Alrighty then. I decided to go ahead and replant 2 of the original grow batch into new un-amended organic soil.
"Ladybug brand-Vortex" -company description is organic compost, mineral sand, expanded shale, perlite, & Biozome.
I picked the Lowryder mint which is pretty close to dead and the micromini White Jem which has lifted her skirt and shown me that she as her lovely lady parts.
The Auto Assasin and the Lowberry are on there own to either live or die in the soil they are in as I wanted some comparison to see if replanting the others really did any good or not.
Keep in mind I left the tranplanted plants in their party cups ala the tiered grow method. The party cups have no nutes added.
Their were some feeder roots in the amended soil but not a whole bunch, some of them broke off as I transplnated them but not a bunch.
I have also tiered a 60DayWonder and a new Lowberry that have been above ground for roughly 7 days into the same un-amended organic soil mix. Those were started in the party cups with Thompson & Morgan Seed Starter as the medium.
SO, my question is, since the soil has no nutritional amendments, How soon & how often should I give nutes?
I know I should go very light when I start. But when should I start?
I am guessing on the newly hatched 2 I need two wait at least another week may be two.
And with the stunted plants ????