New Grower Male and Female Is it predetermened in the genes.

Is seed sex predetermined by genetics?

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I will be growing his Super Cali Haze outside again this year. Last year 3 of the 5 I grew were all the same. One got stolen, one was smaller and the rest yielded well.

i know nelsons quote here is old but honestly this is how the VAST majority of Stitch's lineup is. the genetics are WILD. like i mean super wild pheno selections and not in a good way at all..... which is why i no longer support his breeds.
meh i have leftover beans from that strain..... i got 3 different phenos height wise and the yield was garbage.....
So far in my short growing experience that i have, i to have noticed wild pheno's with this breeder and somehow i always get stuck with dwarfs! I have had a few that jumped up quite a bit
I liked the yield I got. It was the most I ever got from an auto. Oh well you can never tell. Have you grown any others of the super types? You can all weigh in on this one. I would like to hear everyones opinions on the supers you all have grown.

meh i have leftover beans from that strain..... i got 3 different phenos height wise and the yield was garbage.....
From reading around harsh enviroments low nitrogen and other things can influence more maoes in a population. Theory behind it is more males ensure pollination of females. Never seen a true test of it with large populations of seeds and statistical measurements.
ive read around the 3rd week of veg is the important time, any stress here will increase chances of males.

keeping high nitrogen, cool temps and correct ph around this time is supposed to help alot.
i have no experience myself but it makes sense in my head, cooler temps in spring meaning more time to grow allowing females proper time rather than the speedier males who would do fine if they germed later or under more stress.

anyway just guesswork and second hand info but its not a harmful idea keeping them in good conditions and seems to make sense.
I really have never seen any difference between any of this stuff affecting the ratio much. It really needs a more scientific study whanging factors one at a time. Maybe 20 identical seedlings everythingthe same until they reach puberty half given high nitrogen the other half a balanced fertilizer. Every other factor checked in the same way. Until that is done by someone it just sounds to me like conjecture to me.

I got 3 identical totes going that all have the same lighting, temperature and nuits. At the present time I am doing a check on nuit levels to find the ideal groth nuit levels using the same fertilizer type. I keep one at 300 PPM, one at 500 PPM and one at 700 PPM. I will not if that makes any difference in male / female ratios. What I am really checking is which gives the best groth so I ammeasuring each plant to see how big it is as it6 shows sex. The nice thing about having three totes exactly the same is that it gives me some comparison diffent aspect test ground. Maybe after this test I will check something else on the next start up. I am for sure doing different nuits is the three totes to check out nuit types. All of this is to help me dial in my start up for best results. I don't mind sharing the results with the site. I always say that I have no green thumb but I am a good researcher.

ive read around the 3rd week of veg is the important time, any stress here will increase chances of males.

keeping high nitrogen, cool temps and correct ph around this time is supposed to help alot.
i have no experience myself but it makes sense in my head, cooler temps in spring meaning more time to grow allowing females proper time rather than the speedier males who would do fine if they germed later or under more stress.

anyway just guesswork and second hand info but its not a harmful idea keeping them in good conditions and seems to make sense.
From reading around harsh enviroments low nitrogen and other things can influence more maoes in a population. Theory behind it is more males ensure pollination of females. Never seen a true test of it with large populations of seeds and statistical measurements.

ACV, a true test is your own test. DP done some, hitman says he done some, I don't expect to see a research like this make headlines in BBC or wherever. Even if it did people would still argue haha. Personally I see no point not to try to germ more females than males in my next batch. Everything is an experiment right? Whatever seems to work for you is what works for you :D
ACV, a true test is your own test. DP done some, hitman says he done some, I don't expect to see a research like this make headlines in BBC or wherever. Even if it did people would still argue haha. Personally I see no point not to try to germ more females than males in my next batch. Everything is an experiment right? Whatever seems to work for you is what works for you :D

What aspect would you try to make more females? Temperature or maybe nitrogen. It is funny that everyone offering advice and no one puts any numbers on there advice. How much is hisgh Nirogen 20-10-10 for instance is that high. How many PPM. what temperature would you shoot for. I hate advice with no numbers. I will just stick to the way I do it until there is some research until then I will just treat it as opinion.

One thing for sure I gotta agree with you on. It is our own grow and we will do it our own way. Right on. Best of luck.
:dance:I beleave that once the seed is mature it cant be changed.What ever gene male or female thats inside and is fully formed that is what it will turn into .Next thing you know you will say once a human baby is in the womb we can change the sex by rubbing axle grease on the mothers stomach.