Lighting Mars Reflector 48 hack

Youll want to do 4 cobs probably, 2 1212s and 2 1812s, wired in series to bring the voltage up to around 84v / driver. Because you have a pretty hefty fan compared to the wattage youll be using, you could probably get away with using a chunk of sheet aluminum with some smaller heatsinks attached to it. If you can find someone to cut u a piece of 5mm sheet aluminum and mount the cobs to it and then add a few heatsinks, like these preferably over the cobs, youd probably be fine. Thicker metal will make placement of the sinks less important. Most sheet metal places have scrap bins where they put smaller chunks of metal they would give to you very cheap. Actually cutting aluminum is pretty easy, you could do it on a table saw with an abrasive blade if necessary. Check out your local metal recycling shops also, you can get some great items there, if they will sell direct to the public.

so you think running 2 per driver would be better, that's doable. The only down side is that sourcing the 1812s in the UK is becoming very hard to near impossible. I can get the 1212s on ebay easily in packs of 5. I was think of picking up 5 at 3500k and 5 at 4000k.
I was think of getting some sheet aluminum cut, that's the easy bit, got a mate that's a black smith.
You dont need so many cobs, one pack of 5 is plenty, Id get 4000k for veg. You can run 2 1212's on each driver also, that would work fine. There are gen 6 citi cobs available at some places now that give a little performance boost, if you can source them.
You dont need so many cobs, one pack of 5 is plenty, Id get 4000k for veg. You can run 2 1212's on each driver also, that would work fine. There are gen 6 citi cobs available at some places now that give a little performance boost, if you can source them.

you can never have to many cob's, I've got another projects I want to use the extra 4000k and 3500k's for. It just works out to get every thing in one go at the price I get get them at.
I think I will mix them up with 2x4000k on the veg button and the 2x3500k on the bloom button, then I get best of both worlds and finaly I get a mars light that does what it says it does with those buttons :rofl:
Right I've got my shopping list together and about to order but I have one question - do the ideal holders for the CXB3590 (the fancy metal one's) fit the citizen 1212's ? ... they look the same...

This is the one component and having trouble finding with out going around the world, found a few cheap plastic holders for soldering and I just don't want to go down that road...only one source on ebay, selling them as holders for the CXB3590, bit pricey at £4.99 each...

@BigSm0 @thetreeman @2Stoned2Care @budelee