New Grower Male and Female Is it predetermened in the genes.

Is seed sex predetermined by genetics?

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and then you are using these males for breeding?
Yes I do. If out of the remaining seeds I happen to get a male I isolate him the same way but so far about 75% of those males that are in with all the females start male but become hermaphrodites. I posted a picture of a male plant that turned. It got little to no attention. I thought it was special because it was a fulk blown male and then went female. Now I don't view it as special because of the number of them that I get. So the methods I use are very close to producing better ratios than the so called guaranteed feminized seeds. Its nothing major. I'm not looking for praise or anythingike that and other than the results I just showed I have no other proof. That's just the way it is for me.
sounds stressfull what your doing to those young plants? Stress leads to herms. A male to female herm should be a very rare occurance, but you see them all the time?

Can you repost your picture?
The stress is in my opinion what causes the males to begin with. The females or what's left are cared for as good or better than most. That to me proves the statement or answers the question rather of whether environmental impact has any bearing on the sexual determination. Yes..what I do to that very first plant is stressful. What I do with the rest is not. I actually feel there are more people on here that induce more stress on a greater level and don't have as good a result. Some go to the utmost care to baby their plants. Others run 20+hour light schedules that I don't agree with. Some don't feed during vegetation. We all have methods that another might not like or that another might frown on.

As for the picture its here on the site somewhere within its own post. Yes I'm aware its a rarity or thought it was at the time but after seeing as many as I have I can partially understand the reaction I got from everyone. some looked. Don't think anyone posted. So I took that to mean it happens all the time.

Here's something else for ya to ponder. I had some clones started. Running 20 hours on. I started some photo seeds. One of those a De
Sjamaan Widow Skunk sexed in 23 days from seed. Yeah I know photos are suppose to sex under 12 hours and all that but the little feller did it anyway. I double and triple checked to make sure I hadn't messed up a label but that's what happened. Luckily for me I just had run out of room in the other area it there could have been more.

When I have another male go hermie ill post the pictures again.

Here is the post. Since that time I've had at least 5 more that I can remember off the top of my head. I even let one of them self pollinate but then worried about whether I'd mix them up so I cut him down. One thing you must keep in mind is that we just had a big uproar about lighting schedules. I said long light schedules creates more males and hermies. It was argued. I still say that long light schedules and color are a major co tributor to the sex of the plant. Why those particular males went hermie? Not sure for certain but I wonder whether the ruderalis genes have influence on it. None of my photo plants do it. And I've grown thousands upon thousands. I've only had 3 females in my lifetime go hermie. They had good reason though. But all these males doing it I'm not sure. There's no airflow but they get vented at least 3 times a day. They're only under 52 w of cfl at that and why the hermies are only the ones in the later groups who knows.
I just thought of this but maybe it'll make things a little clearer for some. I give you 10 seeds and a piece of paper. On the paper it says germinate the seeds with no light. Upon sprouting place them under no more than 100 watts of cool white cfl. Them upon moving them place them under metal halide or cool white cfl. Provide a light feeding on day 7 another at days 10,14,17 and 21. Maintain a temperature of 72-75 degrees make more or less a mini greenhouse to keep the humidity up and finally never ever run your lights more than 18 hours a day.

The other option that all your friends say to do is this. Run them under the highest wattage hps ya can get from the start. Keep the lights on them at least 20 hours a day. Keep them dry. just get a fan to cool it down and finally don't feed them anything until they bloom. Which pounds more stressful? Odds are ya said the second one. And its for those very reasons most are gonna get low ratios and are actually causing more stress on a greater level.

