yeah, Beats the shit out of me! That is how I feel. Frustrated, not ready to throw my blackstar into the gulf, but still, pretty frustrated.
I grew plants when I was young next to ditches in dusty crap for soil, neglected them and still got faster growing plants than this!
The pictures you see in the post above pretty accurately reflect what the plants still look like, F-ing MICROSCOPIC! :cry:
Seriously the leaves are so ridiculously small I need a magnifying glass to tell what is going on.
The original grow is just putting on tiny little leaves on top of tiny little leaves, no streching or upward growth, no leaf size increase beyond tiny.
Soil ph in all pots is measuring at 6.8 with just a hair above that in two pots.
Watering with spring water that ph measures 5.8 mixed with tap water to bring ph to 6.3- 6.8.
Runoff water ph is about 7 which is sort of odd to me considering the afore mentioned parameters.
Another one of the lowryder mints went male, again the leaves & male parts were so small I could not see them well enough without magnification to tell for sure that it was a male, so I just put him on the porch to sort of see what would happen. It is so small no-one is likely to even know what it is.
So what happens? It starts to grow taller, noticebly taller than the other plants in two days! WTF, my BlackStar 240 led isn't good enough?
Does anyone have a clue as to what is going on with them?
I germed a 60DayWonder, a Lowberry, and a Thunder Bloody Mary in Thompson & Morgan Seed Starter. They are looking like seedlings should at this point with the TBM about a week behind. I am curious to see what they will look like in a few weeks.