Indoor Mars Hydro Grow Journal (2x) TS600 + 1 TS1000 Bruce Banner + Critical Mass + Gelato - Check out the pics!

***Day 27***

Ok put the mason jar with water right beside the heater as you can see in the pic below. Within two hours I got the humidity up to 40%. That's better huh. I'll give it a day to see where it gets to this way. I also turned down my exhaust fan to 50% which helps a lot.
Bruce still doesn't seem any worse.

I mentioned fungus gnats in the house plants in the basement in a room beside my tent room. Been keeping them at bay until tonight!
I see one running around the soil of Gelato. I squshed it, but then notice some EGGS!! Frick. I squished them after I scooped up as many as I could find, which was probably about a dozen. I don't love Gelato, so I tried 1:4 peroxide watering for her to try to kill the gnats before they take hold. The other pots seem clean of eggs and gnats. I hate these things.

Every day with the grow is like a new story. It's almost like a drama to open the tent each day and see what today brings in terms of enjoyment and challenges. I'm finding this hobby quite fun and relaxing in this crazy ass world we live in.


Gelato is still a small little runt of the litter. What's with him? I guess you just get some duds some time huh?


Baby Bruce is 11 days old now, looking good so far. Let's see if she's as moody as her big sister.


Bruce isn't looking to bad today. No new brown spots of any significance.

Just from those pics it appears you're not saturating your entire pot. At this point with a known RH issue, you should water the pots until they're fully saturated each time you fertigate, it will make sure you have maximum moisture in the space.
Just from those pics it appears you're not saturating your entire pot. At this point with a known RH issue, you should water the pots until they're fully saturated each time you fertigate, it will make sure you have maximum moisture in the space.
That's just Baby Bruce you're looking at. I don't soak the whole pot with my seedlings. just about a 6 or 8 inch diameter around them until they get a few sets of real leaves. The two big plants get soaked good and then left for two or maybe three days. On the second day they aren't bone dry, but they look starving for water and perk right up once I water them. I think some would say I water too soon. But it's like a dog, begging for a treat, how do you say no??
That's just Baby Bruce you're looking at. I don't soak the whole pot with my seedlings. just about a 6 or 8 inch diameter around them until they get a few sets of real leaves. The two big plants get soaked good and then left for two or maybe three days. On the second day they aren't bone dry, but they look starving for water and perk right up once I water them. I think some would say I water too soon. But it's like a dog, begging for a treat, how do you say no??

My thought process here is largely informed by listening to Dan from Mandalorian talk about growing autos on recent podcast appearances over the past year. Reading what you wrote, my fear would be that a plant like an autoflower which dedicates the first half of its life to growing its tap root might encounter dry pockets in your medium and somehow fail to expand appropriately into the container.

Said another way, you're artificially limiting the volume of available medium to your seedling during the part of its life when it most wants to grow and expand within the root zone. I'm not advocating the practice of heavily watering seedlings, but rather not planting them in dry medium.

I grow in coco, my practice is to fill my pots from the bulk bin where I expanded my brick, then 'flush' them with tap water to remove any sand-sized fines and wash away anything that might cause pH problems. I then 'charge' the medium with veg fertilizer at 'seedling' strength, then mulch with vermiculite. I place cracked seeds in the verm once I see a tap root and don't add anything until the pot starts feeling a bit light.

Does that make sense?
Does that make sense?
So as mentioned in this thread, I'm taking everyone's advise and living and learning on this my first auto grow. So thanks! Point well take, and I'll start watering my seedling deeper to maximize root growth as you recommended. I've tried pretty much what everyone else has recommended and so far so good'ish. lol
I have 5 Bruce banner finishing in about 1.5 weeks every one had pistols at 19days
Good to know!! Thanks. Critical Mass grown at same time still has no pistils. How many weeks total so far?
***Day 28***

I dumped 500ml of peroxide and 2L of water mixed in Gelato to kill fungas gnat eggs last night. Gelato doesn't seem to have minded at all, looks healthy today. So hopefully it killed the larvae eggs and all. Didn't see any new ones.

The stem and branches of Bruce Banner are soooo strong. very strong like hard wood. Critical Mass has a strong stem and branches but more bendy and less wood-like. Should I be seeing flower shortly? I assume so if there's 8 or 9 weeks of flower and I'm on one month now.

Humidity is up to 48% with the tent closed. Drops to 38 with the door open for a bit. Temp is also up to 30 now. If it gets to 31 I'm gonna open up the exaust a bit more keep it 30 and under.
My thought process here is largely informed by listening to Dan from Mandalorian talk about growing autos on recent podcast appearances over the past year. Reading what you wrote, my fear would be that a plant like an autoflower which dedicates the first half of its life to growing its tap root might encounter dry pockets in your medium and somehow fail to expand appropriately into the container.

Said another way, you're artificially limiting the volume of available medium to your seedling during the part of its life when it most wants to grow and expand within the root zone. I'm not advocating the practice of heavily watering seedlings, but rather not planting them in dry medium.

I grow in coco, my practice is to fill my pots from the bulk bin where I expanded my brick, then 'flush' them with tap water to remove any sand-sized fines and wash away anything that might cause pH problems. I then 'charge' the medium with veg fertilizer at 'seedling' strength, then mulch with vermiculite. I place cracked seeds in the verm once I see a tap root and don't add anything until the pot starts feeling a bit light.

Does that make sense?
I love listening to his podcast appearances he seems like a really cool dude and definitely takes his craft seriously. I have a massive amount of respect for him and his work and he is very knowledgeable. I've learnt a lot from him.
***Day 28***

I dumped 500ml of peroxide and 2L of water mixed in Gelato to kill fungas gnat eggs last night. Gelato doesn't seem to have minded at all, looks healthy today. So hopefully it killed the larvae eggs and all. Didn't see any new ones.

The stem and branches of Bruce Banner are soooo strong. very strong like hard wood. Critical Mass has a strong stem and branches but more bendy and less wood-like. Should I be seeing flower shortly? I assume so if there's 8 or 9 weeks of flower and I'm on one month now.

Humidity is up to 48% with the tent closed. Drops to 38 with the door open for a bit. Temp is also up to 30 now. If it gets to 31 I'm gonna open up the exaust a bit more keep it 30 and under.
It's a constant juggling act until you get it dialed in how you want. But I am sure you will get it nailed down the way you want it. Takes a bit of time for sure sometimes. I still have days where it doesn't want to cooperate as well. Also I do perpetual so with everything at different stages I had to choose a vpd range to shoot for that is OK for everyone. Has had me thinking of running my dry tent as a babies tent to really dial that one in. Sorry I'm high got off track. Keep playing with things you will get what you want in sure. I bought a cheap laser thermometer so I can check the leaf temp it's definitely been enlightening to see the difference in plants leaf temp when under watered and over watered and stressed. Don't know if all the vpd andeaf temp stuff interests you but it's a whole nother avenue to explore and dial your space in