New Grower Male and Female Is it predetermened in the genes.

Is seed sex predetermined by genetics?

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You know I am going to try 3 plants all clones that I leaf fairly well against 3 other clones I just leave alone next year just to access the production of all of threm

If I have a chance I would also like to try seeds following the advice in your post against the way I usually do it which just in Jiffy cubes on a sunny window ledge. I think that would be fun to see if my 50/50 ratio i get on the window sill could be improved. I could start 20 each way cause i need a lot of plants for my SOG bubbly tank and I could do this test after Christmas.

I just expect 50/50 any more is a bonus but i slaped that up there just if anyone wants to try it
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By 'male' do we mean a plant with x/y cromosome make up as opposed to x/x, or do we mean a plant that produces only male flowers and pollen?

If the former, then would it not definitely be the genetics that determine what a plant is. Am I right in thinking the x/y or x/x thing is determined at conception and can't be changed by environmental factors?.

If, however, we take 'male' to mean a plant that shows all male-type macro characteristics, then it seems less clear that those attributes are always pre-determined based on whether the plant is x/y or x/x. We all have experience or have heard anecdotes about the capacity of cannabis to hermie. Could a scenario exist where a x/x plant goes 100% over to the male-type form due to high levels of stress before flowering?

I guess the only way to really find out would be to analyze millions of 'male' type mature plants and see if any of them have a x/x chomosome structure.

Or an I just being a drooling stoner? I did just fire one up before I thought about this.
That is so exactly the crux of the question. we don't know what the chromosmes are so we are trying to guess what the genetics of seeds really are. Are they formed as the seed is created or is sex determined later by external conditions. In all the discussions with growers that I have had no group has ever agreed en mass. I actually find they split about even one way or another. You can't be a stoner and sit on the fence. You gotta pick one or the other and have your vote counted.

By 'male' do we mean a plant with x/y cromosome make up as opposed to x/x, or do we mean a plant that produces only male flowers and pollen? ...
...Or an I just being a drooling stoner? I did just fire one up before I thought about this.
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I believe the sex is predetermined and won't be influenced by environmental factors. I've tried several of the methods mentioned in the strawdawg article and have not seen a difference in the ratio.
I was curious which side you would come in on. well you make it 4-3 for the 50/50 crowd.

I believe the sex is predetermined and won't be influenced by environmental factors. I've tried several of the methods mentioned in the strawdawg article and have not seen a difference in the ratio.
You should add a poll to this thread and let people vote.
I like that idea but I don't know how to do it. You are welcome to mess withh it for me. Just keep the 4/3 in favour of 50/50 so the first voters are not left out.

You should add a poll to this thread and let people vote.
How's that? I can't add more than just my vote so the members that have already expressed a preference will need to vote themselves.
I did have a seed soak that claimed it increased females I never tried it but sold it on before using it
If they have to vote again to have their vote registered I guess I can PM them and get them to do that so go ahead and change it for me Muddy. Thanks

How's that? I can't add more than just my vote so the members that have already expressed a preference will need to vote themselves.