New Grower Male and Female Is it predetermened in the genes.

Is seed sex predetermined by genetics?

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namvet you dawg :crying:

Nelson, till the next time I will germ some seeds I will propably forget about this whole thing :P I didn't give any advice man, I only said that it's a test worth doing. That's my opinion. To answer your question, if I were to germ some right now I'd try to fulfill the 5 factors that Strawdog and hitman suggested that influence sex: a light Grow feeding (N>P and K), relatively high RH ~60, temps 18-20C, cold light/blue spectrum light, and light cycle less than 18/6, more like 16/8 or 15/9. If there's a chance to work I'd try to find it, and it doesn't seem like a lot of trouble for me to do it.
Anyway :toke:
I tend to agree with this but I am reserving my opinion until someone does a little testing. If the tests prove that change can be made I am willing to join the other side. i must admit most of the woman I have been with would have slapped me silly with the axle grease suggestion.

:dance:I beleave that once the seed is mature it cant be changed.What ever gene male or female thats inside and is fully formed that is what it will turn into .Next thing you know you will say once a human baby is in the womb we can change the sex by rubbing axle grease on the mothers stomach.
Sorry man I didn't mean to put you down in any way. If I offended you I truly appologise. I am an opinionated old cogger and sometimes I go too far with it. I am just a big fan of real tests with documented results as it helps to move the world forward is what I was trying to say.

namvet you dawg :crying:

Nelson, till the next time I will germ some seeds I will propably forget about this whole thing :P I didn't give any advice man, I only said that it's a test worth doing. That's my opinion. To answer your question, if I were to germ some right now I'd try to fulfill the 5 factors that Strawdog and hitman suggested that influence sex: a light Grow feeding (N>P and K), relatively high RH ~60, temps 18-20C, cold light/blue spectrum light, and light cycle less than 18/6, more like 16/8 or 15/9. If there's a chance to work I'd try to find it, and it doesn't seem like a lot of trouble for me to do it.
Anyway :toke:
Hey I was just typing my mind there:P I'm not offended in any way Nelson cheer up, we're just talkign :smoke:

Back on topic! There was an article in BBC last week about a guy that turned from gay to straight or the opposite after a stroke or something. I call BS but I'll try to find it again. Btw is there a gene for homosexuality?
Has he tried rubbing axel grease on his dick? I hear that works for sex change with pregnant mothers.

Hey I was just typing my mind there:P I'm not offended in any way Nelson cheer up, we're just talkign :smoke:

Back on topic! There was an article in BBC last week about a guy that turned from gay to straight or the opposite after a stroke or something. I call BS but I'll try to find it again. Btw is there a gene for homosexuality?
If ther is some scientific proof that says it can be done I will stand corrected and go with the flow.
My three totes all with the same lighting might be a good place to run some tests. It will have to wait until September cause I am clising down my indoor hydro auto grow for July August as it is just too hard to keep it cool for the very hot months and I can't afford air conditioning. I will move outside for the Summer where lighting is complements of the sun air conditioning is not necessary and I grow those big photos.

I for sure would like to test some criteria for my own information and will share anything I find out with everyone. I intend to do low, medium and high nitrogen testing on similar plants. I will also keep careful track of the male/female ratios in the test. I am currently testing nutrient strength testing.

If ther is some scientific proof that says it can be done I will stand corrected and go with the flow.
Nelson...are you still on the fence?

But you also make fem seed correct?

Is that not a conflict of interest?

I would think if your believing in the fem seed then you side with chromosome science that seed sex is predetermined.?