By the time those "male" plants are sexing they are tough. In fact it might be in part to the lower light that causes it. Ill check that out for ya. My thinking is that the plant has a built in program that says it has to make sure it has babies and in the manner I have mine seperated you have a better chance of robbing ft knox than my plants do of pollination. Its an oddity but not due to extreme stress.
I think about it everyday and try to come up with explanations for some of the stuff but most of it is just divine. There's no plausible explanation for it. It just happens.
Thanks Hitman. I keep thinking I should take down the poll but it seems just as I do someone new weighs in. I don't know if I am with you on the divine thing. I am more the type that imagines Mother Nature in a short skirt with nice legs. To each his own but I do still marvel at nature and don
t pronounce that I have inside knowledge on the divine.
hell I don't either bro. the only conclusion I have for it is that sex can be determined and appears most likely to be determined by the environment. I have deduced by process of Elimination the hermie thing is a genetic mutation for asexualality. Why one does it and the one next to it doesn't is anyones guess. Just answered a question in another thread that's basically the same situation.

As for removing the poll I'd ask that you didn't. If I were on the losing side I might. :) but that poll and the information contained in this thread while some is just speculation provides a base that people can see and try to understand. That's why were here I would hope. If I were growing simply for bragging rights and yields I'd certainly not be on the internet trying to learn and see other peoples perspectives.
I will leave it up until a month goes by without a responce and then I will take it down.

hell I don't either bro. the only conclusion I have for it is that sex can be determined and appears most likely to be determined by the environment. I have deduced by process of Elimination the hermie thing is a genetic mutation for asexualality. Why one does it and the one next to it doesn't is anyones guess. Just answered a question in another thread that's basically the same situation.

As for removing the poll I'd ask that you didn't. If I were on the losing side I might. :) but that poll and the information contained in this thread while some is just speculation provides a base that people can see and try to understand. That's why were here I would hope. If I were growing simply for bragging rights and yields I'd certainly not be on the internet trying to learn and see other peoples perspectives.
The other option that all your friends say to do is this. .

Was this directed at me? are you speaking of my AFN Friends list?

I didnt vote because, I am on the fence. Thats why I ask questions... If there was an undecided box I would of checked that. I never run more than 18hrs, I never starve plants and I have many many many grows of purposely stressing plants...but for a whole different reason. I find what your saying very interesting on a scientific level, the fact that it is nothing that I will ever try has nothing to do with this discussion.
The question posed about which method was most stressful was directed to you. The statement concerning friends is hypothetical. There are many different views on lighting methods, feeding methods, etc ...I don't believe you could do a survey on here asking everyone to outline their grow methods and get 2 identical. Yeah what I stated has some scientific interest but I've pondered it too long. There's no reasonable explanation for the hermie thing except it being an asexual chromosome issue with the Ruderalis species. As for the percentage of females I get just chalk that up to mfn damn good luck or believe the dp article. As for you being on the fence, no worries, my guns are put up and this isn't a war. You asked a question I tried to answer it to the best of my ability. I have no quarrels with someone asking questions. So keep asking. The deal with this stuff though is that the questions will really only get ya so far. A lot of it has to do with a lot of testing ideas. Take me for example. I grew years ago when growing was not a science like it is today. So I learned by doing. When I came back I thought I knew how to grow and for the major portion of marijuana I do. My plants don't die. They don't often get sick but there some intricacies that could be improved. Autos were a totally new ballgame especially considering where their status is today. They are relatively new and I'm new to them. So I try to learn as much as I can about them although I don't ask too many questions. I just see what someone does or see what they say and try it. If it works yay if it doesn't I figure out why. Jems..everyone has them now. I used my methods I mentioned before and I got my breeding male. He did very good. Most were having good luck with them I on the other hand could get them to crack and start root but never break the surface. I did get one through but I watered with the wrong bottle and didn't realize it for a couple days. By then it was a little late and lost it. But I was determined enough to make site I got one out of the ground. I saw what wiz said and looked at asis grow and oui lah 2 days later I have a jem sprout. The reason I told this was nothing personal to you cres. I told it so people like you that have questions can look at it and say hey wth in gonna try what he says and see if I can't make it work. That's the real science of this. Opinions mean very little but hands on advice is priceless. No matter how ya decide to grow this is the best place to start learning.