Outdoor london back garden grow

100% germination :cooldance: Off to a good start! It always pays to be patient with seeds and give them a chance as some of them can take their time.
The tallest seedling looks to be stretching a little so you could lower the light a bit to prevent it getting too lanky. Not too close though, as you don't want to burn it, so lower it a couple of inches and then keep your eye on the seedling and the temps. If the seedling stretches again afterwards, repeat the process.
100% germination :cooldance: Off to a good start! It always pays to be patient with seeds and give them a chance as some of them can take their time.
The tallest seedling looks to be stretching a little so you could lower the light a bit to prevent it getting too lanky. Not too close though, as you don't want to burn it, so lower it a couple of inches and then keep your eye on the seedling and the temps. If the seedling stretches again afterwards, repeat the process.
nice one, sir pathway! have done this. I had a root coming out of the bottom of that tall one so as a preventative measure, I've transferred them all into small pots. I also buried the tall one a little deeper to take the height off her a bit. i havent a clue whether that's the right thing to do but it felt like it at the time! thanks again for the advice. mucho appreciated.
No probs knocker:jointman: It sounds like they were ready for potting up if you had roots coming out of the jiffy. Burying the seedling should be ok as long as it's not too deep. I tend to leave them unless they're really tall and falling over, just be careful not to overwater to avoid damping off.
No probs knocker:jointman: It sounds like they were ready for potting up if you had roots coming out of the jiffy. Burying the seedling should be ok as long as it's not too deep. I tend to leave them unless they're really tall and falling over, just be careful not to overwater to avoid damping off.
cheers mr p! it's mad how much we fret over this stuff! I was looking this morning and thinking to myself 'those leaves are too small!" 'is it too cold?' 'do they need some nutes?' - in the end it's worth it though!

have a good day mon ami. cheers, KP.
Thursday (day 4) update. - What do the panel think? Should I be lowering that light again? Do these seem like they're stretching or do they look alright?
time to load up the next batch. i've gone with DP auto brooklyn sunrise as i like a nice sativa high and i saw the don of dons, Tang growing some and fancied me a little bit of that! I've also pre soaked them for an hour in bca xseed. whether this will make the slightest bit of difference remains to be seen.. I've then popped them into some jiffy pucks - i'm swerving the kitchen towel and seeing how they do straight into the a little peat grow pack. eyes down for a full house!


Hey dude, I don't have too much experience as I'm on my first grow but they look fine, the same as mine at that stage