Photoperiod Mcdee's MASSIVE Dutch Passion Durban Poison Scrog

can't wait to see her loaded with buds!

Day 15

Hey AFN, hope your Monday morning is going well! We are 8-0 after taking the 1st 3 quarters off yesterday, but good teams find a way. This was supposed to go up last night, but got busy and ran out of last night so going up today. Today is day 15, but pics are from day 14. I cant go in the tent until 12.30 PM so using last night pics. That is the 1 thing I'm not fond of, is the 12hrs I cant go in. I'm use to a 4hr off when I'm sleeping so not a issue normally. Enough of me crying about separation anxiety from my girl lol. Was going to feed her last night but ph was to low so have to wait. I dont like to add anything to my feed I dont need to. After mixing nutrients its low like 4.8, but in a few day it rises to as much as 6.4. I like to let it sit until it 5.8'ish so I dont have to add ph down. I do if it goes above 6, but would prefer not to add this when i can. Not sure if this is the correct way to do it, but she seems to be ok. Ph was only 5.1 so didnt want to give it to her yet. I will bet money that by the time I check again it will be like 6.2 lol. That's the way it seems to be, I would like to find a soil that isnt soilless like pro mix. FOX FARMS does, but I want clean no preloaded nutrients. Biobizz light mix is only 1 I know of, but not available at stores around here. I have to order it and not very economic that way. Any suggestions for a clean soil that likes ph of 6.5+ please let me have them. Now here are a few pics of her, getting hard to get her in 1 shot.

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Stay lifted.
can't wait to see her loaded with buds!
She looks like she will have a few hahaha. It's been a fun challenge to grow her out, but keep her in her home at the same time. It's been so long since I had some sativa cant wait. I'm a naturally half asleep only get like 4-5 hrs a night so I need a pick me up lol. Been vaping hybrids leaning towards indica so by 4pm I'm yawning. I need some like yesterday, is what is better than being out. I get a lot more done when I got sativas no doubt.
Damn I’ve missed a lot. She’s a beast bro. Still amazed by the training. Great job I’m looking forward to seeing some frost.
Thanks buddy, you know how I like to train my girls lol. I thinks its OCD, I just cant stop. I would like to see what I could do with some room lol. Dont think I will have all colas tho, just so many sites. Got some pics from last night and do some more from today. She is starting to look like cannabis! Thought I saw some frost starting in a pic last night...
Day 18

Good morning, if your on the east coast. I got this out a little late tonight, but in my defense I smoke bud and that happens lol. She is truckin' along now and she is starting to look like a cannabis plant. I was stoned and took a lot of pics, but to high to go through them so gonna just post all in like 2 post here. May be a few of similar or same shots, but I refer to my prior statement that I smoke bud and that will happen. Shit I'm high lol. Here is the 1st bunch from earlier.

Looks like time for some serious defol!
Been doing a little at a time. Every night I go in and check for dead or dying leaves. If I see a bud site blocked I cut the guilty party. I've been tucking where I can, but that is just temporary. The closer I get to harvest the less worried about taking them. I try to walk the line where I get the most from the leaf and then it goes. I think balance like life is key. I wanna go in and open them up more from the beginning, but patience wins out in the end. I like to dip in both end so to say, and when you find the balance between them your golden.
Now that is how you pack a SCROG! I can't see your floor.

Thanks bud, I dont think I could have done anymore lol. I wish I could reach all of her so I could lollipop her properly. There is stuff I could see, but just couldnt reach safely. Just trying to open as many bud sites as I can. The canopy isnt plum, but that's ok. Still finding my way doing a scrog, learning new stuff is fun ain't it!