New Grower Low Stress Training Guide : Descriptions and Pictures

Hi @A-Train hope you dont mind me posting a couple of pics of my LST just thought it would help people see other peoples LST in action.this girl was LST'd yesterday and also about 4 leaves were removed and less than 12 hours later all colas are upright getting those rays


Great thread wish you done this sooner my lady is 7 weeks old today I started lst her on week 3 she's doing fine but has loads of pop corn buds will it be ok to remove them this far into flower or will I stress her out and lose yield
Can any one give me some advice before I go scissor happy lol
Well here is my girl just 24hrs after her bondage session and looking perfect,LST really does help with i have 11 tops and more will grow through soon,i have also included a picture of what i use on the little side branches to keep them even with canopy they are called BENDZ you can pick them up from fleabay they are great for lst suppercropping


@A-Train Thank you so much for that detailed journal. LST was something I had many questions about and your pictures answered quite a few questions. I was wondering how the plants did with training wires, where to place the wires and how often to make adjustments - all answered! I will be re-referencing this journal again this summer for sure!
I also was happy to find an LST thread! Thanks A train!! I did some ponytails, cuz I figure they're training wheels for me too! I think I'll give this a shot next go! Thanks for the info! Looked great!!!
Thanks A-Train, will defo be coming back to this thread to work with my girls
Thid currently being my first grow, this is exactly what I need
Im glad you all got something from it. Never be afraid to ask ??? Or p.m me anytime