New Grower Male and Female Is it predetermened in the genes.

Is seed sex predetermined by genetics?

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Yup still on the fence about this and countless other things. Yes I make fem seeds but I don't understand why that should influence me one way or the other. Shutting off a hormone to convince a plant to produce female flowers makes sence to me. It is actually changing it before the seed in produced. Much different to my mind. But what the hell do I know for sure. When I waited the night before my brain surgery for brain cancer. I was visited by a minister. He told me I was on his list to visit because I was facing dangerous surgery. He asked me if I had anything to talk about before I was possibly facing the afterlife. I asked him if he was 100% sure there was an afterlife. He said yes 100%. Now that is faith for sure. I don't have it. I sit on the fence until things are totally proven to me one way or the other. I don't side on either side I just sit on the fence and smoke my pot cause I don't have to choose.

Nelson...are you still on the fence?

But you also make fem seed correct?

Is that not a conflict of interest?

I would think if your believing in the fem seed then you side with chromosome science that seed sex is predetermined.?
Why...? because your believing that a female x female = female seed... if its not determined in the seed then, its ????? I'll let you finish the sentence.....

I'm 99.99% sure of the answer. If its a (100% hermi free female) x (100% hermi free female) breed in 100% sterile conditions... only an act of a chromosome god could make a male...

the .01% is in case someone has figured out how to change chromosomes with stress....@germ.

I have enjoyed how you have stayed the discussion...:thumbs:
I am not saying you are wrong. Of course you could be right. I do believe in chromosomes. Not sure about a chromosome god.

I have had a male produced out of a seed where I was carefull to on ly let stamened females breed with the target untouched female. I don't know how that happens either. I need a more comfortable fence to sit on cause I night just be there forever

Keep up the good work Cres on your breeding. I love people who are doing it..

Why...? because your believing that a female x female = female seed... if its not determined in the seed then, its ????? I'll let you finish the sentence.....

I'm 99.99% sure of the answer. If its a (100% hermi free female) x (100% hermi free female) breed in 100% sterile conditions... only an act of a chromosome god could make a male...

the .01% is in case someone has figured out how to change chromosomes with stress....@germ.

I have enjoyed how you have stayed the discussion...:thumbs:
About the only way to test is growing batches of the same strain of seed from the same crop, even better same female, “side by side“. One batch gets crappy soil, heat stress or other stresses from seed. Other batch gets great soil and pampered. Keep notes of male/female ratios. With any statistic the larger the population the mlre accurate the stats. i go off of what i read from experienced growers until proven other wise. Maybe compare new growers results to experienced growers here on AFN.
I do a lot of testing. I just finished doing a test with how many PPM starting seeds like the best in identical conditions. In September my first test I am doing for next years growing season is to test with three different start up grow nuits to see what difference they will show in growth.

I am going to pass the ball to someone else to do this test. Maybe if no one takes it up by about the middle of November I might be interested. Feel free to do it yourself. I will be wicked interested in the results.

About the only way to test is growing batches of the same strain of seed from the same crop, even better same female, “side by side“. One batch gets crappy soil, heat stress or other stresses from seed. Other batch gets great soil and pampered. Keep notes of male/female ratios. With any statistic the larger the population the mlre accurate the stats. i go off of what i read from experienced growers until proven other wise. Maybe compare new growers results to experienced growers here on AFN.
I can try next season outdoors. Pick spots with bad soil and poor light compared to good soil and full sun. Im an experienced noob with a decent amount of reading so that will have to be taken into concideration. I got a 2/4 male/female ration last outdoor @ 09 growing 3 strains. Didnt get a whole lot of yeild, 1 had to long flowering time, lost one to some type of worm and topped 2 g-sus when i shouldnt have. Im getting some spirit51 so i can make beans for it and do a grow 2 maybe 3 times over the season.
Good luck with it all. I hope you do well.

I can try next season outdoors. Pick spots with bad soil and poor light compared to good soil and full sun. Im an experienced noob with a decent amount of reading so that will have to be taken into concideration. I got a 2/4 male/female ration last outdoor @ 09 growing 3 strains. Didnt get a whole lot of yeild, 1 had to long flowering time, lost one to some type of worm and topped 2 g-sus when i shouldnt have. Im getting some spirit51 so i can make beans for it and do a grow 2 maybe 3 times over the season.
I can't believe that people are still voting on this wow. I have seed runs that are finishing up that were started after this pole. I will just leave it up as long as there is still interest.

It looks like about 2/3 of you believe the male and female thing can be influenced by outside criteria. Of course as Cres pointed out I do believe a female can be influenced chemically to produce male stamens and he does have a point but not quite the same. I will just have to experiment with this more next Fall.
There should be a third option on this pole, because imo the answer is yes and no. Chromosomes, which are genetically determined at the time of fertilisation, do determine the sex of the plant but you have to think about what that actually means. Whether the chromosomes are XX or XY determines whether the plant will produce predominantly female or male hormones which will determine the sexual characteristics of the plant. If an XX plant produces male hormones as a response to environmental stimuli then it will have male attributes. The only thing that determines sex is hormones and both males and females produce both sets of hormones, just in different ratios. This ratio can change and subsequently so can the sex of the plant.

The same is true of people too, hence why cases like downhill skier Erika Schinegger occur. She/he had the chromosomes of a man (XY) but had grown up a girl because she had a high ratio of female:male hormones. Later she realised she was not experiencing the sexual development a woman should and a doctor eventually told her she was a man... still is a man actually. That's probably why she beat the shit out of all the female skiers lol.

With plants it is an evolutionary trick because it costs far less energy for a plant to produce pollen than fruit so if it is stressed, putting out pollen is a good way for it to propagate its genes in circumstances where seed production may not be permitted.

Sorry if any of that has already been said, I skimmed through the thread so may have missed bits.
I am going to leave the poll as is but you make a good point. I guess there should always be room for a maybe.

I wonder what would be the biggest influence on a seed after it has hatched. Heat, Light or nuits. To experiment one should only change one at a time.

There should be a third option on this pole, because imo the answer is yes and no. Chromosomes, which are genetically determined at the time of fertilisation, do determine the sex of the plant but you have to think about what that actually means. Whether the chromosomes are XX or XY determines whether the plant will produce predominantly female or male hormones which will determine the sexual characteristics of the plant. If an XX plant produces male hormones as a response to environmental stimuli then it will have male attributes. The only thing that determines sex is hormones and both males and females produce both sets of hormones, just in different ratios. This ratio can change and subsequently so can the sex of the plant.

The same is true of people too, hence why cases like downhill skier Erika Schinegger occur. She/he had the chromosomes of a man (XY) but had grown up a girl because she had a high ratio of female:male hormones. Later she realised she was not experiencing the sexual development a woman should and a doctor eventually told her she was a man... still is a man actually. That's probably why she beat the shit out of all the female skiers lol.

With plants it is an evolutionary trick because it costs far less energy for a plant to produce pollen than fruit so if it is stressed, putting out pollen is a good way for it to propagate its genes in circumstances where seed production may not be permitted.

Sorry if any of that has already been said, I skimmed through the thread so may have missed bits.