Mars Hydro Grow Journal - TSW 2000

Mainlining: Week 1
  • This will be the first time I've tried mainlining multiple plants :yoinks: in fact, I've only tried it twice before, once with an auto and once wih a photoperiod. The auto I tried turned out ok ish (a few posts back) not huge, but had a nice compact shape with nice fat symmetric colas :woohoo1: The photo I tried mainlining I sort of cocked up :shrug: She was looking great, a good shape with 8 symmetric bud sites, but I had to give her 6 weeks of veg time, and man did she stretch when I flipped :rofl: I had to supercrop all the branches as they were growing in to the light. A really good yield though, almost :nono: I managed to get bud rot in most of the colas :cuss:

    That's the main reason I'm trying mainlining. Hopefully keep them smallish and compact, so less leaves, so hopefully :bow: a little less moisture in the air, we'll shall see.

    Mainlining Started
    Day 18

    I waited till they had grown 5-6 nodes, then topped most at the 3rd node, but I did a couple at the 4th, then removed all the lower leaves and bud shoots.

    3 days later and most are looking good :thumbsup: The Remo Chemo in the small plastic pot was pretty knackered before I'd started :shrug: I just find it hard killing plants :crying:

    Another couple of days and I'll start tying them down :thumbsup:
    Mainlining Week 2
  • Day 26
    Well I've had my first f#@k up :doh: I was only untieing the string to move it up a node on my Bruce Lemon Diesel and I snapped one of the main effin branches :cuss::cuss::cuss: I quickly taped it up with a bit of silver tape and gave her a bit of a crutch to rest on, but I'll just have to leave one arm untied for now.

    Other than that minor misdemeanour, they're not looking too bad :thumbsup:

    Another day or so and they'll be ready for their final topping. I was hoping to flip them pretty much as soon as I have 8 bud sites formed on each, and by the end of the month, but with Feb only having 28 days, it's going to have to be March now :face: oh well, onwards and upwards :pass:
    Day 30, 12/12 Started
  • Day 31
    I should really of waited probably another week at least before flipping, but I'm looking for as quick a turn around as possible. No idea how they'll turn out, but they're looking healthy, mostly. The Remo Chemo' s are not going to plan, but if you've seen any of my grows, you'll know I usually have at least one munter in the pack :crying:

    Bloom, Day 5
  • Day 35
    All going ok so far. Apart from snapping a branch off the Brainstorm :cuss: I now know for next time, don't use knitting wool to tie the branches down :doh:

    Other than that, they are mostly looking ok :thumbsup: Remo Chemo is still being a pain in the arse, bloody thing is un trainable :crying: well I can't train her.
    Starting to Flower
  • Day 46
    They've been on a 12/12 cycle for the last 16 days now, and finally, it looks like they are about to start making some flowers :cooldance: still early days, but they're off and running,
    well walking, but it's a start :crying:
    I'll give it another day or so and I'll switch them to a flowering feed :toke: so onwards and upwards.

    Week 5 of Flower
  • Day 63
    Week 5 of flower and beginning to get nice and frosty :woohoo1: and with 6 different strains in there, the smell is getting rather pungent, but delicious :woohoo:

    Last edited:
    Week 8 of Flower
  • Day 82
    Getting there, but I'm guessing around another 3 weeks till they're all finished :grump:
    That is one good thing about photoperiod strains, there is certainly no lack of frost on them :cooldance: and they absolutely stink :woohoo:
    Fitting the ducting so it's pulling in fresh air through the air vent has really helped bring the humidity down :yay: The highest it's got to now is 55rh, but mainly around the 45 mark, which is a hell of a lot better than before. If it got to under 80rh that was a good day. So fingers crossed I don't have any of the dreaded bud rot this time :bow: Till the next time, onwards and upwards :pass:
