New Grower Low Stress Training Guide : Descriptions and Pictures

I have had great luck LST'ing my last plant.. did 2 side by side non lst plant dry yield 64 grams.. LST'd plant 94 grams dry.. both were autos grown in same pots under same lights/nutes/and on and on and on
awesome guide mate. im glad you took the time to do it. just wish id read this before creating my drastically untameable bush lol. popping a gorilla glue just now and got a bb there if it doesnt work. i will be following this guide as closely as i can. lovely symmetrical plant there. ill post a couple pics once its under way : )
Thank you very much for this post. I am currently doing a first grow in a 24"x24" space. I knew about LST but didn't use it this extensively mainly because I first wanted to see how the plants actually grow. I'll be harvesting in about two weeks, is my estimate and am already planning my next grow. That's the one I will be putting theory into practice, including this thread! Thanks again.
Wow, this is a great thread! Excellent work, I've been trying to learn this but still don't have it down and I think I started too late. How was the smoke?
Do some auto's just vegot bigger than others before going into flowering or am I just a crap grower so far ???

Pete :greenthumb:
Thats what autos do.... some are small some are big .... your growing skill can affect that but they arent like photos they have a preset time the veg in theor dna