Lighting Mars Reflector 48 hack

Awesome job man, so professional like. @BigSm0 is surely proud!

Thanks dude I do like to take pride in making my dear old grandad would say "if jobs worth doing ,its worth doing right"

Job well done! Load this guy up with the max rep slaps for sure. Did you reinstall the fans?

Cheers @BigSm0 and thank you for your help and've got me hooked.
I did swap out the fan for a better one and it bought the noise down but quite a bit.
Grow on... Nice clean work ! :pass:

Thanks man ... passing this on

@Cat you may find this thread interesting. Slater has done a couple Cobb builds now and it may be something that you might want to look into now that your Mars are crapping out on you.

Current Diaries

Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze

Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.

Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo'scontinuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
Yer, thank @jingo I'm really interested in the cobs
Yer, thank @jingo I'm really interested in the cobs
A conversion makes sense if you already have a ligh as it is the least expensive way to get into cobs. I'd doesn't make sense to buy a light to convert though. Plus you are limited by the drivers in the light too. Most converted lights are very low wattage because the drivers are very low power. The bar you posted wouldn't make a good conversion either because they are to narrow to accept the cobs and the drivers inside are the worst things sold. Trust me on this one I bought 2 of these awhile back play around with.
whooo... like @Cat is back in the house, how are ya man ? :pass:
Good thanks Slater, I'm just reading your thread on cobs. Not sure I'd have the confidence to build it..:coffee: