Lighting Mars Reflector 48 hack

Still waiting on the cob but I've got on with the job these past few night and prepped every thing ready for when they arrive. All drilled and filed it just need cleaning and wiring.

Rounded the corners of the sheet aluminum to fit with the mars design
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drilled out the corner of the heat sinks
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Marked out where the heat sink are to go, drilled the holes then marked out the 4 corner holes on the case and drilled them.
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attached the heat sinks, filed and tidied up the corners and made sure the edge are flush with sheet aluminum.
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Just for the look of it and to tidy the ends of the heat sinks I used some left over L shape aluminum from my last project.
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Marked out where the cobs are to go...the line is the closest gap in the heat sink to it center.
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Tapped the holders for the cobs. Drilled all the holes for the wires and placed 3mm gromits in. And i also added 2 more bolts for each of the heat sinks in there middle.
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drilled holes in the case for the wires.
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That's it for now, so close to lift off...

Awesome job mate, I'm getting into the mood.... you reckon I can modify 2 of these into COB,s

I haven't really used them much since I got the COB,s

A 4 strain grow. Second try.

I wouldn't have clue with out looking at the driver specs but I'm guessing not be honest I'm only doing this pimp because I've got a spare light lying around and it saves the cost of buying a driver for a bit. And I get a up and running veg light for my small prop tent. The only cost I have saved in this build is the driver of about £80-£100... that's the price of this cheap light brand new. So for the cost you might as well build from scratch and get into the custom builds.
Final Up Date...

All finished and up and running and I'm impressed perfect for what I wanted to use it for . She will be up graded with a better driver and some 5w diodes in the future.
All in all she cost about £60-70 to convert... I did stock up on few small essentials for future project... got the cobs at £9 each for investing in 10.

Here is the rest of the build...
Wired up the cobs.

Attached it to the case and used the bolts to tie the wire.

Cable tidied all the wires
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Re used the connectors from the original board to plug back in the driver
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Job done, ... I think she looks pretty mean, I name her...
Slater's Snickers Reflector 4000 ...:rofl:
4 x citizen 1212... 2 on the grow button (4000k) 2 on the bloom button (3500k)
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And we have lift off
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Looks good, where did you get the cob holders from? What size grommets are those? Looks clean like that, ive been lazy but should use them in the future.

Thanks @thetreeman and thank you for your input on the build...The holders I got from RS supplies (here the link) and the gromits are 3mm (you need to drill a 5mm hole to get them in). It make wiring really easy with the gromits, worth the pennys.