New Grower Male and Female Is it predetermened in the genes.

Is seed sex predetermined by genetics?

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Just to clarify that wasn't meant as a criticism of the poll, but just to explain my position on the matter.

I think light would be the most influencing factor but it would be very hard to compare those variable because they obviously can't be measured on the same scale, so you would have to do it by analysing the comparative stress on the plant caused by that the change in that variable and that is a very difficult thing to quantify and observe completely. Indeed you would only change one at a time and you should really use clones, so that rules out autos and you would really need to do it with a lot of plants to get any solid data. This is not to say it is undoable, just very tricky.
Not to worry I got thick skin and I hardly ever get offended by anything. I'm a little bit sensitive when I get depressed with the loss of light in December and January but other than that people can give my criticism until the cows come home. Always glad when people post on my threads.

Just to clarify that wasn't meant as a criticism of the poll, but just to explain my position on the matter.

I think light would be the most influencing factor but it would be very hard to compare those variable because they obviously can't be measured on the same scale, so you would have to do it by analysing the comparative stress on the plant caused by that the change in that variable and that is a very difficult thing to quantify and observe completely. Indeed you would only change one at a time and you should really use clones, so that rules out autos and you would really need to do it with a lot of plants to get any solid data. This is not to say it is undoable, just very tricky.
Glad to hear it bro and I must say people on this forum are a lot less sensitive and argumentative than on others I used to frequent. Every thread on roll it up turns into some kind of deranged argument, whereas people just try and help and share info here. It's brilliant lol.
Yeah I feel the same way about this site. I never worry about what I say and I hardly ever offend anyone. At least they don;t tell me if I do. they feel free to yank your chain cause they know it will be taken well.

Glad to hear it bro and I must say people on this forum are a lot less sensitive and argumentative than on others I used to frequent. Every thread on roll it up turns into some kind of deranged argument, whereas people just try and help and share info here. It's brilliant lol.
Great site for sure. Debates remaining debates or discussions!

Seeds ship soon or already have so ill still have 11-12 wks to make beans. Ill amend some areas and try to keep the difference light exposure. Fill holes with a mix. Mix it up and let it sit over winter and haul it out. Im not doing anything crazy so the population wont be to large.

How much do you think the difference in season will make? Last crop getting fall light/sun vs spring and summer
As far as male and female go I'm betting there won't be any difference between Spring and Fall light. I'm not betting very much.

Great site for sure. Debates remaining debates or discussions!

Seeds ship soon or already have so ill still have 11-12 wks to make beans. Ill amend some areas and try to keep the difference light exposure. Fill holes with a mix. Mix it up and let it sit over winter and haul it out. Im not doing anything crazy so the population wont be to large.

How much do you think the difference in season will make? Last crop getting fall light/sun vs spring and summer
All I know is from my own expierences. Most mj plants will be male if started then grown in adverse conditions. Such as low light(main cause) and bad ph. I have before taken cuttings from a single plant, rooted them, then all but one were placed in good areas. The one I would put in the shade, no direct light, and keep it in a pot way to small. It would throw pollen most times.
I'm not sure what you are saying. Are you saying if you clone off of a female plant and grow it in low loght it will turn male and produce pollen. Will it then produce male and female plants from the pollen it produces?

All I know is from my own expierences. Most mj plants will be male if started then grown in adverse conditions. Such as low light(main cause) and bad ph. I have before taken cuttings from a single plant, rooted them, then all but one were placed in good areas. The one I would put in the shade, no direct light, and keep it in a pot way to small. It would throw pollen most times.
That I wondered also, if they were all fems. I always started them in mass, and did not know which seed came from what plant.Yes, that is what I was saying. Take a fem photo to clone. Have done that in the past before there was products avilable to do that so easy. Now I use Tiresias Mist. This year it worked after only 4 applications. That pollen will make feminized seeds. Hope this helps.
I personally don't do it the way you do cause I think doing it that way leads to hemaphrodites. I use silver collodial compound to make the female grow male parts. I don't want the plants to change by stress if I can help it and prefer t5o use plants that don't react to stress. All the plants I get off of the pollen from this method I use are females.

That I wondered also, if they were all fems. I always started them in mass, and did not know which seed came from what plant.Yes, that is what I was saying. Take a fem photo to clone. Have done that in the past before there was products avilable to do that so easy. Now I use Tiresias Mist. This year it worked after only 4 applications. That pollen will make feminized seeds. Hope this helps.