and the fireworks are ready to go off I hope you are ready for it and think ahead if your planning any LST which I never done until I started hitting problems .
Aside from opening up the lower branches, what kind of LST do you do?

In the past, I let things grow semi-naturally. I did leaf tucking and whatnot, but nothing too major. I was growing small plants, though.

I’ve seen @bushmasterar15 use wooden clothespins to clip into branches to weight the down and pull them out away from the central stalk. I kind of like that idea.
Aside from opening up the lower branches, what kind of LST do you do?

In the past, I let things grow semi-naturally. I did leaf tucking and whatnot, but nothing too major. I was growing small plants, though.

I’ve seen @bushmasterar15 use wooden clothespins to clip into branches to weight the down and pull them out away from the central stalk. I kind of like that idea.
Well I did nothing until it was too late and then supercropped 3 times to control the height it might not be as much of a problem for you I know your tent is wider than mine not sure of the height of yours , so I would open her up as much as you can something I couldn't do in my 60*60 I could have maybe removed the lower branches also :thumbsup:
Well I did nothing until it was too late and then supercropped 3 times to control the height it might not be as much of a problem for you I know your tent is wider than mine not sure of the height of yours , so I would open her up as much as you can something I couldn't do in my 60*60 I could have maybe removed the lower branches also :thumbsup:

My tent is 7 feet tall (210cm) and roughly the top 1 foot (30 cm) is occupied by a fan and filter combo. So I think I have plenty of room. Let me rephrase that...I hope I have enough room. I’ll Be starting her out this weekend with a little light torture.

Like I say, I will spread her out a bit with some pipe cleaners, zip ties or green tape. Maybe I’ll pick up some wooden clothespins when I’m out and about this weekend.

If that doesn’t work, I’ll get a bit more aggressive. @Mr. Sparkle has a method of making z-bends in stalks that might work for that. He grows in really small spaces, though. He doesn’t hang out much here anymore. He’s on...ahem...another forum. But I check out his journals over there.

Worst case scenario, though, I will cut off offending bits and pieces. I don’t like to traumatize my plants if I can avoid it.
Find way to make wife happy again.
This is my third grow.

I’m still trying to get my footing and find myself and I’m experimenting quite a bit. So I’m going to throw a bunch of new stuff into the tent and see what I can do. Every time I try something new, I find something else I like.

Strain: Mephisto Genetics Double Grape
Media: 3.5 gallon DWC
Nutrients: Greenleaf Nutrients’ Mega Crop
Supplements: Greenleaf Nutrients’ Sweet Candy, Bud Explosion and Cal+Mag Pro
Tent: 2’x2.5’ Gorilla Grow Tent
Lights: 2 x 50W Autocobs from my homie, @BigSm0 at
Wife: displeased

I just popped a seed into a jiffy pellet this morning. As soon as I see proof of life, I will post up some photos.