Day 16 for the Think Diffs. They're still outside in the cold and damp shivering their little green arses off. So much rain yesterday but fortunately they were protected by the little plazzy greenhouse i've got set up. Ironically - I gave them a watering this morning. I used a soil meter that said they were quite dry so I gave them each 750ml of ph'd water with a wee bit of Formulex in. - i dropped 5ml into a 2ltr bottle. dont want them to get burnt again but neither do i want them not to be getting the nutes they might need to grow up into huge beanstalk motherfuckers. - yeah, like that's gonna happen. Fast forward to start of august when I'm sitting atop a haul of 0.25g wet. Tony MonfuckingTana right here!

Auto Brooklyn Sunshines are still laughing their heads off in the propagator underneath the secret jardin 26w veg light. They're at Day 10 and quite frankly are looking as smug as fuck at not being outside in the BBS (Bullshit British Summer) I'm also germing a couple of Dinafem Cheese autos for a mate. Picked up the Peat Free Jiffy Plugs. Ooh, I dont like them very much. was worried about overwatering - the last lot of peet ones i had waterlogged really easily but these bastard rascals are - to quote an old Chubby Brown line 'dryer than a nun's crotch' So I don't know whether I've mashed them. Time will tell!

The great British (or should that be Shitish) weather continues to offer little in the way of encouragement to these poor little blighters. 18 Days since sprouting - and incidentally, do you count sprout as when the root tail pops out or when it breaks ground in the pot and you get a first glimpse at the cotyleons?

Am worried that the low temps - daytime 50's (and lower nights) are arresting their development. still, what can you do? Get a tent and a couple of GN' 1's I hear you cry! Yes, that's deffo for later on in the year in the meantime, here's todays pics.
Stage 2 begins. Had three sweet little DP Auto Brooklyn Sunrise seedings in the propagator washing their faces nicely. After a quick check today, saw that the leaves were almost covering the width of the pot and that the roots were a pokin and a peepin through the bottom so made the transfer to the 12ltr root pouches. Am still mightily vexed about the piss poor weather so not mad keen to sling em outside just yet - thought i'd continue them under my canny little Secret Jardin 26w led to veg em up - think it's been alright up to now so am happy to continue for a bit.

Stage 3 - picked up some dinafem auto cheese for a mate. he only wanted 3 but the store only had a pack of 5 so i split em - ended up with 6 in the bag so we had 3 each. picked up some jiffy plugs to do them in and by mistake ended up with the peat free ones. Jesus, they were the consistency of arthur scargill's hair (god bless you, arthur) - never again. the poor little blighters looked as though they'd gone 10 rounds with the mother in law. Jeez. So, my hopes for them aint great - still, i got 3 think diffs and 3 auto brooklyn sunrisers so i don't want to be too greedy.....

finally rigged up a little new home for them in the loft. they look happy there!


ABS.jpg bananarama.jpg abs new home.jpg
Looking good there....... /me hates to gloat as a Scotsman... but the weather here has been rather brillish rather than shitish, have had to water the girls outdoors as we haven't had rain in ages.... fertilisers all round. Gotto love the jet stream while you can. Lots of sun but cold nights.... the purple pheno hunt continues...

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Looking good there....... /me hates to gloat as a Scotsman... but the weather here has been rather brillish rather than shitish, have had to water the girls outdoors as we haven't had rain in ages.... fertilisers all round. Gotto love the jet stream while you can. Lots of sun but cold nights.... the purple pheno hunt continues...

lucky bastard! we had a decent day yesterday. with more sunshine forecast for this week. it was so nice i even bought the Brooklyyn Sunrisers out of the loft to have a little bit of shot.jpg :jump:
here we go. saturday update. all good. girls x 6 are all living outside now. Think Different is currently at 26 days and Auto Brooklyn Sunshine is a week behind at 20 days though I think I might have introduced the TD's to outdoor life a little bit too early, esp as we were in the middle of a shit weather fest. live and learn. incidentally, though they're a week behind the ABS are pretty much the same size as the TD's. Both sets are looking healthy I think. They seem to be a little pale - any ideas...?

teamshot.jpg TDsat.jpg absat.jpg
optical illusion,outdoors often look lighter than indoors.started feeding grow yet ? formulex is a roots/baby type thing ?
DP abbk if you want purple without pishing about with day/night temp swings.pretty and a mighty fine smoke to.
optical illusion,outdoors often look lighter than indoors.started feeding grow yet ? formulex is a roots/baby type thing ?
DP abbk if you want purple without pishing about with day/night temp swings.pretty and a mighty fine smoke to.
cheers archie - good call on the optical illusion business. they look v healthy maybe not just as green as some of the stuff you see on here. - yes, started giving them biobizz at 2 ml per litre. their guide says 4 ml per litre but i'm just starting off gentle.

nice one on the DP abbk. that's deffo on the list. looks beauty. will keep for more of a nightime i reckon as i do like the daytime buzz off the sativas.

cheers buddy. have a good weekend.
update - think differents are at day 50 and the brooklyn sunrises are at day 44. was bold yesterday and gave them a bit of lollipop. never did it before but they had lots of little straggly bits that seemed not to be pulling their weight! was excited to see them this morning and they seem (fingers crossed) not to have been affected by it. we shall see though eh? read various things where people were saying it's cool/not cool to lollipop when they're in flower.....
