Mephisto Genetics MCPD_Refugee’s Experiment with DWC and Double Grape

Put it in the book of lessons learned. At least it wasn't too costly of a lesson.
I keep learning something about this hobby of ours on a daily basis it seems. Good luck!
yes it is a daily lesson for those who are hooked.
as a new grower, i love it when people post comparison photos. it's like a good dose of reassurance in pixel format.

@mcpd_refugee your set up looks so fresh and clean man, loving it.
M_refugee is a neat clean grower and that makes it more fun to follow.
Day 12.

First reservoir change. I upped the Mega Crop to 2 grams/gallon. I also added Cal+Mag Pro at 1 gram/gallon, Sweet Candy at 1 gram/gallon and Hydroguard at 2 mL/gallon. Everything looks fine so far.

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Happy growing everyone!
In this pic you see the upper stem is fatter and thicker than the lower stem This just means all is set for the kick off of growth spurts. That is what you are looking for; a take off, all engines are go, go,go.
There’s a part of me that hopes beyond all hope that I can get an absolutely mahoosive plant covered in big frosty buds out of this grow. There’s another part of me that knows beyond any shadow of a doubt that, if I do, my wife will probably not let me grow another plant of any kind for a good long while. I can deal with her, though. It’ll just take a little sweet-talking, a lot of reasoning, a bit of @$$-kissing, a little debating and voila...I’ll be back in business before ya know it.

:kissass: Muahaha!!!
Thank you, bro. Gonna learn from a few of my mistakes...just like my first grow?
I learn in spite of myself, yes I do. Your mistakes will become fewer and fewer. Now your stoned moments in the garden only you can control.
My tent is 7 feet tall (210cm) and roughly the top 1 foot (30 cm) is occupied by a fan and filter combo. So I think I have plenty of room. Let me rephrase that...I hope I have enough room. I’ll Be starting her out this weekend with a little light torture.

Like I say, I will spread her out a bit with some pipe cleaners, zip ties or green tape. Maybe I’ll pick up some wooden clothespins when I’m out and about this weekend.

If that doesn’t work, I’ll get a bit more aggressive. @Mr. Sparkle has a method of making z-bends in stalks that might work for that. He grows in really small spaces, though. He doesn’t hang out much here anymore. He’s on...ahem...another forum. But I check out his journals over there.

Worst case scenario, though, I will cut off offending bits and pieces. I don’t like to traumatize my plants if I can avoid it.
Sounds like a plan mate and that should be plenty of room for her to grow into I can't wait to see how she takes off over these next few weeks :pop:
Day 19

She has a little bit of new growth and her roots are growing rapidly. I was going to start with a bit of LST, but I don’t know where to begin or if I even should at this point. I think it’s still a little bit early. I’m gonna let her go until at least Wednesday then maybe I’ll do something.

I did a reservoir change. 7.0 L of distilled H2O with 4 ml of Hydroguard, 6 g of Mega Crop, 2 g of Sweet Candy and 1 g of Bud Explosion. I’m going to throw some Cal+Mag Pro into the next reservoir change.


