Extraction Magical Butter Machine

So glad to see there is a Magical Butter Thread going! I just got mine and have already made some butter and tincture. Any thoughts about going another cycle with a tincture. What I mean is I made the tincture with the following ratio of 7 grams of bud to 1 cup of everclear. It's kind of weak I think as it takes about a table spoon under the tongue to notice any effect. That's super hard to do because of the burn. I'd like to get it down to just using some drops under the tongue so I'd like to take the tincture I already made and add some more decarbed bud to it and go for another cycle. Thoughts?
So glad to see there is a Magical Butter Thread going! I just got mine and have already made some butter and tincture. Any thoughts about going another cycle with a tincture. What I mean is I made the tincture with the following ratio of 7 grams of bud to 1 cup of everclear. It's kind of weak I think as it takes about a table spoon under the tongue to notice any effect. That's super hard to do because of the burn. I'd like to get it down to just using some drops under the tongue so I'd like to take the tincture I already made and add some more decarbed bud to it and go for another cycle. Thoughts?

Can u make a super strong batch and mix the two together? I haven't made this yet. I always use the max strength recipe
Can u make a super strong batch and mix the two together? I haven't made this yet. I always use the max strength recipe
I thought about doing that too. I wrote MB and email to ask if they though I could rerun it. My arm chair scientist mind thinks there should be nothing wrong with doing it.

I think once I decided what to do and have a strong batch, I'm going to reduce it in a crock pot to burn some of the alcohol off. Then use that as a base and in tincture bottles mix in some extracts to add flavor and further reduce burning alcohol effects. Maybe use these.

Amazon product
I thought about doing that too. I wrote MB and email to ask if they though I could rerun it. My arm chair scientist mind thinks there should be nothing wrong with doing it.

I think once I decided what to do and have a strong batch, I'm going to reduce it in a crock pot to burn some of the alcohol off. Then use that as a base and in tincture bottles mix in some extracts to add flavor and further reduce burning alcohol effects. Maybe use these.

Amazon product

Any food frade would work well. I thought of just mixing it with juice to reduce the burn
Any food frade would work well. I thought of just mixing it with juice to reduce the burn
Are you thinking juice that you will eventually drink as opposed to taking under the tongue? I recently learned from watching a bunch of videos and googling tincture article that taking the drops under the tongue (sublingually) brings on the effects faster (diffused into the blood through tissues under the tongue) as opposed to swallowing which could take up to 2 hours to take effect as that route to your bloodstream is through your stomach and liver.
I made the vg tincture. But no lecthin in it. It works, seems slow. I wasn't thinking when i mentioned juice. Removing the eth will concentrate it significantly!
Has anyone ever done a glycerin tincture in one of these? its what i want to try next.
Not sure if you got any responses, just came across this lol. I have a mbm2 only made 1 batch of butter so far, but going to do a vegetable glycerin tincture when I harvest at the end of the month. Never tried a tincture before so should be fun. The butter is awesome! I seriously recommend this to anyone that wants to make edibles or tincture. MAKE SURE YOU DECARB YOUR BUD!!!!!!!!! It does not decarb, I heard some people say it does so I emailed the maker and he said it does not. For anyone out there new to the mbm2. There is a few different companies that make a machine just like it. I got mine from Magical Butter because the warranty is only cover if you buy from them. They also had a facebook code which knocked of like $35. You can get it on Amazon but voids the warranty. I use a silicone mold for the butter, 10 cubes equals 1/2 cup. Let me know if your need a review of a vegetable tincture, should have some in May.

Just saw post on VG tincuture... guess you got your answer lol.
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Post anything here you want about the machine. Their recipes online,are great. The chocolate chip cookie recipe is wicked. Wish i wasn't afraid to try gummies
Can u make a super strong batch and mix the two together? I haven't made this yet. I always use the max strength recipe
I see no reason you can't rerun it.
When you reduce the alcohol off, you will be left wi th a sticky mess...hard to dose. you can mix it with a carrier oil & some lecithin. Then you can draw it up through a syringe or pippette, for sublingual.

I don't decarb for butter. It has a noticeable difference in taste, but like eating green vegetables, there are health benefits in the clorophyll.
I went to the THC Fair in Salem OR yesterday, pretty cool. Lots of pipes, grow products etc.
And one vendor was selling the MB2e for $149. Spoke with the gal for a good bit. Her primary product for sale were her edibles, really good choco chip cookies.
She was selling the MBM because that's all she uses for her butter for her edibles.

I've beat the decarb thing to death, here and elsewhere on the interwebs. Deep Sigh.
Anyhoo, spoke with her regarding decarb. She swears the decarb is taken care of while making the butter. OK.
Spoke with another vendor selling creams, salves and tinctures.
Said she is an organic chemist, has access to test equipment and swears that 180 to 190 for 1 hour in an oven achieves perfect decarb.

Saw @Ozone69 's post, and I'm that close to buying an MBM.
I like tinctures and was wondering about the overall experience you current owners are having with the MBM and tinctures. Is this the way to go for a simple-minded old fart?