Thanks for weighing in JM & Savoy.
There is definitely nute burn on the AA as it did not have tip burn until I put the party cup in the soil mix, but the others were looking wimpy before they were tiered except the WJ, which seems to have good color but seems tiny to me (as they all do)
I just want to be clear about the ph issue so I get it right.
The party cups was about 6.6 when the seedlings were planted, don't know what it is now because I don't want mess up any roots with the huge probe I have for measuring soil ph.
The party cups were not tiered into the mixed soil until 10/20 at which point the the 3 Lowryder Mints, the Lowberry had been seedlings for 14 days and the Auto Assassin & White Jem had been seedlings for about 12 days.
The mixed soil tested today @ 6.2 in the LM3 & WJ pots and tested @ 5.8 in the others.
The bottled water I have been using has been testing @ 5.5 pretty consistently with one low of 5.0 and a few higher @ 6.5.
So ideally I want my soil ph AND my H20 ph to be in the sweet spot of 6.3-6-5 give or take a few .1's? Correct?
Given my tiered potting setup what would you suggest to get my soil back into range without too much more shock.
And our tap water runs a very steady ph of 7.2, even after it has been aged & aerated for several days.
Should mixing the bottled water and the aged tap to get a good ph work?
I would prefer not to get ph buffers if I don't have to, but if I need to I can.